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Faculty版 - 很有意思@thread,关于teaching tenure-track
有在 community college 教书的同学没?Offer建议
我来说说Teaching School的Facultysalary
关于tenure-track associate/full professor一问请问是Dear search committee还是Dear Professor XXX好?
科普了:什么是发考题 --- 1在search committee做过的faculty来share下招人的经验吧
tenure-tracked faculty salary is only $55k/year???no bonus for teaching
没有Teaching经验, Visting assistant professor (teaching school) 电面会问什么问题, Thanks!Salary
求教: assistant clinical professor 是啥职位?一直好奇加州州立的CS的AP薪水会有多少?
请教下postdoc和visiting assistant professor 比较Would you switch to another university mainly for the pay?
话题: teaching话题: track话题: tt话题: tenure话题: professor
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 11249
Tenure Track Teacher from Sask ? 5 years ago
My University's faculty agreement formalized a teaching-track (or Academic
Programming as it is called) last year and it is a good model for how things
should be done. I am a tenure-track assistant professor, I primarily teach
(with a teaching load ~5x heavier than standard faculty) but I also serve on
college committees and my pay scale is the same as any research-dedicated
faculty. The only downside is that I can only advance to an associate
professor, not a full professor, but this is minor in comparison to some of
the comments I have read here.
Or they're still thinking about non-TT positions as "spousal," and setting
the salaries accordingly -- basically, getting two professors (or, if you
take teaching loads into account, 2.5-3 professors) for the price of one and
a half because spouses have this odd habit of liking to live in the same
city. The latter situation isn't always a bad one, especially if the couple
has young children, but it does leave the "trailing"/teaching-intensive
spouse vulnerable if anything happens to the marriage (or the TT spouse),
and this approach to setting salaries leaves those of us who hold them, but
who aren't married to someone who earns a higher salary (inside or outside
the academy), or married at all, barely hanging on at the fringe of the
middle class.
发帖数: 2911


【在 g******t 的大作中提到】
: https://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/college-ready-writing/teaching-track-
: really
: 各个学校的处理都能看到,比如
: Tenure Track Teacher from Sask ? 5 years ago
: My University's faculty agreement formalized a teaching-track (or Academic
: Programming as it is called) last year and it is a good model for how things
: should be done. I am a tenure-track assistant professor, I primarily teach
: (with a teaching load ~5x heavier than standard faculty) but I also serve on
: college committees and my pay scale is the same as any research-dedicated
: faculty. The only downside is that I can only advance to an associate

1 (共1页)
Would you switch to another university mainly for the pay?tenure-tracked faculty salary is only $55k/year???
无teaching experience电面Teaching school没有Teaching经验, Visting assistant professor (teaching school) 电面会问什么问题, Thanks!
offer negotiation: 暑假的工资算成多少?求教: assistant clinical professor 是啥职位?
career path请教下postdoc和visiting assistant professor 比较
有在 community college 教书的同学没?Offer建议
我来说说Teaching School的Facultysalary
关于tenure-track associate/full professor一问请问是Dear search committee还是Dear Professor XXX好?
科普了:什么是发考题 --- 1在search committee做过的faculty来share下招人的经验吧
话题: teaching话题: track话题: tt话题: tenure话题: professor