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EB23版 - ZZ from Trackitt
EB2-India & China Movement AnalysisFY2012 第一季度 PERM data (from trackitt)
Still opposing HR3012报了几个08年底的了,估计下个VB前能到09年...
最新 NVC Fee Notice -- 09/11/2008 及 Jan 2012 VB 预测Please Retrogress EB2-I/C ASAP (ZZ: trackitt)
要是3012 10月前过了, 10月ROW EB2会有排期吗还是C啊?看了trackitt,阿三们对马上出来的VB都很乐观
新同学科普-不明白排期后退有什么大不鸟? 请看图ROW要sue奥本了?
话题: trackitt话题: eb2话题: eb3话题: co
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3634
I agree with this prediction (Mar bulletin: Jan 2011 current)... but not
because I have Dec 2010 PD (or maybe ;)). Looking forward to March bulletin.
Facts have been stated multiple times & others (read EB3 that are suffering
due to broken US immigration system) can deny them but it's true:
1. Demand for EB1 and EB2 in general has been lower in 2008 - 2010 period.
CO's own report confirms this.
2. July 2007 was a big mistake but lessons learnt & CO is cautious in moving
dates forward.
3. We will not see demand data from the recent movement atleast until April
bulletin (assuming efficient USCIS)
4. Many people awaiting until August with earlier PD either left US
frustrated with long wait times, got laid off or moved companies...
resulting in some demand that may not be real and will be lower.
5. Porting from EB3 to EB2 exists - but demand for this is also low based on
other gurus & websites
6. Retrogression could happen but chances are much lower this time round for
reasons mentioned above. If it happens it will likely move back to 2009
worst case & not like it did post July 2007.
7. Revenue generation for USCIS - a valid point but least imp reason to
drive the jumps in EB2
8. Election year - history repeating itself
9. CO himself has to "forecast" demand & all of us should remember that
forecasting is always best guesstimate and cannot be accurate. If he was a
fortune teller he would buy lottery tickets... eh?
HR3012 is a long term issue according to me & will not fix the immigration
woes for many. I partially agree with the fact that employment based
immigration should be employment based & not country quota based...
I empathize with EB3 folks & agree there are tons of deserving professionals
in this line but have been short changed by US immigration policies.
Name calling only makes matters worse...if you are here, you are deserving (
open to interpretation)! Indians have many strengths but we love racism -
cannot shake off the urge to put somebody down... we are in constant
addiction mode to boost our egos (in the process highlight our insecurity)
We should continue to support immigration reform & avoid selfish interests
in the long term. If you see somebody misusing the immigration system such
as body shoppers etc... report them... us professionals have more power than
we think... exercise this power! Lastly, share positive energy...best of
luck to all!
发帖数: 3796
发帖数: 10056
Another key is if economy goes upwards, EB2ROW who are lurking due to freeze
PERM process (many companies stopped PERM due to large layoffs) may start
getting PERM. Once the PERM approved, they can file 140 and 485 concurrently
. This will reduce SO and cause sudden retros in VB. But retros in April or
May is reasonable.
1 (共1页)
烙印7月的EB2要前进到08年9月要是3012 10月前过了, 10月ROW EB2会有排期吗还是C啊?
Visa Bulletin 2014 Prediction from Charles OppenheimEB1鸟人瞎鸡巴乱说
议员弄到的信息新同学科普-不明白排期后退有什么大不鸟? 请看图
EB2-India & China Movement AnalysisFY2012 第一季度 PERM data (from trackitt)
Still opposing HR3012报了几个08年底的了,估计下个VB前能到09年...
最新 NVC Fee Notice -- 09/11/2008 及 Jan 2012 VB 预测Please Retrogress EB2-I/C ASAP (ZZ: trackitt)
话题: trackitt话题: eb2话题: eb3话题: co