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EB23版 - HR 3012: Legal Immigration Reform Bill-Eliminate Per Country Limit
3012可能很难得到投票的机会House Talks on Immigration Reform Near Collapse
HR 3012基本过不了Immigration Reform 2013: It's Not Fair to Legal Immigrants Or Americans
H.R.3012又多了一个议员co sponsor收到议员回信
John Boehner: 'Time to deal with' immigration罗富贵co-sponsor HR3012
LEGAL IMMIGRATION SUMMARY有谁来点评下 这个Bill by Rep. Chaffetz. 刚刚提出的。
这不信又悖逆的世代,我在你们这里要到几时,我要忍耐你们到几时呢?三个EB法案: Lofgren's NEW Bill to Fix Visa Backlog
House's bill HR2131 is out today上周给本地议员写信关于3012回复了
话题: rep话题: legal话题: reform话题: smith
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1430
09/23/2011: Two House Congressmen Including Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas
Introduced "Legal" Immigration Reform Bill
Rep. Jason Chaffetz from Utah and Rep. Lamar Smith introduced H.R.3012
yesterday to eliminate the per-country numerical limitation for employment-
based immigrants, to increase the per-country numerical limitation for
family-sponsored immigrants, and other changes. This appears to be a good
gesture for these legislators to highlight their opposition to immigration
reform legalizing undocumented aliens but to welcome legal immigrants. Read
Rep. Chaffetz release of the information. This bill is likely to face stiff
controversy and opposition in both chambers of the nation's legislature.
This Congressman has been closely following and supporting Rep. Lamar Smith'
s recent immigration bills, including the Legal Workforce Act and American
Specialty Agriculture Act. For a news report, please click here.
1 (共1页)
H.R.3012:已有11个cosponsors了LEGAL IMMIGRATION SUMMARY
H.R.3012 [] 立法十四步路已经走完了六步了这不信又悖逆的世代,我在你们这里要到几时,我要忍耐你们到几时呢?
这个提案对EB,亲属移民大利好啊。(附摘要)House's bill HR2131 is out today
3012可能很难得到投票的机会House Talks on Immigration Reform Near Collapse
HR 3012基本过不了Immigration Reform 2013: It's Not Fair to Legal Immigrants Or Americans
H.R.3012又多了一个议员co sponsor收到议员回信
John Boehner: 'Time to deal with' immigration罗富贵co-sponsor HR3012
话题: rep话题: legal话题: reform话题: smith