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EE版 - Pro-face touch screen? urgent!
这里的行家帮我看看买这个电脑给孩子上大学够用不?(计算机科学专业)----谢谢了!New Product Introduction Quality Engineer in Freescale (Ur (转载)
Re: urgent, help!!! question about spreading code used in spread spectrum.【Urgent Hire】 2 Junior-Mid ASIC Design Engineers, Irvine, C
Re: Urgent, info about GSM protocol needed; Otherwise, will be fired b请问Intel的process engineer面试会问些什么问题?
one image processing problem.Java opportunity
Urgent question about matlab licenseJava developer Opportunity not requiring work experience
猎头职位/更新10/27/2009有做face recognition的没
Who has this book, please..问个研究方向的问题
Full Time Position Available in Freescale (Urgent) (转载)有谁知道怎么做touch screen?
话题: pro话题: face话题: urgent话题: screen话题: touch
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 57
Hi there,
Does anyone have experience with developing embedded software with Pro-face
touch screen? I have an urgent question to ask. We can offer very good pay
for consulting service. If you know someone who has experience with Pro-face
touchscreen computer, please pass this info along.
Thanks for your attention.
1 (共1页)
有谁知道怎么做touch screen?Urgent question about matlab license
国内有哪些比较大的做Screen Printing的厂商?猎头职位/更新10/27/2009
apple 硬件组Who has this book, please..
Cornell vs UPenn for EngineeringFull Time Position Available in Freescale (Urgent) (转载)
这里的行家帮我看看买这个电脑给孩子上大学够用不?(计算机科学专业)----谢谢了!New Product Introduction Quality Engineer in Freescale (Ur (转载)
Re: urgent, help!!! question about spreading code used in spread spectrum.【Urgent Hire】 2 Junior-Mid ASIC Design Engineers, Irvine, C
Re: Urgent, info about GSM protocol needed; Otherwise, will be fired b请问Intel的process engineer面试会问些什么问题?
one image processing problem.Java opportunity
话题: pro话题: face话题: urgent话题: screen话题: touch