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EB23版 - 转一个oh law的新update,和3012有点关系
How to Lobby Your Elected OfficialsEB2少名额的事给议员写信没用
Another though to help Chinese EB2EAD for I140-Proposed Rule Published
Immigration Voice 上访的 EmailHow to Lobby - Iowa Citizen Action Network
IV 关于per country limit 的消息好戏不断,boehner盟友说没必要用hastert rule
IV 关于 Remove per-Country Limit 的 H.R. 3012针对ICC部分的H1B申请费翻倍
Fox news - EO- 10 points as early as next Friday讨论一下STEM绿卡的可能性
话题: bill话题: congress话题: senate话题: house
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1121
08/24/2012: Upcoming Federal Stop-Gap Funding Legislation and Potential
Immigration Programs to Watch
Amidst the nation's ongoing total obsession with DACA program
implementation and summer recess of the Congress, legislative issues in
Congress remain in shadow, even though there are ongoing fierce lobby
activities by pro and con forces for certain immigration legislations.
Congress will return to the session after the Labor Day holidays, which is
about a little over two weeks from today and there is one important
legislation the Congress will pass before it goes into another recess in
October for the national election in November. Before the Congress left the
hill at the end of first week in August, the political leaders of both
parties had agreed to pass continuing resolution to fund the federal
government until the end of March 2013, since otherwise there will be a
federal government shut down effective 10/01/2012. It appears that the
leaders have agreed to a basic scheleton of the temporary appropriations,
but there are expected some attempts to attach legislative bills to the bill
, some highly politically charged and some not.
There are three immigration related bills which may potentially come up
in that line of process. (1) S.3245 to extend the four sunsetting
immigration programs in the current immigration statute (Nonminister
Religious Worker Special Immigration, EB-5 Regional Center Investor
Immigrant Pilot Program, Conrad 30 State NIW Waiver Programs for J-1 Foreign
Medical Doctors, and E-Verify Progam). The Senate passed this bill just
before the Senate left the Hill. However, it remains an open question
whether the House will consent to the Senate version without any amendment,
even though the House may agree to main thrust of the legislation. Should
the House fail to pass the bill without amendment, this bill is likely to be
attached to the Continuing Resolution and enacted as part of the Resolution
. That much, this will not be that controversial. (2) H.R.3012 to eliminate
per country numerical limitation to employment-based immigration. Again,
should this bill fail to come up and make through the Senate as a stand-
alone legislation, the supporters of this bill may potentially attempt to
attach it to the Continuing Resolution. This bill will have to come on the
floor in amended version to accomodate the controversial compromise proposal
of Senator Grassley relating to a severe restirction to H-1B visa program.
Accordingly, this bill may face some challenges from various groups.
Currently, supporters and opponents of this bill are fiercely lobbying
behind the scene. (3) House bill to ban DHS from using appropriations for
DACA program. This bill was introduced in the House. This bill is not likely
to pass the Congress when the Senate is a Democratic chamber. However, as a
political publicity stunt, the Republican can attempt to attach this bill
to the Continuing Resolution.
Please enjoy the summer before these gentle ladies and gentlemen return
to the Hill.
发帖数: 2588
supporters and opponents of this bill are fiercely lobbying
behind the scene
1 (共1页)
讨论一下STEM绿卡的可能性IV 关于per country limit 的消息
Obama: Congress may not tackle immigration soonIV 关于 Remove per-Country Limit 的 H.R. 3012
Obama takes immigration reform off agendaGood news: CIR cooling down
IV的老印们下个月要去DC搞公关Fox news - EO- 10 points as early as next Friday
How to Lobby Your Elected OfficialsEB2少名额的事给议员写信没用
Another though to help Chinese EB2EAD for I140-Proposed Rule Published
Immigration Voice 上访的 EmailHow to Lobby - Iowa Citizen Action Network
话题: bill话题: congress话题: senate话题: house