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EE版 - Research Scientist/Engineer Intern
An intern position for wireless communications and USRP implementationfourier transform of a fourier transform=?
请问这几个networking的会档次如何?Structured light generated by diffractive optical element
询问EECS方向的前景,谢过先 (转载)做Network Coding以后出路怎么办?
SDE positions available in a data center networking startup in New Jersey通讯的大牛们现在做什么方向?
Wireless communications Intern Position新手EE master入行wireless,讨教前景问题
话题: 8226话题: research话题: control话题: scientist话题: engineer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 87
Intelligent Fusion Technology (IFT) is a Research and Development (R&D)
company focused on information fusion technologies from basic research to
industry transition and product development and support. IFT is located in
Germantown, Maryland. We are working on modeling, control, communication,
signal/image/speech/text processing, security, autonomy, and decision making
in networked systems. We are looking for talented developers majoring in
engineering (e.g., EE, ME, AE), computer science, and/or applied mathematics
to join our multidisciplinary team as full-time employees or interns. In
particular, we are looking for candidates having direct experience in one or
several areas as follows:
Engineering Design
• Pattern recognition, image processing, video analysis;
• Full motion video/wide area motion imagery (WAMI) exploitation;
• Wireless communication;
• Cognitive radio network;
• Cyber security;
• Social network analysis, text analytics;
• RF theory, propagation, and antenna design
Control and Mathematics
• Game theoretic estimation and control;
• Graph theory;
• Machine learning;
• Robot dynamics and control;
• Guidance, navigation and control for aerospace vehicle.
Software Design
• Cloud computing;
• Service Oriented Architecture;
• Open Architecture/ Open sources government off-the-shelf (GOTS)
• Geospatial Information System;
• Human Factors display technology and integration.
Candidates with a Ph.D. degree are preferred. The pay is competitive and can
be negotiated.
For interested candidates, please send your resume to [email protected]
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1 (共1页)
请问无线通信博士专业方向和就业前景,多谢大家!SDE positions available in a data center networking startup in New Jersey
Cognitive Radio有没有实际被应用到 任何产品?Wireless communications Intern Position
Recruiting 2 Ph.D. Students in ECE请教:学CE,应该从国内带什么书过去合适
An intern position for wireless communications and USRP implementationfourier transform of a fourier transform=?
请问这几个networking的会档次如何?Structured light generated by diffractive optical element
询问EECS方向的前景,谢过先 (转载)做Network Coding以后出路怎么办?
话题: 8226话题: research话题: control话题: scientist话题: engineer