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EB23版 - 有人收到过USCIS Survey request吗?
早上收到uscis来函。。。(6 days left) Express your concern about USCIS NOW!!!
USCIS Seeks Your Feedback - Aug 26What does this letter mean?
骂一骂今天的Customer Service RepresentativeUSCIS survey?
NSC又back log了,485仅处理到6月16日的收件账户里说SR已经COMPLETE,为啥我还没收到
【五月EB2第15绿】应该是绿了( EB2),Background Check 6个月面试后485j批了,但是485变成must be reviewed
今天npr说gop要undo 巴马ea淡定个球。赶紧行动吧!
Breaking: 移民局长关于H4 EAD问题的回答下个月Current了,版友可不可以发一个list要做什么事。
话题: survey话题: uscis话题: your话题: customer话题: click
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 387
是不是some kind of spam mail ah? 我还没response.
the surveymonkey.com looks suspicous...
US Citizenship and Immigration Customer Satisfaction Survey - Please Respond

Dear USCIS customer: On behalf of the USCIS Customer Services Directorate,
MorganFranklin Corporation is conducting a customer satisfaction survey. The
objective of this survey is to gather your opinions regarding your
experience using the InfoPass system as well as your most recent visit to a
local USCIS office. Your feedback is the most effective way to improve the
InfoPass system and local office visits, and will be used exclusively for
these purposes. Your response is completely anonymous. The survey consists
of 14 multiple-choice questions and should require no longer than a few
minutes to complete. Once you have completed all survey questions, please
remember to click the Done button to send your responses. To begin, click
on the link below. After completing each page, the Next button will advance
you to the next question. If you need to change an answer, press the
Previous button to return to that screen. We know your time is valuable and
truly appreciate your participation. Thank you very much for helping to
improve USCIS services for not only yourself, but also for others in the
future. To take the survey, click below: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.
aspx?sm=Z73LErQ_2fO_2f7Ln0SyZP9Qaw_3d_3d Please note: If you do not wish to
receive further emails from us, please click the link below, and you will be
automatically removed from our mailing list. https://www.surveymonkey.com/
1 (共1页)
换了雇主的人催USCIS批485会不会引发REF【五月EB2第15绿】应该是绿了( EB2),Background Check 6个月
请问EAD怎么才能加快阿今天npr说gop要undo 巴马ea
service request可以做多次吗?Breaking: 移民局长关于H4 EAD问题的回答
GC Approved. USCIS local office. PD 01/13/2006 Eb2请大家帮忙分析一下第一夫人的奇怪回复!
早上收到uscis来函。。。(6 days left) Express your concern about USCIS NOW!!!
USCIS Seeks Your Feedback - Aug 26What does this letter mean?
骂一骂今天的Customer Service RepresentativeUSCIS survey?
NSC又back log了,485仅处理到6月16日的收件账户里说SR已经COMPLETE,为啥我还没收到
话题: survey话题: uscis话题: your话题: customer话题: click