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Economics版 - Steven Levitt, economics, abortion and crime
天才也有伤心时新写篇paper,讲alchian and allen theorem的
The U.S.-China Relationship:The Truth zzFreak Freakeconomics
financial economics和asset pricing有什么区别吗?[合集] What predicts success in economics PHD program?
Economic Journal 在经济学中排名如何?[合集] 一篇 JPE 可以值 10万刀?
Economic Journal Ranking, Does this make sense智商低的人 可以拿到经济学的PHD么
重发:面试过economics consulting 的xdjm能不能分享经验Lewis
从machine learning转economics可在哪些刊物发论文?唉,看了杨小凯的生平, 挺可惜的
话题: levitt话题: steven话题: economics话题: abortion话题: crime
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 174
Representing a new generation of 'apolitical" economists
who apply economic theories / math models to social
problems (rather than traditional economics problems),
Steven Levitt is one of the raising stars in economics
(and practically any econ department wanted him).
His research resembles that of Gary Becker who I thought
didn't deserve the Nobel prize. Both work at Chicago.
Anyway, just how un-mainstream is his research? Well,
a Donohue/Levit paper, highly controvercial, linked
the drastic dr
发帖数: 174

This train of thought isn't exactly new. I remember in
the heydays of "Family Planning", people in China
openly talked about the possibility that the poorer
farmers may outpopulate the richer city folks, the
dumber (poorly educated?) folks may outpopulate the
smarter (well educated) folks, etc.
Maybe someone can replicate the Levitt paper using
data from China (or India for that matter). I am
sure that it will get as much attention.

【在 q**i 的大作中提到】
: Representing a new generation of 'apolitical" economists
: who apply economic theories / math models to social
: problems (rather than traditional economics problems),
: Steven Levitt is one of the raising stars in economics
: (and practically any econ department wanted him).
: His research resembles that of Gary Becker who I thought
: didn't deserve the Nobel prize. Both work at Chicago.
: Anyway, just how un-mainstream is his research? Well,
: a Donohue/Levit paper, highly controvercial, linked
: the drastic dr

发帖数: 4

Right now it is just too hard to publish paper along the
line of
mainstream economics. My advisor when I was in Econ was
the influence of bandit or other crimes on trade :)
I saw that article on WSJ too.

【在 q**i 的大作中提到】
: This train of thought isn't exactly new. I remember in
: the heydays of "Family Planning", people in China
: openly talked about the possibility that the poorer
: farmers may outpopulate the richer city folks, the
: dumber (poorly educated?) folks may outpopulate the
: smarter (well educated) folks, etc.
: Maybe someone can replicate the Levitt paper using
: data from China (or India for that matter). I am
: sure that it will get as much attention.

1 (共1页)
唉,看了杨小凯的生平, 挺可惜的Economic Journal Ranking, Does this make sense
Shocked: 原来有这么多做empirical的人涉嫌造假重发:面试过economics consulting 的xdjm能不能分享经验
Re: 谁贴一个usnews 2005 经济学的排名?从machine learning转economics可在哪些刊物发论文?
天才也有伤心时新写篇paper,讲alchian and allen theorem的
The U.S.-China Relationship:The Truth zzFreak Freakeconomics
financial economics和asset pricing有什么区别吗?[合集] What predicts success in economics PHD program?
Economic Journal 在经济学中排名如何?[合集] 一篇 JPE 可以值 10万刀?
话题: levitt话题: steven话题: economics话题: abortion话题: crime