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Faculty版 - How to answer these questions?
2个电面结束了[合集] 到底怎样的学校算是teaching school?
How to answer this question?Some Question
How to answer this interview question about service讨论一下teaching philosophy 吧
Teaching evaluation.请帮忙看看评价优秀faculty的标准
How to answer question about your first grant?关于teaching evaluation疑问
had a tough phone interview today什么时候岗位就安全了?
How to answer a question: How differences to teach graduate and undergraduate courses到底army, navy等军方项目的PI需要不需要绿卡或居民?
Teaching load 3/2, what does that mean? thanks急问 baozi for the first two answers:大家办green card (EB1
话题: answer话题: questions话题: research话题: influence话题: teaching
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 241
1 如果有不同背景的学生怎么解决
2 同一门课,有人觉得容易有人觉得难,怎么办?
3 teaching influence research, research influence teaching
Thanks a lot!
发帖数: 7331

【在 C***7 的大作中提到】
: 1 如果有不同背景的学生怎么解决
: 2 同一门课,有人觉得容易有人觉得难,怎么办?
: 3 teaching influence research, research influence teaching
: Thanks a lot!

发帖数: 9010
如果你是强人, 就这么回答:

Keep their background to themselves, and adapt to my style.
It does not matter how one feels about the class. I only judge by
how they perform.
Teaching influence research:
I get to know good students in classes, and try to get them to work for me.
Research influence teaching:
Doing great research can hopefully attract more students to my classes.

【在 C***7 的大作中提到】
: 1 如果有不同背景的学生怎么解决
: 2 同一门课,有人觉得容易有人觉得难,怎么办?
: 3 teaching influence research, research influence teaching
: Thanks a lot!

发帖数: 241
I am not 强人, but I like your answers :-)

【在 m**n 的大作中提到】
: 如果你是强人, 就这么回答:
: Keep their background to themselves, and adapt to my style.
: It does not matter how one feels about the class. I only judge by
: how they perform.
: Teaching influence research:
: I get to know good students in classes, and try to get them to work for me.
: Research influence teaching:
: Doing great research can hopefully attract more students to my classes.

发帖数: 492
i like your answers too, and wish i had seen this earlier!
but i doubt i would answer like that during my own interview :P

【在 m**n 的大作中提到】
: 如果你是强人, 就这么回答:
: Keep their background to themselves, and adapt to my style.
: It does not matter how one feels about the class. I only judge by
: how they perform.
: Teaching influence research:
: I get to know good students in classes, and try to get them to work for me.
: Research influence teaching:
: Doing great research can hopefully attract more students to my classes.

发帖数: 95
why you doubt? any better input?

【在 B*****s 的大作中提到】
: i like your answers too, and wish i had seen this earlier!
: but i doubt i would answer like that during my own interview :P

1 (共1页)
急问 baozi for the first two answers:大家办green card (EB1How to answer question about your first grant?
how to prepare answers in phone interview?had a tough phone interview today
need help in answering this question during interviewHow to answer a question: How differences to teach graduate and undergraduate courses
今天on campus面试了,心理忐忑,问个问题Teaching load 3/2, what does that mean? thanks
2个电面结束了[合集] 到底怎样的学校算是teaching school?
How to answer this question?Some Question
How to answer this interview question about service讨论一下teaching philosophy 吧
Teaching evaluation.请帮忙看看评价优秀faculty的标准
话题: answer话题: questions话题: research话题: influence话题: teaching