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EnglishChat版 - Confession and Altar of starstruck :-) II
Confession and Altar of starstruck :-) I1234 :-)
Confession and Altar of starstruck :-) III请教一个英文表达: 我今天跟他/她告白了。
Confession and Altar of starstruck :-) IVWhat's gotten into(someone)?
Confession and Altar of starstruck :-) Va website gesund may have interest
[转载] Re: Niagra Falls.Re: gesund
Re: Who made that AD in Dreamer board?Anniversary Confessions
Confession from a funny friend.Yukio Mishima
For all who will leave..gay
话题: starstruck话题: confession话题: ii话题: altar话题: gay
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 212
As gesund posted or guessed or whatevered about the
"sex" of "starstruck" before. I have to confess that i
am a man, not only this, but a gay :-) Maybe more
actually defined as "androgynous gay".
If these words offend someone in this board, please stop
reading or ask the BM/BF to delete, i won't dispute.
Born in Chengdu, grown up in many different places,
journey of life never too easy and too simple for me.
Graduated from Tsinghua, as many waterworms
in this BBS, but i sincerely doubt
1 (共1页)
gay[转载] Re: Niagra Falls.
若审讯结果解除孙嫌疑,公安为毛不出个声明Re: Who made that AD in Dreamer board?
Confessions of a Car Salesman---don't miss this oneConfession from a funny friend.
第二瑞士信条For all who will leave..
Confession and Altar of starstruck :-) I1234 :-)
Confession and Altar of starstruck :-) III请教一个英文表达: 我今天跟他/她告白了。
Confession and Altar of starstruck :-) IVWhat's gotten into(someone)?
Confession and Altar of starstruck :-) Va website gesund may have interest
话题: starstruck话题: confession话题: ii话题: altar话题: gay