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Economics版 - 失业率出来以后今天股市狂跌啊
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An ObservationA Call for Establishing "Public Affairs" Forum
问题 economic exposure to exchange rate fluctuationsOn September's employment number
Newey-West estimtator的证明求助。花街PhD.研发工作内推
敢问马克思主义能拯救资本主义经济危机么?Re: How can microeconomic theory explain that nominal prices adjust sl
Re: A proposal to build an economics web求教应该怎样算Inflation Adjusted Median Household Income啊?
Establishment of journalsEconomy Lost 2.84 Million Jobs in Jan.
话题: seasonal话题: adjustment话题: survey话题: increase话题: 000
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8492
Funny thing about that increase in unemployment: the household survey
actually showed an increase in employment of 400,000 (which would be
ridiculously good if it was true), but an even larger increase in labor
force participation.
Of course, the household survey is an inaccurate piece of shit at high
frequencies, so we shouldn't take this number very seriously. But to the
extent that we care about that number, it's actually good news.
Note also that the crappy establishment survey number is all coming from the
seasonal adjustment; removing the seasonal adjustment, there was an
increase in employment of 800,000. Of course, seasonal adjustment is done
for good reasons, and the SA numbers are surely more accurate than the NSA
numbers; but I find it hard to believe that seasonal adjustment is accurate
enough that structural errors of, say, 75,000 might not crop up by accident.
(Everyone's talking about the mild winter; that's certainly a possibility.)
Add that to the fact that the 95% confidence band on the establishment
survey is already +/- 100,000, and you get that these month-by-month
fluctuations are pretty much meaningless. It's sad how obsessively certain
pundits follow each twist and turn of such error-ridden data.
1 (共1页)
Economy Lost 2.84 Million Jobs in Jan.敢问马克思主义能拯救资本主义经济危机么?
随着更多声望出来为TRUMP站台,相信人气会继续高涨Re: A proposal to build an economics web
look!trump当场打脸glenn,在NV caucusEstablishment of journals
如何计算Q/Q saar?请教panel data: T >> N
An ObservationA Call for Establishing "Public Affairs" Forum
问题 economic exposure to exchange rate fluctuationsOn September's employment number
Newey-West estimtator的证明求助。花街PhD.研发工作内推
话题: seasonal话题: adjustment话题: survey话题: increase话题: 000