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Economics版 - 高手指教:Theoretical v.s. Empirical
[合集] 请教corporate finance最新的前沿问题和领域内的牛人包子请教constraint maximization问题
[合集] Job market paper是合写的,找工作有影响吗?Re: 暧昧的日本
看paper的顺序转录"经济博士在非学术路线上的收入~~ "
统计硕士现在读经济博士,哪个方向对我的背景而言好点?The Neo-classical theory of time allocation
econ phd 研究做得很痛苦,求高人指点Of Course Health!Re: which field in Economics is better? health economics or industry orgnizaiton
请教一下做theory的job market通常econ phd毕业时能完成几篇paper?
international as a field?about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)
话题: empirical话题: now话题: paper话题: 指教
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 89
Now I am considering my research area after the second year. Quite different
from business school, in econ dept no prof cares about you until you come up
with a preliminary paper. So you need to determine what to do by yourself.
The key issue puzzles me at current time is to do theoretical or empirical
research. It seems that the combination will be the best, but our department
is famous in that empirical is highly discouraged, I did not take any course
in empirical till now.
But recently I hear
发帖数: 19
I think it is very unlikely that a fresh phd can have a solid
theoretical paper that is good enough to find him/her a job, given the
time constraint of a graduate student. In addition, a "theoretical" paper
won't do you any good for jobs in industry. Talk to some of your productive
faculty members and see if they can help you come up with some ideas.
Good luck.

【在 h********h 的大作中提到】
: Now I am considering my research area after the second year. Quite different
: from business school, in econ dept no prof cares about you until you come up
: with a preliminary paper. So you need to determine what to do by yourself.
: The key issue puzzles me at current time is to do theoretical or empirical
: research. It seems that the combination will be the best, but our department
: is famous in that empirical is highly discouraged, I did not take any course
: in empirical till now.
: But recently I hear

发帖数: 19
In that case, go for it.

【在 h********h 的大作中提到】
: Now I am considering my research area after the second year. Quite different
: from business school, in econ dept no prof cares about you until you come up
: with a preliminary paper. So you need to determine what to do by yourself.
: The key issue puzzles me at current time is to do theoretical or empirical
: research. It seems that the combination will be the best, but our department
: is famous in that empirical is highly discouraged, I did not take any course
: in empirical till now.
: But recently I hear

发帖数: 17
I don't mean to sound annoyingly ideal, but the truth is, if you want to stay
in academia, then the most important thing you should consider is what
interests you, pure theory or empirical work. Just think of it, this is going
to be the stuff you work on day in and day out for at least another 3 years.
You have to really like it in order to be able to focus. I've seen people who
pick a hot topic rather than something they really like, and end up with a
poor paper.
In terms of job market, yes, as

【在 w*********i 的大作中提到】
: In that case, go for it.
1 (共1页)
关于转文econ phd 研究做得很痛苦,求高人指点
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give me some points about interviewinternational as a field?
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[合集] Job market paper是合写的,找工作有影响吗?Re: 暧昧的日本
看paper的顺序转录"经济博士在非学术路线上的收入~~ "
统计硕士现在读经济博士,哪个方向对我的背景而言好点?The Neo-classical theory of time allocation
话题: empirical话题: now话题: paper话题: 指教