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EB23版 - Year 2012 - Dawn for STEM Immigration
United we stand , divided we fall.senator回信
罗富贵在行动。。。转  移民局“工会”表态反对参院八人帮草案
the new USCIS administration fix linkThe Rank of H.R. 3012 Bill Soared to Number One of the Weekly Top Five Pending Legislative Bills
3012 updates??? H.R. 3012 Update: Still a Legislative ProposalThis week is a Key Week to Pass H.R. 3012 + Irish E-3 Visa Legislation
What can Obama do about immigration without congress?NIU能跟Bloomberg联系上吗?
Obama takes immigration reform off agendaMS的建议很牛啊。
Green-card blues ZZ from Economist弱问为啥民主党反对STEM?
Another though to help Chinese EB2参议院高科技移民改革I-squared 要点出台,很美好
话题: year话题: stem话题: bills话题: 2012
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2753
From http://www.immigration-law.com/Canada.html
01/03/2011: Year 2012 - Dawn for STEM Immigration
Year 2011 was a difficult year for this nation and, for that matter, for
the world as well, eonomically, politically, and otherwise. However, people
feel something good about the New Year 2012 with a dawning hope for a Year
of Positive!
This nation has been facing global challenges which people and leaders
started to realize. For the reasons, many legislative bills were introduced
in 2011 both in the House and the Senate to attract and retain the
international brains. There are many STEM bills which were introduced in
2011 and pending both in the House and the Senate. In fact, there are too
many bills of this nature for this reporter to count the exact numbers. The
bill sponsors came from both the Republican and the Democratic legislators.
When it comes to the details, understandably there are variations in details
. However, there is one common thread across the pending STEM bills - to
exampt from numerical limiation and time-consuming foreign labor
certification requirement, which have been the two hurdles for this country
to attract and retain "Einsteins." This reporter thus would like to label
2012 as the Year for STEM Immigration. Along with the legislative and
administrative fix for Enterpreneur Immigration, the country may see
legislation for STEM Immigration in 2012, the Year of Positive.
发帖数: 11017
1 (共1页)
参议院高科技移民改革I-squared 要点出台,很美好What can Obama do about immigration without congress?
看到空中画了一个大饼,可以安慰一下自己,先睡个好觉Obama takes immigration reform off agenda
法案全文出来了(844 pages)Green-card blues ZZ from Economist
这法案总结下来?Another though to help Chinese EB2
United we stand , divided we fall.senator回信
罗富贵在行动。。。转  移民局“工会”表态反对参院八人帮草案
the new USCIS administration fix linkThe Rank of H.R. 3012 Bill Soared to Number One of the Weekly Top Five Pending Legislative Bills
3012 updates??? H.R. 3012 Update: Still a Legislative ProposalThis week is a Key Week to Pass H.R. 3012 + Irish E-3 Visa Legislation
话题: year话题: stem话题: bills话题: 2012