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Economics版 - Re: 《经济评论》第三期
about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)Project Manager of Marketing Analytics at Discover Financial
Re: about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)what if talking about privatization?
请问一道关于order statistics的难题Phd想去private sector要做什么准备?
economic cyclicality and efficient market请教国内说的私募PE是指投资到private公司还是public呢?
[转载] Do we need to do research given efficient market hypothesis?<<经济评论>>第四期
[转载] why median is less efficiency than mean?[合集] 谁给科普一下经济学中field experiment
[合集] 如何阻止不良消费者退货?铁路国有化的资本主义国家
感觉经济学(特别是宏观)绝大部分都是在瞎扯淡New York Times: China’s Coming Wave of Privatization
话题: more话题: gov话题: demand话题: lead
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 32
my conjectures is that gov't (railroad in this case) charges a low price, this
will lead to excess demand. then they can sell tickets to HuangNiu and profit from
this. Lots of gov't branches still do this, i believe.
is there a solution to it? sure. deregulate the industry more, let the mkt
run more efficiently, more money will go in,which in turn will lead to
increased capacity. but will the gov't do that? hell no.
btw, good articles you ahve there.
发帖数: 224
Here's a response from a friend and my re-response. Hope it will answer part
of your question and initiate more debates.
>> good work, although I don't totally agree on your point of view.
>> 1. which welfare function you are using to maximize social welfare?
I don't try to maximize any social welfare function, instead, I compare
the loss in the money metric utility, by which I mean social wealth, in
queing, with the non-positive loss in pure market exchange. In fact, we
know that in market e
发帖数: 224
Thank you for your reading!
Any deregulation necessitates strong political nerves like those of Deng or
Thatcher. But for the deregulation works for our transportation sector, the
government has to do much more than than the mere deregulation or
privatization of railroads and airways. One thing I care most is the
immigration of farmers into cities. MinGong have to be treated equally in
cities. If the government can make it, the demand for transportation during
holidays will become much more elas

【在 l**a 的大作中提到】
: my conjectures is that gov't (railroad in this case) charges a low price, this
: will lead to excess demand. then they can sell tickets to HuangNiu and profit from
: this. Lots of gov't branches still do this, i believe.
: is there a solution to it? sure. deregulate the industry more, let the mkt
: run more efficiently, more money will go in,which in turn will lead to
: increased capacity. but will the gov't do that? hell no.
: btw, good articles you ahve there.

发帖数: 32
we are talking aboutdifferent sides of the story: you are talking about
reducing the demand by treating those temporary workers fairly so more
of them will stay in the city during hte peak time; i refered to the case
where there is a fixed demand, how should you supply efficiently.

【在 t*****e 的大作中提到】
: Thank you for your reading!
: Any deregulation necessitates strong political nerves like those of Deng or
: Thatcher. But for the deregulation works for our transportation sector, the
: government has to do much more than than the mere deregulation or
: privatization of railroads and airways. One thing I care most is the
: immigration of farmers into cities. MinGong have to be treated equally in
: cities. If the government can make it, the demand for transportation during
: holidays will become much more elas

1 (共1页)
New York Times: China’s Coming Wave of Privatization[转载] Do we need to do research given efficient market hypothesis?
大家觉得铁路的发明和建设是不是很伟大?[转载] why median is less efficiency than mean?
Rail: Past, Present and Future[合集] 如何阻止不良消费者退货?
about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)Project Manager of Marketing Analytics at Discover Financial
Re: about the deregulation in power industry(welcome discussions and comments)what if talking about privatization?
请问一道关于order statistics的难题Phd想去private sector要做什么准备?
economic cyclicality and efficient market请教国内说的私募PE是指投资到private公司还是public呢?
话题: more话题: gov话题: demand话题: lead