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EB23版 - 律师事务所要Hold我的 I-140 approve of Notice,这正常吗?
140 批了,想换工作,拿不到approve notice 怎么办I-140已批,但已经跟律师和HR确认公司不给notice copy,已经开始转H1B了,怎么办?
请问140批下来之后如果跳槽原公司还可能撤销140吗140 approval notice 是不是等同 approved 140 表
公司律师不给140 copy怎么办?先换工作在用FOIA要140approval notice可行么
移民法真是太恶心人了据说FOIA没法要到I797 of I140 approval, 该怎么办?
公司不给140copy跳槽有140表批准件行吗?还是必须要有approval notice?
PERM, I140 处理时间为什么公司不肯给I-140的approval notice?
Get I140 and PERM Filesh1b transfer时没有140approval notice,能延长3年吗?
can't believe it!!!公司不肯给140 approval notice。
话题: notice话题: 140话题: original话题: approve话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 367
我觉的奇怪的是我如果要Extend H1B或者Renew Drive License,难道不要Original
Approve of Notice?他们为什么要Keep我的Original I-140 approval Notice.
另外,我比他们还早一天收到一份Original Approve of Notice, 律师事务所写这封信
I am happy to notify you that your I-140 application has been approved by US
CIS. Per agreement, the legal service fee in the amount of $1500 is due upon
your I-140 approval. A copy of the approval notice will be emailed to you
upon receiving the payment. Please send the check to our office at your earl
iest convenience. If there is anything else we could help, please don’t hes
itate to ask.
It is our general practice to keep the original I-140 approval notice, so th
at we can help you file I-485 once your priority date comes current. Accordi
ng to our record, you were born in the Mainland China and your green card ap
plication was filed under EB2 (NIW). If this is correct, the visa number is
not current for you, and we will not be able to file your I-485 adjustment
of status application for you and your foreign born family members.
发帖数: 11048
copy 就够了


【在 c***y 的大作中提到】
: 我觉的奇怪的是我如果要Extend H1B或者Renew Drive License,难道不要Original
: Approve of Notice?他们为什么要Keep我的Original I-140 approval Notice.
: 另外,我比他们还早一天收到一份Original Approve of Notice, 律师事务所写这封信
: 还有
: 什么意义?
: I am happy to notify you that your I-140 application has been approved by US
: CIS. Per agreement, the legal service fee in the amount of $1500 is due upon
: your I-140 approval. A copy of the approval notice will be emailed to you
: upon receiving the payment. Please send the check to our office at your earl
: iest convenience. If there is anything else we could help, please don’t hes

发帖数: 367
oh,我还以为做H1B Renew 或者 Apply Drive License 时要用(我们这里DMV比较变态

【在 i******t 的大作中提到】
: 你要原件干什么呢?
: copy 就够了
: US
: upon
: earl
: hes

发帖数: 4077
我连copy都没有拿到。 company property。

【在 c***y 的大作中提到】
: oh,我还以为做H1B Renew 或者 Apply Drive License 时要用(我们这里DMV比较变态
: )。
: 我和律师事务所都收到原件了,难道大部份人不会收到原件?

发帖数: 1162
The current immigrant system is not protecting labor at all. From PERM
process to I140 process, employers can hide everything and the employees
have no rights to ask or check the application at all. The current
immigration system maximizes the rights and power of the employers and give
no rights to employees.
Now for Indian and Chinese GC applicants, we may have to wait for 4-5 years
before we can submit 485. During these 4-5 years, we are kept in darkness.
We don't know what the employers did and we can be cheated by the employers
easily. This is ridiculous!
Luckily I came to know FOIA process from Indian friends and finally got my
140 application secretly. My company didn't give me any document in the past
4-5 years. This system is designed and used to exploit foreign labor and
has no protection of the employee's interest at all!
It's not a fair system, it's cold blooded, especially for the Chinese and
Indian applicants who have to wait for 4-5 years before the submission of
485. A guy on wenxuecity was cheated and he was kept in darkness for 4-5
years and finally the company told him they didn't do anything for him. He
couldn't do anything to his company, although he was cheated and wasted 4-5
years of his youth.
This system does not protect employee interests at all. It's explicit
exploitation. Sorry for my words. I encourage everybody to use FOIA to check
employer's work. We can't take the risk of being cheated. Here is the form
for FOIA request. It took me six months to get it. I would recommend you to
get it as soon as your 140 is approved.
In section 4 write: A copy of approved I140 and PERM documents.
If you have I140 receipt number, you can list it on the form for their
convenience. If not, they can find it for you.
You will get a CD with more than 30 pages of files. File it as soon as
possible because you need to wait for 6 months.
Let's get united and defeat all these evil employers!

【在 m******t 的大作中提到】
: 我连copy都没有拿到。 company property。
发帖数: 22772
我当年自己收到courtesy copy,从律师那要来了original,后来办EAD附了个
140批了就批了,跑不了,那个original approval notice,真想不出有什么用。
发帖数: 118
renew drive license我用的ead
我貌似也没见过自己的140 approve notice... 从来没想过拿它有什么用
1 (共1页)
公司不肯给140 approval notice。公司不给140copy
公司不肯给140的approval notice copy,怎么办?PERM, I140 处理时间
relink一定要交140的approval notice吗Get I140 and PERM Files
申请H4 EAD,公司不肯给I140咋办?can't believe it!!!
140 批了,想换工作,拿不到approve notice 怎么办I-140已批,但已经跟律师和HR确认公司不给notice copy,已经开始转H1B了,怎么办?
请问140批下来之后如果跳槽原公司还可能撤销140吗140 approval notice 是不是等同 approved 140 表
公司律师不给140 copy怎么办?先换工作在用FOIA要140approval notice可行么
移民法真是太恶心人了据说FOIA没法要到I797 of I140 approval, 该怎么办?
话题: notice话题: 140话题: original话题: approve话题: your