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EmergingNetworking版 - 有人用过Cavium Network的Evaluation Board (38xx)吗 (转载)
有人用过AT&T 3G Network的data plan吗? (转载)Which area is the hotest in networking?
问个service-policy apply的问题。[合集] Application acceleration is food for thought
XML networking guys?[合集] Nortel这个败家子儿又要折腾Tasman了?
Hype cycle Networking Communications请教, 关于Network Planner I position at Sprint (转载)
大家来说说mesh networks吧!networking and multicore
决定业余时间多充电了How to build up a small local business network?
找本书,Cisco Self-Study: Implementing IPv6 Networks (IPV6)真清静
a nice podcast feed about networking security有人做WSN吗?
话题: board话题: network话题: evaluation话题: cavium话题: 38xx
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1848
【 以下文字转载自 EE 讨论区 】
发信人: windz (风子), 信区: EE
标 题: 有人用过Cavium Network的Evaluation Board (38xx)吗
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed May 2 12:38:43 2007)
有人用过Cavium Network的Evaluation Board (38xx)吗?有什么资料/网站可以refer
1) How to get the console access
2) Can we multi task on the 4 cores (Can 4 people access the eval boards
at the same time)
3) How to setup the ip address etc.,
4) Do we need to set this board behind a console server or should this be
setup directly to have access outside the lab netw
1 (共1页)
有人做WSN吗?大家来说说mesh networks吧!
紧急求助!星期一要交的(Network Security)作业.谢谢帮忙!决定业余时间多充电了
resource for networking security beginner找本书,Cisco Self-Study: Implementing IPv6 Networks (IPV6)
斑里有没有做network consultant和solution的啊a nice podcast feed about networking security
有人用过AT&T 3G Network的data plan吗? (转载)Which area is the hotest in networking?
问个service-policy apply的问题。[合集] Application acceleration is food for thought
XML networking guys?[合集] Nortel这个败家子儿又要折腾Tasman了?
Hype cycle Networking Communications请教, 关于Network Planner I position at Sprint (转载)
话题: board话题: network话题: evaluation话题: cavium话题: 38xx