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Faculty版 - 现在大学为了招到人煞费苦心啊。。。
Lecturer的位置要不要申请?Am I too tough?
adjunct teaching experience问个问题,关于nontenure-track的
我该如何伺侯才能教会他们呢?我的teaching school phone interview questions
sabbatical一问帮朋友问个问题: 这样的offer该怎么选择?
英国学校的面试Teaching evaluation.请帮忙看看
instructor,lecturer这种工作稳定吗?问个弱问题,state univ.的lecturer开始salary大概有多少?teaching school的assistant prof呢?
在teaching school做lecturer一定要博士学历吗?版上的AP前辈么,有多少人特别enjoy teaching?多久会worn out?
话题: teaching话题: uc话题: lecturer话题: professor话题: lpsoe
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
The Assistant Teaching Professor is also known within the UC as an LPSOE (
Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment). The LPSOE series
parallels the research-focused series but with emphasis upon excellence in
teaching and other instruction-related activities. Individuals in the
position are expected to provide outstanding teaching as well as to engage
in professional activity (which can include research on pedagogy) and
service related to the pedagogical mission of the department and university.
This appointment confers membership in the Academic Senate.
I did a few searches of the fora, but didn't turn anything up, so if you
know of existing threads, let me know.
There is quite a bit of variance in terms of how these positions are
employed across the different UC campuses and departments. In my department
(mathematics), we have a small number of them (5% of our full-time faculty),
and they are charged with administering the lower division undergraduate
courses, and training the graduate students and teaching visitors who handle
a significant fraction of the teaching at this level. These are nice
positions for strong teaching faculty, with opportunities for advancement in
salary, and the possibility for the equivalent of tenure (security of
employment) evaluated on the basis of teaching and service.
Thank you for the info. I recently received several recommendations for
candidates from lectureres with SOE at UC---I was guessing tenure or
something similar, which was not very far from that.
In the UC system, security of employment should be considered as the
equivalent of tenure, a LPSOE (Lecturer with potential security of
employment) is equivalent to an Assistant Professor on the teaching track, a
LSOE (Lecturer with security of employment) is equivalent to an Associate
Professor on the teaching track, and a Senior Lecturer is the equivalent of
a Professor on the teaching track, and they have similar voting rights to
the professors in the corresponding rank. In fact the starting salary for
Senior Lecturer is the same as the starting salary for Full Professor on the
UC salary scale, although I suspect that market based off-scale salary
adjustments are more common for tenure-track and tenured faculty (referred
to as Ladder-faculty).
Lecturers with SOE tend to be the ones who write the teaching letters of
recommendation for our graduate students and postdocs who are on the job
market, as they are charged with administering the lower-division
undergraduate courses, which is the level at which the graduate students and
postdocs tend to teach.
Look at page 15 of this document for more information about LPSOE/LSOE
发帖数: 883
么能逃开200人甚至500人的本科大课。。记得有一个学期我们intro to CS课雇了30个


【在 r****1 的大作中提到】
: 跟中国把失业叫下岗有啥区别。。。。
: The Assistant Teaching Professor is also known within the UC as an LPSOE (
: Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment). The LPSOE series
: parallels the research-focused series but with emphasis upon excellence in
: teaching and other instruction-related activities. Individuals in the
: position are expected to provide outstanding teaching as well as to engage
: in professional activity (which can include research on pedagogy) and
: service related to the pedagogical mission of the department and university.
: This appointment confers membership in the Academic Senate.
: I did a few searches of the fora, but didn't turn anything up, so if you

发帖数: 2911
。任何一个大学都应该优待那些teaching faculty。

【在 L*********4 的大作中提到】
: 其实我觉得我们都应该尊重这些教本科大课的老师们。如果没有他们兢兢业业,我们怎
: 么能逃开200人甚至500人的本科大课。。记得有一个学期我们intro to CS课雇了30个
: TA,TA开会要借一个正经教室才能开。
: university.

发帖数: 11249
还是只是三年一renew的合同?这样的话跟多数大学的senior lecturer也没什么区别啊

【在 n*******l 的大作中提到】
: 我们不仅要尊重这些教本科大课的老师们,而且要认识到他们才是一个大学的中流砥柱
: 。任何一个大学都应该优待那些teaching faculty。

发帖数: 464
负责任的讲,UC的这个职位待遇很好,和普通的tenure track教授同级别工资是完全一
也可以爬UC的工资ladder, 每两年可以升一级 涨大概5%左右的工资
工作量也不大,teaching load 2+2, (research tenure track是1+1)
喜欢教学的人, 这个职位很好,远远好过其他大学的teaching position
其实可以叫 *** professor of xxx Education

【在 r****1 的大作中提到】
: 跟中国把失业叫下岗有啥区别。。。。
: The Assistant Teaching Professor is also known within the UC as an LPSOE (
: Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment). The LPSOE series
: parallels the research-focused series but with emphasis upon excellence in
: teaching and other instruction-related activities. Individuals in the
: position are expected to provide outstanding teaching as well as to engage
: in professional activity (which can include research on pedagogy) and
: service related to the pedagogical mission of the department and university.
: This appointment confers membership in the Academic Senate.
: I did a few searches of the fora, but didn't turn anything up, so if you

发帖数: 1
The Assistant Teaching Professor is also known within the UC as an LPSOE (
Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment). The LPSOE series
parallels the research-focused series but with emphasis upon excellence in
teaching and other instruction-related activities. Individuals in the
position are expected to provide outstanding teaching as well as to engage
in professional activity (which can include research on pedagogy) and
service related to the pedagogical mission of the department and university.
This appointment confers membership in the Academic Senate.
I did a few searches of the fora, but didn't turn anything up, so if you
know of existing threads, let me know.
There is quite a bit of variance in terms of how these positions are
employed across the different UC campuses and departments. In my department
(mathematics), we have a small number of them (5% of our full-time faculty),
and they are charged with administering the lower division undergraduate
courses, and training the graduate students and teaching visitors who handle
a significant fraction of the teaching at this level. These are nice
positions for strong teaching faculty, with opportunities for advancement in
salary, and the possibility for the equivalent of tenure (security of
employment) evaluated on the basis of teaching and service.
Thank you for the info. I recently received several recommendations for
candidates from lectureres with SOE at UC---I was guessing tenure or
something similar, which was not very far from that.
In the UC system, security of employment should be considered as the
equivalent of tenure, a LPSOE (Lecturer with potential security of
employment) is equivalent to an Assistant Professor on the teaching track, a
LSOE (Lecturer with security of employment) is equivalent to an Associate
Professor on the teaching track, and a Senior Lecturer is the equivalent of
a Professor on the teaching track, and they have similar voting rights to
the professors in the corresponding rank. In fact the starting salary for
Senior Lecturer is the same as the starting salary for Full Professor on the
UC salary scale, although I suspect that market based off-scale salary
adjustments are more common for tenure-track and tenured faculty (referred
to as Ladder-faculty).
Lecturers with SOE tend to be the ones who write the teaching letters of
recommendation for our graduate students and postdocs who are on the job
market, as they are charged with administering the lower-division
undergraduate courses, which is the level at which the graduate students and
postdocs tend to teach.
Look at page 15 of this document for more information about LPSOE/LSOE
发帖数: 883
么能逃开200人甚至500人的本科大课。。记得有一个学期我们intro to CS课雇了30个


【在 r****1 的大作中提到】
: 跟中国把失业叫下岗有啥区别。。。。
: The Assistant Teaching Professor is also known within the UC as an LPSOE (
: Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment). The LPSOE series
: parallels the research-focused series but with emphasis upon excellence in
: teaching and other instruction-related activities. Individuals in the
: position are expected to provide outstanding teaching as well as to engage
: in professional activity (which can include research on pedagogy) and
: service related to the pedagogical mission of the department and university.
: This appointment confers membership in the Academic Senate.
: I did a few searches of the fora, but didn't turn anything up, so if you

发帖数: 2911
。任何一个大学都应该优待那些teaching faculty。

【在 L*********4 的大作中提到】
: 其实我觉得我们都应该尊重这些教本科大课的老师们。如果没有他们兢兢业业,我们怎
: 么能逃开200人甚至500人的本科大课。。记得有一个学期我们intro to CS课雇了30个
: TA,TA开会要借一个正经教室才能开。
: university.

发帖数: 11249
还是只是三年一renew的合同?这样的话跟多数大学的senior lecturer也没什么区别啊

【在 n*******l 的大作中提到】
: 我们不仅要尊重这些教本科大课的老师们,而且要认识到他们才是一个大学的中流砥柱
: 。任何一个大学都应该优待那些teaching faculty。

发帖数: 464
负责任的讲,UC的这个职位待遇很好,和普通的tenure track教授同级别工资是完全一
也可以爬UC的工资ladder, 每两年可以升一级 涨大概5%左右的工资
工作量也不大,teaching load 2+2, (research tenure track是1+1)
喜欢教学的人, 这个职位很好,远远好过其他大学的teaching position
其实可以叫 *** professor of xxx Education

【在 r****1 的大作中提到】
: 跟中国把失业叫下岗有啥区别。。。。
: The Assistant Teaching Professor is also known within the UC as an LPSOE (
: Lecturer with Potential for Security of Employment). The LPSOE series
: parallels the research-focused series but with emphasis upon excellence in
: teaching and other instruction-related activities. Individuals in the
: position are expected to provide outstanding teaching as well as to engage
: in professional activity (which can include research on pedagogy) and
: service related to the pedagogical mission of the department and university.
: This appointment confers membership in the Academic Senate.
: I did a few searches of the fora, but didn't turn anything up, so if you

发帖数: 57
一年 4个 500 人的课?
1 (共1页)
版上的AP前辈么,有多少人特别enjoy teaching?多久会worn out?sabbatical一问
tnnd,teaching school还是要research的啊英国学校的面试
请教tecahing experience?在teaching school做lecturer一定要博士学历吗?
Lecturer的位置要不要申请?Am I too tough?
adjunct teaching experience问个问题,关于nontenure-track的
我该如何伺侯才能教会他们呢?我的teaching school phone interview questions
话题: teaching话题: uc话题: lecturer话题: professor话题: lpsoe