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how many ways to say 'thank you'?Re: to be a travel worm
for neuron only.sonnet 15
Good morning :-)in the mood for love
cheer upA cheerful look makes a dish a feast.
The Song of the Jellicles - T.S.Eliotnewcastle slaving on a sunday.
Good news :-)Finish what I have started
[转载] my unseen friend别人向你说thank you,怎么回答?
Happy sun :)hello world
话题: his话题: he话题: bright话题: face话题: strong
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4
Having suffered so much, the capacity for suffering had to some extent left him. He remained strange and bright and cheerful, almost, one might say, chirpy, with his ruddy, healthy-looking face, arid his pale-blue, challenging bright eyes. His shoulders
were broad and strong, his hands were very strong. He was expensively dressed, and wore handsome neckties from Bond Street. Yet still in his face one saw the watchful look, the slight vacancy of a cripple.
He had so very nearly lost his life, tha
1 (共1页)
hello worldThe Song of the Jellicles - T.S.Eliot
behoove?Good news :-)
老外其实这样说英文:英语好的刚出国都会觉得没学过英语(转载)[转载] my unseen friend
诙谐有趣的英语笑话Happy sun :)
how many ways to say 'thank you'?Re: to be a travel worm
for neuron only.sonnet 15
Good morning :-)in the mood for love
cheer upA cheerful look makes a dish a feast.
话题: his话题: he话题: bright话题: face话题: strong