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EE版 - IT , cs, 学生找学校
paper help.求一篇文章:有包子酬谢
OLED Engineers.求助:ee master or phd
CFP: Recent Advances in Deformable Image Registration (转载)MS快毕业了,这样的工作不知道可以接受否?
有了解motor control的吗? (转载)电子技术方面上武大还是华中科大?
paper wanted. 3ksRe: Who can answer the question?
Paper wanted. Thanks for the helpRe: Telecommunication现在还热门吗?
请教电路图,在线等Re: where can I find job openings for DSP?
急求文章,谢谢,Solar Cell Efficiency Improvement by New Metallization Techniques - the Day4 Electrode ConceRe: 请推荐一些好的DSP 站点!谢谢!
话题: 61656话题: 61548话题: research话题: wuhan话题: security
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 402
帮朋友贴个简历在这里, 想申请学校。
欢迎大家指正,拍砖, 甚至推荐。
Personal Information:
Last Name: First Name:
Gender: Date of Birth:
Place of Birth: Nationality:
E-mail: Telephone:
Mailing Address:
Research Interests:
Network Security, Network Performance, Wireless Networks.
Educational Background:
 M.S. in Software Engineering
December 2006
Huazhong University of Science & Technology (China) (Overall GPA
 B.S. in Electronic Science and Technology
June 2007
Huazhong University of Science & Technology (China) (Overall GPA
Work Experiences & Research Projects:
 Research on Security Server of Local Network
01/2008 to 10/2008
Position: Engineer
Department of Information Security Research Center,
Wuhan Maritime Communication Research Institute, Wuhan, China
 Researched and developed security date exchange protocol between
the Linux operating system and the cryptographic service module.
 Developed the scheduler of security service based on interrupt
on DSP chip, focusing on processing and interaction of large data, matching
and optimizing the data interactive program corresponding to the Linux
 Researched and developed data exchange program between kernel
level and user level in the Linux operating system; achieved fast exchange
of large quantities of data through parallel processing technology and DMA
processing and realized parallel running of a number of cryptographic
service modules through special algorithms and data structures.
 Research and Develop on VPN Equipment of Exclusive Network
03/2009 to 05/2010
Position: Engineer, Project Leader
Department of Information Security Research Center,
Wuhan Maritime Communication Research Institute, Wuhan, China
 Responsible for the overall technology and management of staff.
 Determined the overall program of technology in this network
security equipment and proposed encrypted transmission measures based on
translation and identification of virtual LAN address.
 Researched and Developed means to protect confidential data in
the device and measures of dynamic identification and separate storage of
confidential data; researched the agreement protocol of key based on
symmetric algorithm in key repository.
 Involved in the development of the network security transmission
Professional Experiences:
 Graduate research assistant
07/2005 to 03/2007
School of software, HUST, Wuhan, China, Mentor: Zhongping Qin
 Researched and designed the digital certificate validation
system of the local terminal software; independently program a variety of
symmetric encryption algorithms, message digest algorithm (AES, DES, MD5,
SHA, etc.); Analyzed and co-completed the RSA asymmetric encryption
algorithm of the code work.
 Teaching assistant
05/2005 to 05/2006
Computer Network Administrative Center, HUST, Wuhan, China
 Courses: C Language and Programming
 Engaged in software and hardware maintenance in central
laboratory, in charge of system maintenance at the data center and database.
 In charge of software upgrades and maintenance of National
Computer Rank Examination Registration System, including software revision
and updating of defects.
 Study on Sintering Process of Nickel Electrode in BaTiO3-based
Multilayer Chip PTCR
12/2003 to 06
 Researched the influence on sintering process of nickel
electrode under different temperatures and different atmospheric environment
through experiment.
 Tested the changes in electrode’s contact resistance, surface
resistance, volume resistivity under different sintering temperature.
Obtained the relations of changes in electrode’s sintering temperature,
process and various properties of electrode; found the optimal sintering
method and temperature of electrode and produced successfully the multilayer
chip with small room-temperature resistance and good function.
 , , “Implementation of Program of DSP Driver Based on PCI Bus
with Linux2.6 Kernel”, in the Ship Electronic Engineering, Vol. 29, No. 6,
pp. 157-160, June 2009.
 , “Design and Implementation of Digital Certificate
Verification System”, in the Experimental Technology and Management, Vol.
25, No. 1, pp.94-97, January 2008.
Standardized Tests:
GRE: 1240 + 3
Computer Skills:
 Computer proficiency in C programming language and have
experience in actual project
 Excellent in the Linux operating system driver development and
network data processing
 Master DSP program development of Ti Company and has experience
in actual project
 Master program development under the environment of Window VC
integrated development environment
Honors and Awards:
 Civilized Worker, Wuhan Maritime Communication Research
Institute, 2009
 Social Welfare Scholarship, Huazhong University of Science &
Technology, 2006
 Outstanding Achievement Scholarship, Huazhong University of
Science & Technology, 2001
Extra-curriculum Activities:
 Participated in youth volunteer organization
10/2000 to 07/2004
 Participated in Radio Direction-finding Competition and got
silver award 2002
 Participated in Social Survey Group of Logistics Group
10/2005 to 12/2006
发帖数: 1972
这里都是华人,两年制的M.S. in Software Engineering估计会被直接Pass,找老外教
1 (共1页)
Re: 请推荐一些好的DSP 站点!谢谢!paper wanted. 3ks
Re: DSP 转VLSI......请教。。。。。。。大虾帮忙呀。Paper wanted. Thanks for the help
Re: Please recommend some useful DSP websites请教电路图,在线等
找电子版DSP书急求文章,谢谢,Solar Cell Efficiency Improvement by New Metallization Techniques - the Day4 Electrode Conce
paper help.求一篇文章:有包子酬谢
OLED Engineers.求助:ee master or phd
CFP: Recent Advances in Deformable Image Registration (转载)MS快毕业了,这样的工作不知道可以接受否?
有了解motor control的吗? (转载)电子技术方面上武大还是华中科大?
话题: 61656话题: 61548话题: research话题: wuhan话题: security