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EB23版 - 收到来信,大家说问点啥好?大家多多参与啊。
后天Vice President Biden在网上回答移民改革的提问,大家每人 (转载)今天下午的会议。 怎么回事?
email不能找到US worker 到底是什么概念
大家静一静,白宫让我给大家捎个话……Join the Conversation
刚收到白宫Cecilia Muñoz发的Email延期 H-1B,要post我工资public !!!
收到这么一封信,white house来的Obama's immigration moves could be unstoppable(转
Watch President Obama on Immigration at 2:55 PM ESTObama violated the Administrative Procedures Act
巴马明天和schumer, mccain开会如何有效反对S.386行动指南【9/21最新版】
再问一次,多谢one-year oversea project
话题: skype话题: president话题: video话题: questions话题: december
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1437
What are your immigration reform questions?
Our nation's immigration system is broken -- and fixing it is an economic,
national security, and moral imperative.
That's why President Obama is deeply committed to working to pass a common
sense, comprehensive set of reforms that ensures everyone plays by the same
rules. And we want to answer your questions about the issue.
This Wednesday, December 11th, Vice President Biden and Cecilia Muñoz
, the President's Domestic Policy Advisor, are sitting down to answer your
questions about immigration reform.
During the conversation hosted by Bing and Skype, the Vice President and
Cecilia will speak with folks from around the country via live Skype Video
Call -- and will answer questions submitted through Skype Video and from
social media.
Here's how you can get involved in the conversation:
•Ask a question by Skype Video Message
•Join us on Twitter using the hashtag #AskTheWhiteHouse
•Tune in live on Wednesday, December 11th at 3:45 p.m. ET at
Stay Connected
1 (共1页)
one-year oversea project收到这么一封信,white house来的
Pls. dont laugh at me: EB3, PD: 2010, We might have a hopeWatch President Obama on Immigration at 2:55 PM EST
House GOP Hints At Immigration Reform For Skilled Workers ZT巴马明天和schumer, mccain开会
后天Vice President Biden在网上回答移民改革的提问,大家每人 (转载)今天下午的会议。 怎么回事?
email不能找到US worker 到底是什么概念
大家静一静,白宫让我给大家捎个话……Join the Conversation
刚收到白宫Cecilia Muñoz发的Email延期 H-1B,要post我工资public !!!
话题: skype话题: president话题: video话题: questions话题: december