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Faculty版 - BioFaculty Club Welcomes New Membership Application!
BioFaculty Club Welcomes New Membership Applications!Attention! New BioFaculty Club Members!
Biofaculty club is openquestion related to preparing application package
BioFacluty Club is now open for membership application申请funding怎么把不对付的人加COI里
冒充faculty, 搅乱这个版面给粗心小朋友提醒一下,今年的NSF CAREER的合作信只能写一句样
欢迎加入OB/HR clubNSF Supplemental Fund应当要多少钱比较合适?
help with faculty job applicationHarvard的绿卡广告真霸气
FASTLANE 求助急问,NSF subcontractor和collaborator 的区别
建议开一个BioFaculty板面试归来,攒RP贴, 续1
话题: club话题: working话题: faculty话题: membership
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16729
PLEASE provide in membership application your .edu email address for faculty
identity verification.
This club is designed specifically for faculty members who are working or
are interested in working on biological/biomedical or related research.
The goal of this club is to promote communications among faculty members who
are working or interested in working on bio related subjects and to open
opportunities for interdisciplinary discussions and collaborations.
发帖数: 997
The requirment for EDU email address is silly. First, it will reveal people'
s identity. Not everybody is open to that. Second, not every faculty has an
EDU address. Some may end with ORG and people in China don't have either.
发帖数: 2353
The idea of using edu email is smart!
The intention of the club is to create a platform for open communication
with each other. If you don't want to reveal your identity, you could just
stay in this forum for general issues related to academic topics.
However, you did raise an interesting point. Maybe we should also consider
the email with ORG to include people working in the national labs.


【在 H****N 的大作中提到】
: The requirment for EDU email address is silly. First, it will reveal people'
: s identity. Not everybody is open to that. Second, not every faculty has an
: EDU address. Some may end with ORG and people in China don't have either.

发帖数: 997
Ok, good luck!

【在 a*********8 的大作中提到】
: The idea of using edu email is smart!
: The intention of the club is to create a platform for open communication
: with each other. If you don't want to reveal your identity, you could just
: stay in this forum for general issues related to academic topics.
: However, you did raise an interesting point. Maybe we should also consider
: the email with ORG to include people working in the national labs.
: people'
: an

发帖数: 16729
My major concern is the research ethics issue, so I don't want to invite
people who are not working in academia to join.
I am thinking about having a broader discussion within the club about
research ethics, because this is fundamental to every basic science research
who wants to initiate collaborations in academia.
We welcome faculty from Chinese institutions, as long as you have a faculty
appointment and are able to meet the reqirements of training in responsible
conduct in research.
If you are from a private institution or a national lab that doesn't use .edu address, it willbe fine as well, as long as we can verify your faculty identity and your commitment in responsible conduct in research.


【在 H****N 的大作中提到】
: The requirment for EDU email address is silly. First, it will reveal people'
: s identity. Not everybody is open to that. Second, not every faculty has an
: EDU address. Some may end with ORG and people in China don't have either.

1 (共1页)
面试归来,攒RP贴, 续1欢迎加入OB/HR club
请教法考题们在申请funding时的合作伙伴如何选择?help with faculty job application
遇到不给力的collaborator怎么办FASTLANE 求助
BioFaculty Club Welcomes New Membership Applications!Attention! New BioFaculty Club Members!
Biofaculty club is openquestion related to preparing application package
BioFacluty Club is now open for membership application申请funding怎么把不对付的人加COI里
冒充faculty, 搅乱这个版面给粗心小朋友提醒一下,今年的NSF CAREER的合作信只能写一句样
话题: club话题: working话题: faculty话题: membership