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DotNet版 - question re: .net
.NET 和现在的J2EE相比XPSP2带的.NET Framework 1.1 SP1是怎么回事?
问个初级问题:.NET一般用什么web application framework?[转载] 今天安装了.net framework之后
c# project 防止hacker攻击,大家是用什么framework?哪位大侠指点一下 DOT NET 哪里有下?
MSDN 上的PATTERN 资源2005VS beta问题
版上的各位,我们弄个DESIGN PATTERN学习小组吧?VB.net 问题求助
[FWD]C#4JavaErs - Ch1 - Overview of .NET谁能推荐一些好的书(framework)
安装问题:framework1.0 & 1.1共存?[通知] DotNet 举办投票:你在用什么版本的.NET Framework?
How to compile multiple file using vbc?[合集] [公告] DotNet 版的投票结果
话题: net话题: framework话题: j2ee话题: java话题: struts
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1422
gladly to see magicfat and cang etc here (thought you guys are java person -
seems like that it is a trend that j2ee person needs to know .net :)
involved in some sort of comparison effort between .net and j2ee, would like
your guys help.
questions are:
(1)what is the counter part of custom tag in .net, server control?
(2)I liked tile framework in struts - is there a similar one here?
(3)better yet, is there any equivalent framework such as struts for .net?
(4)how connection pooling is to be imp
发帖数: 692

I believe. no.

【在 w******t 的大作中提到】
: gladly to see magicfat and cang etc here (thought you guys are java person -
: seems like that it is a trend that j2ee person needs to know .net :)
: involved in some sort of comparison effort between .net and j2ee, would like
: your guys help.
: questions are:
: (1)what is the counter part of custom tag in .net, server control?
: (2)I liked tile framework in struts - is there a similar one here?
: (3)better yet, is there any equivalent framework such as struts for .net?
: (4)how connection pooling is to be imp

发帖数: 2416

I have been working on a couple of .net projects(one of them intertwining with
a Java project) in the past year. It's nice to have a change once a while.
User defined control? I mean the .ascx stuff.
Not out of box in the .Net package AFAIK.
Well .net has its built-in framework - one which Martin Fowler calls "a Page
Controller framework".
It's handled under the hood in OLE DB I guess?
That's my impression on .Net, too. I still like Java (_not_ J2EE) from a pure
technical point of view ex

【在 w******t 的大作中提到】
: gladly to see magicfat and cang etc here (thought you guys are java person -
: seems like that it is a trend that j2ee person needs to know .net :)
: involved in some sort of comparison effort between .net and j2ee, would like
: your guys help.
: questions are:
: (1)what is the counter part of custom tag in .net, server control?
: (2)I liked tile framework in struts - is there a similar one here?
: (3)better yet, is there any equivalent framework such as struts for .net?
: (4)how connection pooling is to be imp

发帖数: 1072

UIP application block by M$
Generally you don't need to worry about it. It's handled by the framework

【在 w******t 的大作中提到】
: gladly to see magicfat and cang etc here (thought you guys are java person -
: seems like that it is a trend that j2ee person needs to know .net :)
: involved in some sort of comparison effort between .net and j2ee, would like
: your guys help.
: questions are:
: (1)what is the counter part of custom tag in .net, server control?
: (2)I liked tile framework in struts - is there a similar one here?
: (3)better yet, is there any equivalent framework such as struts for .net?
: (4)how connection pooling is to be imp

发帖数: 1422


【在 k****i 的大作中提到】
: UIP application block by M$
: Generally you don't need to worry about it. It's handled by the framework

1 (共1页)
[合集] [公告] DotNet 版的投票结果版上的各位,我们弄个DESIGN PATTERN学习小组吧?
.NET Framework 3.0 install error[FWD]C#4JavaErs - Ch1 - Overview of .NET
是不是所有版本的Vista都预装了.NET Framework 2.0?安装问题:framework1.0 & 1.1共存?
我不知道.net里大家什么用得做多How to compile multiple file using vbc?
.NET 和现在的J2EE相比XPSP2带的.NET Framework 1.1 SP1是怎么回事?
问个初级问题:.NET一般用什么web application framework?[转载] 今天安装了.net framework之后
c# project 防止hacker攻击,大家是用什么framework?哪位大侠指点一下 DOT NET 哪里有下?
MSDN 上的PATTERN 资源2005VS beta问题
话题: net话题: framework话题: j2ee话题: java话题: struts