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DotNet版 - foxpro and c#
[转载] SQL Standardcrystal report for .net
Re: 又开始认证了SQL 2012 (转载)try this. Re: foxpro and c#
Problem connecting to SQL Server.NET 新手 请教两个弱问题
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ASP.NET和PHPlearning c#
话题: foxpro话题: c#话题: databases话题: connect话题: knowledage
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7933
foxpro and C#
We have some legacy foxpro databases still in use. I need
to connect to these foxpro databases in my C# program. I
have very limited knowledage of foxpro, can someone point
me some resource that I can reference to? basically the
question is how to connect to the foxpro database in c#?
发帖数: 45
as long as you can find corresponding odbc driver or oledb provider, you
should be fine. just google those keywords bah.

【在 k***e 的大作中提到】
: foxpro and C#
: We have some legacy foxpro databases still in use. I need
: to connect to these foxpro databases in my C# program. I
: have very limited knowledage of foxpro, can someone point
: me some resource that I can reference to? basically the
: question is how to connect to the foxpro database in c#?
: thanks.

发帖数: 1422
are you using VS.NET? if yes, and you have experience working with SQL server,
I think you should be able to talk to foxpro by changing your code from
SQLxxxx to ODBCxxxx or OLExxxx, for example SQLConnection to ODBCConnection
etc, and it shall work (connection string can be different though)

【在 s******n 的大作中提到】
: as long as you can find corresponding odbc driver or oledb provider, you
: should be fine. just google those keywords bah.

发帖数: 891
I am working on a similar thing, but I have the luxury of exporting the FP DB
into SQL server.
good luck to both of us : ]

【在 k***e 的大作中提到】
: foxpro and C#
: We have some legacy foxpro databases still in use. I need
: to connect to these foxpro databases in my C# program. I
: have very limited knowledage of foxpro, can someone point
: me some resource that I can reference to? basically the
: question is how to connect to the foxpro database in c#?
: thanks.

1 (共1页)
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[转载] SQL Standardcrystal report for .net
Re: 又开始认证了SQL 2012 (转载)try this. Re: foxpro and c#
Problem connecting to SQL Server.NET 新手 请教两个弱问题
rsArray 为啥写不全?[转载] 看来确实不能从程序里去删Excel Record
话题: foxpro话题: c#话题: databases话题: connect话题: knowledage