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Education版 - 一门棘手的课,请大家给点意见。
FL is cutting down property tax, less pay for teachers包子贴,想在大学教中文,需要怎么条件啊
有Preshool teacher资格证考取经验的人吗?面试应该准备些什么(大学的Chinese Instructor)
[合集] 因为LD找工作,都快吵架了,谢谢给点建议second campus visit 终于结束了
话题: instructor话题: class话题: your话题: me话题: english
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 572
这学期修了applied behavior analysis,刚开始觉得它比较有趣,因为有很多例子,
needs的学生,verbal能力很差,我还怎么去学special eudcation啊。大家不要笑我,
发帖数: 1435
ask the instructor if you could audio-tape the lecture. match up with a
culturally sensitive partner for your field experience so you could discuss
with the partner regarding of coordination(support each other) as a team.
Since it will be an observation experience, you do not need too much of
interaction with Kids, if you have to talk to kids and you feel nervous,
start with small talks to ease you out, such as "Guess where I came from...
I am from a place where people Kongfu fight", to prepare

【在 e*******g 的大作中提到】
: 这学期修了applied behavior analysis,刚开始觉得它比较有趣,因为有很多例子,
: 注重实践。可是上课后,发现自己跟不上。老师上课语速很快,经常讲笑话和举例子,
: 逗的同学们哄堂大笑。而我经常使似懂非懂,傻呼呼的不知道他说的是啥。看课本也觉
: 得吃力,很多生词,什么幻听,幻视,还有一些精神类疾病,我都不知道。才两周的课
: ,我已经彻底陷入低谷了。老师给案例,让我们归纳病征,我根本不知道如何表达。更
: 棘手的是,下周要课堂观察,老师帮我联系了个中学,让我和另个同学一起去观察。我
: 的英语那么差,到时候怎么和有问题的小朋友交流啊。我发现自己就是有special
: needs的学生,verbal能力很差,我还怎么去学special eudcation啊。大家不要笑我,
: 请版上的前辈给我点指导,怎么能够把这门课学下来呢?谢谢。

发帖数: 572
Thanks a lot. That's really helpful.
My classmates are very kind to me. They lend me their notes and explain
everything I do not understand. But I do not want to bother them too much
especilly during the time in class.
I do have a partner for group job. I often feel sorry for her because I work
so bad that I could not give her any support in the team-work, conversely,
she had to take a large time to help me out. I thought I just wasted her
time and energe in study and draged her legs. Awful feel
发帖数: 223
Kongfu = 中国功夫?
Comfort Ellen~~Have you talked to the instructor and expressed your concern?
When I don't understand what's going on in class I usually would talk to
the instructor after class and ask him to explain it for me. I would try to
at least figure out what topics are important in this class and ask the
instructor to explain each specific topic. When I have completely no idea
about the topic, I just tell the instructor that I have no idea and ask
whether he can explain the important poin
发帖数: 572
Thanks for your valuable suggestion.Thanks for helping me find my way and
feel a little stronger.
发帖数: 1034
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is a very useful strategy, and it's still
widely used in the classroom for students with behavior challenges (
emotional disturbance, autism, developmental disability, etc.). I have a
friend who is teaching in NYC now. She told me if you know ABA, you can
easily find a part time job tutoring students with Autism for --yes, at
least $90 an hour. That is, if you are a certified special ed. teacher.
Your experience with the class, your frustration and desperation, ju
发帖数: 572
Thanks for your encouragement, comfort and sharing spirit. Could you please
give me some more suggestion on how you improved your English. How did you
come up with your course? Did you do a lot of reading? Shall I read some
useful books or news or website? Which of them will be helpful for our
course then? Did you practice to remember more English words? Which book
would be helpful to improve my English? (Like GRE?)
Sorry for asking so many questions. I just want to make a plan and get a
quick s

【在 l*****n 的大作中提到】
: ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is a very useful strategy, and it's still
: widely used in the classroom for students with behavior challenges (
: emotional disturbance, autism, developmental disability, etc.). I have a
: friend who is teaching in NYC now. She told me if you know ABA, you can
: easily find a part time job tutoring students with Autism for --yes, at
: least $90 an hour. That is, if you are a certified special ed. teacher.
: Your experience with the class, your frustration and desperation, ju

发帖数: 1435
I take notes during meetings, TV times, when I heard an expression that
would best express something I did not know how before, I would jot it down
right away. my notebook is full of expressions, idoms. COPs, Trading Spouse,
Sex and City are my favorite shows because I learned "down to earth" way of
There was a lab class in my first year where we had to role play and audio-
tape the converstaion. It was not less than a panic attack for me before
each lab class, just so you know many of

【在 e*******g 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for your encouragement, comfort and sharing spirit. Could you please
: give me some more suggestion on how you improved your English. How did you
: come up with your course? Did you do a lot of reading? Shall I read some
: useful books or news or website? Which of them will be helpful for our
: course then? Did you practice to remember more English words? Which book
: would be helpful to improve my English? (Like GRE?)
: Sorry for asking so many questions. I just want to make a plan and get a
: quick s

1 (共1页)
second campus visit 终于结束了自闭儿童在中国的教育现状
[HWPT]澳大学生上课看色情片 耳机未插好引哄笑 (转载)“主讲教师”英文怎么翻啊,急求大家帮忙!!!!!!!!!!!!!
neutural and diverse news sources[合集] 因为LD找工作,都快吵架了,谢谢给点建议
FL is cutting down property tax, less pay for teachers包子贴,想在大学教中文,需要怎么条件啊
有Preshool teacher资格证考取经验的人吗?面试应该准备些什么(大学的Chinese Instructor)
话题: instructor话题: class话题: your话题: me话题: english