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EB23版 - IV消息HR1044/S386本周四参议院投票
Call senators to cosponsor RELIEF act谁说要大赦的/
如何有效反对S.386行动指南【9/21最新版】Senate 下周Immigration Reform的听证会
反S386最新推特攻略 2019/09/21 (转载)house七人帮的bill的一些细节
再次危急!HR1044/S386将于下周二再次“一致同意” (转载)Please support S.1857 (Senate Version of HR 3012)
挫败周二“一致同意”的紧急行动指南!9/23最新 (转载)大家开始给senator写信,打电话吧!
贺岁片【S.1】- 领衔主演:参议院多数党领袖ReidSenator's response to 3012
谁来科普一下CIR2013Response received from Senator Dianne Feinstein
话题: senator话题: senate话题: bill话题: house话题: country
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
Dear Friends,
We are excited to share with you that H.R.1044/S.386 - The Fairness for High
Skilled Immigrants Act is expected to be brought up in the Senate by
Unanimous Consent (UC) later this week on Thursday, September 19th.
We are grateful to the United States Senator Mike Lee and U.S. Senator
Kamala Harris for leading Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act in the
Senate. Senator Harris and Lee have led the negotiation with Senator Paul to
find a reasonable compromise. And we are very happy to share that an
agreement has been reached so Senator Paul has agreed to remove his hold on
the bill. Under this agreement, Schedule-A shortage workers identified by
the Department of Labor will receive a set-aside of 5,000 green cards per
year for the next nine (9) years. We think that this is an extremely fair
agreement and we applaud all parties to this negotiation for further
improving a very good bill. Schedule-A workers currently receive around 5,
000 green cards every year, and this agreement will be consistent with the
current demand for this specific classification of workers, which makes this
agreement reasonable and fair.
As a result, we expect that later this week the Senate will UC Chairwoman
Zoe Lofgren’s bill H.R.1044, which already passed the House with 365
bipartisan votes. During the UC process, the Senate will amend H.R.1044 to
improve the bill with the language from Senator Durbin and Senator Grassley
’s bill for worker protections, plus, Senator Paul’s amendment to allocate
specific visas for Schedule-A workers.
We are extremely grateful to Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren for her leadership, plus
224 House Democrats Members who voted for the bill in July. We are also
extremely grateful to Ranking Member Ken Buck for leading the bill in the
House, plus 140 House Republican Members who voted for the bill around two
months back.
As you are probably aware, it is illegal under labor law for employers to
discriminate on national origin during the hiring process. However, once an
employer has hired an employee for a job and sponsored the employee for a
Green Card for that very same job (where national origin discrimination is
illegal), suddenly employees born in specific countries are forced to wait
up to 150 years for green cards http://bit.ly/150yrwait. Not only does any human being has no control over their country of birth, but a person’s country of birth has no bearing on their ability to do their job. Apart from being clearly discriminatory and irrational, the current Per-country caps paradoxically result in the United States discriminating against better paid and higher qualified immigrants http://bit.ly/higherpaid.
The lengthy wait times for tax-paying law-abiding skilled immigrants from
certain countries is the result of antiquated Per-country caps on employment
-based Green Cards, which have no meaning in an egalitarian society where
the value a person brings to the table has nothing to do with immutable
factors like race, gender, sexual orientation or country of birth. There is
a wide-spread bi-partisan consensus that these unfair and arbitrary country-
caps must go. The fact that the bill H.R.1044 has over 311 bi-partisan co-
sponsors http://bit.ly/hr1044cosponsors, including a majority of both political parties (and the majority of every Caucus in the House), is a testament to the bipartisanship and fairness of the bill.
Common people like us from across the country want Congress to pass sensible
reform. And we are thankful for the bipartisan leadership of thirty-four (
34) Senators without whose Cosponsorship http://bit.ly/s386cosponsors this bill would not get the necessary attention.
On behalf of a grateful community, we would like to relay our gratitude to
Senator Lee and Senator Harris, along with Senator Kevin Cramer, Senator
Jerry Moran, Senator Roy Blunt, Senator Chuck Grassley, Senator Tom Cotton U
.S. Senator Susan Collins, Senator Tom Carper, Senator Ron Wyden, Senator
Maria Cantwell, Senator Cory Gardner, Senator Tammy Baldwin, Senator Jeff
Merkley, Senator Michael Bennet, Senator Kyrsten Sinema, Senator Rob Portman
, Senator Roger Wicker, Senator James Lankford, Senator Tammy Duckworth,
Senator Mike Crapo, U.S. Senator Martha McSally, Senator Mike Braun, Senator
John Hoeven, Amy Klobuchar, U.S. Senator Chris Coons, Senator Jim Risch,
Senator Doug Jones, Senator Mark Warner, Senator Todd Young, Senator Mitt
Romney, John Cornyn, Senator Joni Ernst, Lisa Murkowski, U.S. Senator Tina
Smith, and Senator Catherine Cortez Masto.
We would also like to express our sincere appreciation to the staff in all
the Senate Offices. You have been kind and generous to give us your time and
listen to our stories. And we cannot thank you enough for your service to
the constituents.
Starting tomorrow (September 18th), we request everyone to please call your
Senators requesting them to support Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act
when it comes-up for UC on the Senate floor on Thursday, September 19th.
Thank you!
Immigration Voice
发帖数: 1
1 (共1页)
Senator's Reply on HR3012再次危急!HR1044/S386将于下周二再次“一致同意” (转载)
HR3012: Senator回信挫败周二“一致同意”的紧急行动指南!9/23最新 (转载)
Grassley 给我的回信贺岁片【S.1】- 领衔主演:参议院多数党领袖Reid
整理下过去的H.R. 3012 senate记录谁来科普一下CIR2013
Call senators to cosponsor RELIEF act谁说要大赦的/
如何有效反对S.386行动指南【9/21最新版】Senate 下周Immigration Reform的听证会
反S386最新推特攻略 2019/09/21 (转载)house七人帮的bill的一些细节
话题: senator话题: senate话题: bill话题: house话题: country