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EnglishChat版 - Re: This board
Re: TRUSTThat's wishful thinking.
another qmdbe on the edge of one's seat
[转载] A funny storyok, blood tyde de show up...
would turn (roll) over in one's gravehave got it made/have it made
蟹帮高手What's gotten into(someone)?
this one for fencerbe bored to death
hehe,fencer,this one for yoube in a bind
who is wolf mm?to take one's time
话题: board话题: every话题: life话题: go话题: used
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 147
I misss her, too. she used to say "good morning" at this board
almost every day.
it's extremely hard to go through the pain of losing love. a few
people would take the whole life to get it over. the floodgates
of the memory is very easy to open and engulf you. every word,
every sound and every moment of the past you spent with the person
you used to be very intimate are still haunting you even though
you know the life has to go on. it's sort out of the control of
your sense. but anyway, you have
发帖数: 3461

Fencer has fallen for the evil empire. ;-)
I will go on to a new post.
It is an end of five years of procrastination.
But it is also a begining of new life.
Hopefully, several years down the road
I'll find a tenure track faculty position.
Life is like a box of chocolates (a bad modem?), you never know
what you are going to get (when you get to connect).
1 (共1页)
to take one's time蟹帮高手
the last strawthis one for fencer
be cooped up (in)hehe,fencer,this one for you
be at the end of one's ropewho is wolf mm?
Re: TRUSTThat's wishful thinking.
another qmdbe on the edge of one's seat
[转载] A funny storyok, blood tyde de show up...
would turn (roll) over in one's gravehave got it made/have it made
话题: board话题: every话题: life话题: go话题: used