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EnglishChat版 - sonnet 63
sonnet 5Sonnets from the Portuguese 13
sonnet 64Sonnets from the Portuguese 16
sonnet 44Sonnets from the Portuguese 39
what is the exact meaning ofsonnet 1
Sonnets from the Portuguese Isonnet 3
Sonnets from the Portuguese 25sonnet 7
Sonnets from the Portuguese 15sonnet 8
Sonnets from the Portuguese 11sonnet 9
话题: against话题: his话题: my话题: now话题: shall
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 173
Against my love shall be, as I am now,
With Time's injurious hand crush'd and o'erworn;
When hours have drain'd his blood and fill'd his brow
With lines and wrinkles; when his youthful morn
Hath travell'd on to age's steepy night;
And all those beauties whereof now he's king
Are vanishing or vanish'd out of sight,
Stealing away the treasure of his spring;
For such a time do I now fortify
Against confounding age's cruel knife,
That he shall never cut from memory
My sweet love's beauty, though my
1 (共1页)
sonnet 9Sonnets from the Portuguese I
sonnet 10Sonnets from the Portuguese 25
sonnet 11Sonnets from the Portuguese 15
sonnet 12Sonnets from the Portuguese 11
sonnet 5Sonnets from the Portuguese 13
sonnet 64Sonnets from the Portuguese 16
sonnet 44Sonnets from the Portuguese 39
what is the exact meaning ofsonnet 1
话题: against话题: his话题: my话题: now话题: shall