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English on BBS (was Re: need your input)Poll: Washington to blame more than Wall Street for economy
这次选举候选人看起来最忠厚的是不是McCain? (转载)请心理学高手支支招 (转载)
be meant vs means不许高铁,又不许网购,还不能排队?
go off script 是什么意思阿娃喜欢大人陪睡,训是不训
Here's some things to decorate the walls with.Again, chinese votes blamed for Tmac
climb the wallswho's to blame
共和党黑人候选人对华尔街高自联说:blame yourself!小鸡疯了
美民众认为,华盛顿比华儿街,更应该受到指责. (转载)唉,91哥被踢出TSL了.
话题: wall话题: street话题: mccain话题: he话题: campaign
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 478
what is the meaning of word 'from' in the frist sentence?
Does the $700 billion go to wall street or come from wall street?
The House's failure to pass a $700 billion bailout package not only held
back billions from Wall Street, it also was a major blow to John McCain's
presidential campaign. "McCain suspended his campaign to come back to
Washington to rally support for a rescue plan," said Bill Schneider, a CNN
political analyst. "He failed, so he gets blamed by both supporters and
opponents of
1 (共1页)
唉,91哥被踢出TSL了.Here's some things to decorate the walls with.
those who blame mitbbs forclimb the walls
小左抽风:麦爷居然有13辆车共和党黑人候选人对华尔街高自联说:blame yourself!
费鹤就点名表扬过3个片美民众认为,华盛顿比华儿街,更应该受到指责. (转载)
English on BBS (was Re: need your input)Poll: Washington to blame more than Wall Street for economy
这次选举候选人看起来最忠厚的是不是McCain? (转载)请心理学高手支支招 (转载)
be meant vs means不许高铁,又不许网购,还不能排队?
go off script 是什么意思阿娃喜欢大人陪睡,训是不训
话题: wall话题: street话题: mccain话题: he话题: campaign