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EB23版 - 这几天没消息了啊
Sen. Grassley's Amended H.R. 3012 Proposal to Lift his Hold大家开始给senator写信,打电话吧!
现在是否确定格老Lift Hold?Senator's response to 3012
Grassley 给我的回信Response received from Senator Dianne Feinstein
爱尔兰人放了3012,但是别的危险仍然可能出现Senator's Reply on HR3012
senator已经洗洗睡了,明年再见HR3012: Senator回信
台胞对3012的分析和行动zz Some facts about employment based category and some more specifics about ROWERS
Grassley 又出来反对HR 3012了上路子的人对事情的理解是如此的精准
Please support S.1857 (Senate Version of HR 3012)CIR introduced in Senate.... maybe a good news.
话题: house话题: senate话题: 3012话题: would话题: grassley
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 225
发帖数: 551
who cares
发帖数: 2620
[发表自未名空间手机版 - m.mitbbs.com]
发帖数: 535
At least they are doing something. Shame on you!

【在 t***j 的大作中提到】
: 3012是活跃本版的好东西。是阿三骗捐款的利器。
: [发表自未名空间手机版 - m.mitbbs.com]

发帖数: 291
发帖数: 4704
"Signaling a possible détente on a narrow slice of the immigration debate,
House Republicans are planning an election year effort to make more visas
available to highly skilled foreign graduates.

"Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, and committee member Tim Griffin,
R-Ark., are working on a bill that would shift up to 50,000 green cards from
a visa lottery open to countries around the world and funnel them to highly
skilled workers. Their proposal is one of several that have surfaced in
recent weeks from both parties and in both chambers to grant more visas to
foreigners who earn science and technology degrees from U.S. universities.

"...Now, though, some consensus is forming on the narrow question of green
cards for STEM graduates. The legislative focus on the relatively small pool
of foreigners is an acknowledgement that another attempt at a comprehensive
overhaul won’t happen anytime soon.

"...Sens. Chris Coons, D-Del., and Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., introduced a
measure (S 3192) this month that would increase the overall number of green
cards and award them to STEM graduates. A separate bill (S 3217), sponsored
by a bipartisan group of five senators, would produce a similar effect.

In another sign of a thaw, Sen. Charles E. Grassley, R-Iowa, said last week
that he is ready to drop his hold on a bipartisan House bill (HR 3012) that
would lift the per-country limits on green cards. That would reduce the
backlog of green card applicants from countries where demand for the visas
is high, such as India or China.

"...Even though many of the Senate bills have bipartisan support, they are
unlikely to progress far because they increase the overall number of green
cards available, something that GOP immigration hawks will not accept.
Griffin said increasing the net number of green cards awarded “would be
more difficult to sell, and I don’t think it’s necessary.”

"...As originally envisioned, the House proposal would have applied only to
foreign students who earn a doctorate from American universities, but it was
expanded to include master’s graduates as well, Griffin said.

While the two House members have yet to release any legislative language, 'I
would hope we would make some decisions within the next month,' Smith said.

They have been working with Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, who this month
introduced a version of their bill (S 3185). Cornyn said he pre-empted his
House colleagues because 'it wasn’t moving as fast as I would like.'"
发帖数: 173
H.R. 3012 – Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act (Updated 7/18/12)
Cite as "AILA InfoNet Doc. No. 11092862 (posted Jul. 18, 2012)"
H.R. 3012, the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, introduced on
September 22, 2011 by Rep. Chaffetz (R-UT), eliminates the employment-based
per-country cap entirely by fiscal year 2015 and raises the family-sponsored
per-country cap from 7% to 15%.
On 10/27/11, the House Judiciary Committee held a markup and H.R. 3012 was
reported favorably out of committee by a voice vote. An amendment from Rep.
Lofgren (D-CA) that would make adjustments to the three year phase-in period
was accepted. H.R. 3012 must next be scheduled for House floor debate which
may occur in the next few weeks. Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
of 2011 House Report 112-292
On 11/29/11 the House passed H.R. 3012, the Fairness for High-Skilled
Immigrants Act by a vote of 389-15 with no additional amendments. The
measure now moves on to the Senate for consideration.
On 11/30/11 Senator Grassley (R-IA) made the following statement on the
floor of the U.S. Senate:
Mr. President, I rise to inform my colleagues that I am placing a hold on H.
R. 3012, the Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act. This bill would
eliminate the per-country numerical limitations for employment-based visas
and increase the numerical cap for family-based immigrants. I have concerns
about the impact of this bill on future immigration flows, and am concerned
that it does nothing to better protect Americans at home who seek high-
skilled jobs during this time of record high unemployment.
Senate procedures allow any member of the Senate to place a "hold" on
legislation or nominations in order to delay consideration of the measure or
nominee. At this time it is unclear how long Senator Grassley intends to
maintain his hold on H.R.3012. We will update as soon as more information
becomes available.
On 12/15/11, in order to release his hold on hold on H.R. 3012, Senator
Grassley offered an amendment that would make dramatic changes to the bill
including elimination of the family per county limit increase and reducing
the employment based per country limit to 15%. Furthermore, his amendment
would eliminate the diversity visa program and adds in provisions that would
increase enforcement and U.S. worker protections to the H-1B and L-1 visa
Senator Grassley’s amendment was objected to, therefore his hold on the
bill remains. While other senators may try to negotiate a compromise
amendment with Senator Grassley, at this time it appears unlikely that such
an agreement is likely.
On 6/22/12 in ongoing negotiations between key Senators to try and move H.R.
3012, Senator Grassley has proposed new H-1B enforcement language that if
agreed to would allow him to lift his objections to the underlying measure
and would be incorporated into a new Senate version of H.R. 3012. We will
update as soon as new information becomes available. (AILA Doc. No. 12062243
On 07/11/12 Senator Grassley released his hold on H.R. 3012. Senators
Grassley and Schumer reached an agreement on additional H-1B enforcement
provisions to move H.R. 3012 forward; however, other senators are reportedly
preparing to raise other objections to the bill. (AILA Doc. Nos. 12071861,
发帖数: 7063


【在 H******i 的大作中提到】
: 上个月的老新闻。这个版应该多分享信息少发表意见。任何企图让不同意见的人归顺的
: 努力都是徒劳。
: "Signaling a possible détente on a narrow slice of the immigration debate,
: House Republicans are planning an election year effort to make more visas
: available to highly skilled foreign graduates.
: "Judiciary Chairman Lamar Smith, R-Texas, and committee member Tim Griffin,
: R-Ark., are working on a bill that would shift up to 50,000 green cards from
: a visa lottery open to countries around the world and funnel them to highly
: skilled workers. Their proposal is one of several that have surfaced in

发帖数: 2620
以前讨论stem的意思就是,西班牙裔说dream cir必须一起过。结果都没过。

[发表自未名空间手机版 - m.mitbbs.com]

【在 p**j 的大作中提到】
: 把抽签绿卡的名额换给高科技移民,这种做法并没有增加移民总数,而是用纳税移民代
: 替福利移民,不知道这样好的法案阻力在哪里。
: ,
: ,
: from
: highly

发帖数: 4846

【在 p**j 的大作中提到】
: 把抽签绿卡的名额换给高科技移民,这种做法并没有增加移民总数,而是用纳税移民代
: 替福利移民,不知道这样好的法案阻力在哪里。
: ,
: ,
: from
: highly

Grassley 又出来反对HR 3012了Senator's response to 3012
Please support S.1857 (Senate Version of HR 3012)Response received from Senator Dianne Feinstein
发帖数: 926

【在 p**j 的大作中提到】
: 把抽签绿卡的名额换给高科技移民,这种做法并没有增加移民总数,而是用纳税移民代
: 替福利移民,不知道这样好的法案阻力在哪里。
: ,
: ,
: from
: highly

发帖数: 1633
,这种不参与美国游戏规则的种族居然想影响美国立法? 所以大家在版上娱乐一


【在 s******t 的大作中提到】
: 阻力在老中,很多人希望3012不过,这样没有烙印来跟他们抢工作,他们觉得ROW都竞
: 争不过他们,所以每年固定140k名额,他们希望都是ROW吃了去。
: 这个法案也一样,高科技移民那是来抢工作的,DV则抢不过美国人。典型的prisoner's
: dilemma

发帖数: 4704
律师Ron Gotcher今天算了一下,除掉了一些日子,然后说:“that leaves 7
legislative days for the Senate between now and Labor Day.”
“Anything is possible and if there is agreement on an immigration package,
it could easily be folded into a CR. The thing is, however, that there would
have to be unanimous consent in the Senate and a clear majority among House
Republicans in favor of such a provision.”
发帖数: 778
what is CR
发帖数: 216
Continuing Resolution

【在 t*********l 的大作中提到】
: what is CR
发帖数: 7063

【在 t***j 的大作中提到】
: 这些移民法案的阻力在于一些议员要捆绑自己的东西私货。
: 以前讨论stem的意思就是,西班牙裔说dream cir必须一起过。结果都没过。
: 3012也类似,阿三说,让我自己单过,irish说,你先试试过得了我们。哈哈
: [发表自未名空间手机版 - m.mitbbs.com]

发帖数: 62
为什么是9月3号labor day?不是说从8月开始议院就休会了吗?难道labor day以后,


【在 H******i 的大作中提到】
: 律师Ron Gotcher今天算了一下,除掉了一些日子,然后说:“that leaves 7
: legislative days for the Senate between now and Labor Day.”
: “Anything is possible and if there is agreement on an immigration package,
: it could easily be folded into a CR. The thing is, however, that there would
: have to be unanimous consent in the Senate and a clear majority among House
: Republicans in favor of such a provision.”

发帖数: 62
The Senate usually operates Tuesday through Thursday, every week, while the
House operates Monday through Friday for three weeks each month. When you
eliminate non-working days, holidays, and district work periods, there
really aren't a lot of legislative days left on the calendar this year. My
earlier thinking was that if they didn't move the bill this month (July),
there wouldn't be enough legislative days left for it to go to conference
and then back to both chambers for a final vote before they shut down for
the election. Labor Day is traditionally the start of campaign season. In
most Presidential election years, they try to recess that week and stay out
until after the election in November. Given that they are taking off most of
August as a district work period (state work period in the Senate), that
leaves seven legislative days for the Senate between now and Labor Day.
Since we still do not have a budget, there will have to be continuing
resolutions adopted to keep the government funded after September 30th.
Pretty soon, just about all of the calendar will be devoted to passing these
CRs and that won't leave much time for non-budget matters. Anything is
possible and if there is agreement on an immigration package, it could
easily be folded into a CR. The thing is, however, that there would have to
be unanimous consent in the Senate and a clear majority among House
Republicans in favor of such a provision.
发帖数: 926

【在 t*******e 的大作中提到】
: 您也太抬举老中了。老中不管支持还是反对有关任何事情的任何提案都不会对这个提案
: 的通过有一丁点影响。因为没绿卡的老中不能投票,拿了绿卡变了公民的老中不关心政
: 治,就会琢磨学区房或者怎么省钱之类的猥琐的事情,整天摆出一副看破红尘的酸样不
: 屑于投票。现在越南裔投票的绝对数量都比老中多
: ,这种不参与美国游戏规则的种族居然想影响美国立法? 所以大家在版上娱乐一
: 下就行了,3012过不过根本不是这些老中能控制的。
: 's

发帖数: 2402


【在 s******t 的大作中提到】
: 你没看出来我在娱乐?我的意思是,把DV换成Stem这种事情,保不齐都有老中会反对的。
1 (共1页)
CIR introduced in Senate.... maybe a good news.senator已经洗洗睡了,明年再见
More on EB2 cutoff date movement台胞对3012的分析和行动
Unused Visa Numbers for EB-2s from India and ChinaGrassley 又出来反对HR 3012了
LIA 从移民律师协会获得的五月排期之最新消息Please support S.1857 (Senate Version of HR 3012)
Sen. Grassley's Amended H.R. 3012 Proposal to Lift his Hold大家开始给senator写信,打电话吧!
现在是否确定格老Lift Hold?Senator's response to 3012
Grassley 给我的回信Response received from Senator Dianne Feinstein
爱尔兰人放了3012,但是别的危险仍然可能出现Senator's Reply on HR3012
话题: house话题: senate话题: 3012话题: would话题: grassley