

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
EE版 - 问一个线性代数的问题
Re: 请 教 一 个 困 扰 了 我 好 久 的 简 单 问 题Re: wavelets analysis and time-frequency analysis
对于一个LTI系统, memoryless和time invariant是不是Re: help on image processing
一个rayleigh fading的modeling问题Re: 请教; 写paper时遇到的几个问题,在线等。
有擅长频谱分析的大仙来看一看吧a question about multivariate Gaussian
Re: FDTD的eigen frequency问一个关于MVDR的问题
急问一个正定矩阵的问题。any optimization theory guru here?
问一个矩阵问题哪位大侠可以科普一下wavelet transform
某医疗行业外企招聘 researcher-上海one image processing problem.
话题: rotation话题: matrix话题: cos话题: sin话题: same
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 771
a rotation matrix A : | cos(t), -sin(t) |, t is the rotation angle
| sin(t), cos(t) |
has two complex eigenvalue r = cos(t) +- sin(t)*i
and two complex eigenvector e = [1, i], [1, -i]
if t = 90 degree,
we have r = i, -i;
and e = [1,i], [1,-i]
My question is how we understand e keeps the same direction for a 90 degree
rotation matrix, or any rotation matrix? what's the intuition here? Looks
like we need four-dimension to imagine it. any idea to imagine it?
发帖数: 5277
geometry meaning of eigenvector in two dimensional space is not as
straightforward as what in 3 dimensional space. I guess the changing part
has been included in eigenvalue.
发帖数: 758
It's the same reason as why Fourier transform formula is always the same for
different LTI systems. You can think of the eigen vector matrix as your
portal from one universe to the other. The first universe describes a class
of operators in a complicated way, while the second describes the same class
of operators in a simple way. The operators in this class share the same


【在 w***z 的大作中提到】
: a rotation matrix A : | cos(t), -sin(t) |, t is the rotation angle
: | sin(t), cos(t) |
: has two complex eigenvalue r = cos(t) +- sin(t)*i
: and two complex eigenvector e = [1, i], [1, -i]
: if t = 90 degree,
: we have r = i, -i;
: and e = [1,i], [1,-i]
: My question is how we understand e keeps the same direction for a 90 degree
: rotation matrix, or any rotation matrix? what's the intuition here? Looks
: like we need four-dimension to imagine it. any idea to imagine it?

发帖数: 771
a rotation matrix A : | cos(t), -sin(t) |, t is the rotation angle
| sin(t), cos(t) |
has two complex eigenvalue r = cos(t) +- sin(t)*i
and two complex eigenvector e = [1, i], [1, -i]
if t = 90 degree,
we have r = i, -i;
and e = [1,i], [1,-i]
My question is how we understand e keeps the same direction for a 90 degree
rotation matrix, or any rotation matrix? what's the intuition here? Looks
like we need four-dimension to imagine it. any idea to imagine it?
发帖数: 5277
geometry meaning of eigenvector in two dimensional space is not as
straightforward as what in 3 dimensional space. I guess the changing part
has been included in eigenvalue.
发帖数: 758
It's the same reason as why Fourier transform formula is always the same for
different LTI systems. You can think of the eigen vector matrix as your
portal from one universe to the other. The first universe describes a class
of operators in a complicated way, while the second describes the same class
of operators in a simple way. The operators in this class share the same


【在 w***z 的大作中提到】
: a rotation matrix A : | cos(t), -sin(t) |, t is the rotation angle
: | sin(t), cos(t) |
: has two complex eigenvalue r = cos(t) +- sin(t)*i
: and two complex eigenvector e = [1, i], [1, -i]
: if t = 90 degree,
: we have r = i, -i;
: and e = [1,i], [1,-i]
: My question is how we understand e keeps the same direction for a 90 degree
: rotation matrix, or any rotation matrix? what's the intuition here? Looks
: like we need four-dimension to imagine it. any idea to imagine it?

1 (共1页)
one image processing problem.Re: FDTD的eigen frequency
知道random process (X+Y) 和 X 的distribution, 如何得到 Y? (转载)问一个矩阵问题
大家帮小弟看一下这个教授咋样??某医疗行业外企招聘 researcher-上海
Re: 请 教 一 个 困 扰 了 我 好 久 的 简 单 问 题Re: wavelets analysis and time-frequency analysis
对于一个LTI系统, memoryless和time invariant是不是Re: help on image processing
一个rayleigh fading的modeling问题Re: 请教; 写paper时遇到的几个问题,在线等。
有擅长频谱分析的大仙来看一看吧a question about multivariate Gaussian
话题: rotation话题: matrix话题: cos话题: sin话题: same