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EE版 - Job Opportunity-Senior FW Engineer ( DSP)
有找工作的吗--半导体公司 招人啦-update 11/7Senior digital engineer job opening in Chicago (转载)
jobs openings: IC design front end, back end, test 和produ两个没有赚到钱的牛人
【工作机会】加州Verification Engineer (转载)ic design or signal processing?
VLSI&FPGA拜求建议:PhD 还是继续找工作?
完全没有基础,能有做IC设计的工作机会么let's see how long this thing lasts...
请问关于SoC Architect这个方向女生MSEE, EE内方向学的有点杂,找工作,求解惑,求定位
学校牌子是怎么弥补EE就业的困难呢?求经验 hardware design engineer at Marvell (signal processing )
话题: signal话题: processing话题: experience话题: dsp话题: engineer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 81
Senior FW Engineer ( DSP): Austin TX-Silicon Labs
This position offers the opportunity to find creative solutions to a variety
of software engineering challenges. Primary activities encompass the
design and development of digital signal processing algorithms and code for
embedded signal processors. The processing chain includes filtering,
demodulators, and compensation techniques to reduce channel impairments to
audio data.
· Design and development of digital signal processing algorithms.
· Design and development of digital signal processing code (C and
assembly) on custom signal processors.
· Work with revision control and bug tracking.
· Maintenance of dsp code on developed products.
· MSEE and 5 years related experience.
· Experience developing signal processing algorithms for embedded
products (Matlab experience preferred).
· Experience writing digital signal processing assembly code.
· Proficiency with C.
· Strong debugging skills.
· Some exposure to Verilog tools preferred.
· Audio processing experience preferred.
If you are interested and feel you are a good match, please contact Alinna
Acker(HR) at [email protected]/* */ You can mention Emma posted this
position in a job hunting site.
If you feel you are a great fit and a very strong candidate, you can msg me,
I will try my best to recommend you.
Good luck.
1 (共1页)
求经验 hardware design engineer at Marvell (signal processing )新手请教几个FPGA的问题
Re: Telecommunication现在还热门吗?完全没有基础,能有做IC设计的工作机会么
Re: 奇怪的声音请问关于SoC Architect这个方向
有找工作的吗--半导体公司 招人啦-update 11/7Senior digital engineer job opening in Chicago (转载)
jobs openings: IC design front end, back end, test 和produ两个没有赚到钱的牛人
【工作机会】加州Verification Engineer (转载)ic design or signal processing?
VLSI&FPGA拜求建议:PhD 还是继续找工作?
话题: signal话题: processing话题: experience话题: dsp话题: engineer