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Fashion版 - Fashion Tips from a Man (5): Elegance, subtlety, and balance
Valentino for Gap Collection受不了这个女人
李宇春 ELLE 10月刊 幽默专访 ( 时尚Bazzar 裙装)无聊贴
多图贴,看看时尚主编怎么穿衣韩国人就是好看 你不承认也没有用
Wedding Dresses艺术与时尚的完美结合 来自我钟爱的那些大牌时尚杂志
看中一款prada钱包,请熟悉prada钱包的jms帮忙看看这件Alexander McQueen dress很有点旗袍的味道
奔新钱包+美手,发包子Alexander McQueen 的COUPON
话题: elegance话题: her话题: look话题: fashion话题: prints
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 455
"Mystery is one of the most important qualities a woman can possess. A woman
who is an open book is boring."
-Carolina Herrera
So, how do you create mystery? Elegance and glamor. Yes, these are two big
words, but if one is willing to put in the work, she can eventually master
this art. I don't think I need to talk about glamor -- this is discussed
everyday on this board. Let's talk about elegance.
Elegance is a very abstract concept -- it's not a particular design, but
rather a sensation you can deliver by your entire look, from far to near,
from head to toe. It instigates all kinds of imagination in your audience -
- you have class, you have taste, you know how to arrange the details, you
know yourself, you know your audience, you look different and better than
all the other 99%...
To achieve a state of elegance, keep two things in mind: subtlety and
balance. You want to look nonchalant rather than trying too hard. You want
your entire look, including hair, makeup, and nails, to be balanced --
everything at the same level, nothing stands out or falls short too
Now, let's start from the basic elements of style -- shape, color, and
Shape is the first thing a man notices about a woman, before he even focuses
his eyes on her face. You always want to create a feminine shape, from top
to bottom. This is where the hairdo and high heels come into play. Now,
for the middle part, you want to create that hour-glass shape: large bust,
narrow waist, curvy hip, long, firm legs. A critical piece here is getting
well-fitting clothing. Almost without exception, most of the off-the-shelf
clothes do NOT fit you. You need to know the exactly measurements that fit
you. I have seen too many women buying things only based on their design
but not caring about their fit -- this is the wrong approach.
Take, for example, the photo below of CH -- she does not have a big bust,
her arms are not skinny, and her waist is not very narrow. However, she has
a carefully tailored shirt that makes her arms look thinner, her shoulders
look more square (which gives a more athletic look, and she cocked up her
collars to neutralize the square shoulders). Her skirt has a big
flare, which makes her waist appear smaller. Moreover, the black skirt
makes her lower body appear leaner and draws our attention to her well toned
legs, which are further accentuated by her high heels. Obviously, she put
in a lot of thoughts into creating this seemingly simple but extremely
elegant look.
Color coordination by itself is an art. A basic rule is that you do not
create more contrast than the natural contrast between your hair and facial
complexion (so that people's attention is drawn to your face, not your
clothes). This is generally not a problem for us Asians, unless you have a
very dark skin tone. It's hard to generalize as to what works and what
doesn't. You will have to experiment, and then stick to the combinations
that work for you. Remember the color wheel and the contrast colors -- two
colors that are separated by three colors on the wheel. These will be you
basic starting points. Play with tint and shade (adding white/gray/black),
and you will see all sorts of possibilities.
Here is an excellent article about color coordination (it applies to both
men and women, and even to interior design):
I remember seeing the red and green theme photo shoot-outs on this board.
Unfortunately, there weren't many shots that showed sophisticated color
coordination (different shades of red/green, matched with other hues).
As to pattern/texture, I think most women on this board already have plenty
of experience with that.
发帖数: 6809
it just came across my mind. would you please do a thread about leopard/
animal prints?


【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: 大部分人看到一个好的搭配,第一个反应一般都是“好看”,“有气场”,“气质好”
: ,但是为什么好看,却说不出道理。
: "Mystery is one of the most important qualities a woman can possess. A woman
: who is an open book is boring."
: -Carolina Herrera
: So, how do you create mystery? Elegance and glamor. Yes, these are two big
: words, but if one is willing to put in the work, she can eventually master
: this art. I don't think I need to talk about glamor -- this is discussed
: everyday on this board. Let's talk about elegance.
: Elegance is a very abstract concept -- it's not a particular design, but

发帖数: 455
Personally I don't like leopard because it's too conspicuous and most stuff
are just prints.
I like snake, lizard, crocodile, they make great pumps. And their color is
neutral, so it can go with a lot of things.
Ostrich leather makes very chic loafers. Same goes for bags.

【在 y**s 的大作中提到】
: lz
: it just came across my mind. would you please do a thread about leopard/
: animal prints?
: woman
: big
: master

发帖数: 942
fashion sense at this level is hard to be preached , good luck.
发帖数: 26270
发帖数: 455
Band-aid beauty advice is cheap... one can get a bunch for 1.99 a month at
any magazine stand.
To be the top 1%, you need to put in the effort that the rest 99% is not
willing to make.

【在 p*********l 的大作中提到】
: 时尚专栏写作需要增强可操作性
发帖数: 26270
快餐好卖!我们不要Mr.Chow,要Panda Express!//吐!

【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: Band-aid beauty advice is cheap... one can get a bunch for 1.99 a month at
: any magazine stand.
: To be the top 1%, you need to put in the effort that the rest 99% is not
: willing to make.

发帖数: 6809
Yeah I like exotic leather, too. although I know most men hold qualms toward
python and anaconda looool
but really what I was asking was animal prints, among which the most popular
one is probably leopard. and then you also have cheetah, zebra, snow
leopard, bangal, et cetera. I saw this editorial shot for BAZAAR CHINA June
issue. and I really want to know what men think of it because I don't feel
anything despite all the raves flooding the internet...Is it just me or this
whole trend is just a hype?
I also attached three different prints off the fall/winter runway
collections. Personally i love the de la renta look for its fluidity.


【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: Personally I don't like leopard because it's too conspicuous and most stuff
: are just prints.
: I like snake, lizard, crocodile, they make great pumps. And their color is
: neutral, so it can go with a lot of things.
: Ostrich leather makes very chic loafers. Same goes for bags.

发帖数: 6809
two more pictures


【在 y**s 的大作中提到】
: Yeah I like exotic leather, too. although I know most men hold qualms toward
: python and anaconda looool
: but really what I was asking was animal prints, among which the most popular
: one is probably leopard. and then you also have cheetah, zebra, snow
: leopard, bangal, et cetera. I saw this editorial shot for BAZAAR CHINA June
: issue. and I really want to know what men think of it because I don't feel
: anything despite all the raves flooding the internet...Is it just me or this
: whole trend is just a hype?
: I also attached three different prints off the fall/winter runway
: collections. Personally i love the de la renta look for its fluidity.

发帖数: 306
To be honest, these pics look very scary to me.:( I remembered I ordered a
zebra print jacket and I was totally scared because it looked too real even
though it was faux fur.
I guess I cannot handle animal print unless its just small accessories. But
Im very country la...


【在 y**s 的大作中提到】
: Yeah I like exotic leather, too. although I know most men hold qualms toward
: python and anaconda looool
: but really what I was asking was animal prints, among which the most popular
: one is probably leopard. and then you also have cheetah, zebra, snow
: leopard, bangal, et cetera. I saw this editorial shot for BAZAAR CHINA June
: issue. and I really want to know what men think of it because I don't feel
: anything despite all the raves flooding the internet...Is it just me or this
: whole trend is just a hype?
: I also attached three different prints off the fall/winter runway
: collections. Personally i love the de la renta look for its fluidity.

Wedding Dresses发现这家店,大爱啊,推荐
发帖数: 959
发帖数: 455
I haven't really paid much attention to animal prints, partly because to me
it's something that comes and goes with trend. My gut wants to say it's a
hype created by the "fashion" industry.
Animal prints have existed for a long time. They were very popular in the
70's glam rock era.
Regardless of its popularity, there is a fundamental problem of animal
prints -- they wear you, instead of you wear them.
Animal prints are essentially patterns. A rule of thumb of wearing patterns
is that you should never wear something that has a higher contrast than the
natural contrast of your complexion and hair. Most of the animal skin
prints have such a dramatic contrast that it requires the wearer to wear
even more dramatic makeup to match it.
The first group of photos you posted are a perfect example to illustrate
this: the model has to wear very heavy shades on her face and have a
blinding amount of light on her to match the leopard. She also has to have a wild hairdo to balance the beasty look.
Another problem with garments made of animal prints is that they make
everything fatter. Take, for example, the 3rd photo in the left column.
Those leopard pants make her legs look fat, although her legs are quite lean
Remember, you always want to wear something that draws the attention to you
发帖数: 26270
我觉得,小面积的animal print容易handle,比如包 鞋 帽子
too hard,不够淡定
发帖数: 559
very well written! and I actually agree with a lot of things you said.
Please continue.


【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: 大部分人看到一个好的搭配,第一个反应一般都是“好看”,“有气场”,“气质好”
: ,但是为什么好看,却说不出道理。
: "Mystery is one of the most important qualities a woman can possess. A woman
: who is an open book is boring."
: -Carolina Herrera
: So, how do you create mystery? Elegance and glamor. Yes, these are two big
: words, but if one is willing to put in the work, she can eventually master
: this art. I don't think I need to talk about glamor -- this is discussed
: everyday on this board. Let's talk about elegance.
: Elegance is a very abstract concept -- it's not a particular design, but

发帖数: 611
是楼住自己写的? 写的挺好的。
发帖数: 55
Amazed by the insightful comments!

never wear something that has a higher contrast than the

【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: I haven't really paid much attention to animal prints, partly because to me
: it's something that comes and goes with trend. My gut wants to say it's a
: hype created by the "fashion" industry.
: Animal prints have existed for a long time. They were very popular in the
: 70's glam rock era.
: Regardless of its popularity, there is a fundamental problem of animal
: prints -- they wear you, instead of you wear them.
: Animal prints are essentially patterns. A rule of thumb of wearing patterns
: is that you should never wear something that has a higher contrast than the
: natural contrast of your complexion and hair. Most of the animal skin

发帖数: 11847
Elegance 对许多人来说都是水中月,至少有50% 以上来自气质,内涵啥的,不是几件
当然仅在T 台上走走的职业麻豆除外。


【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: 大部分人看到一个好的搭配,第一个反应一般都是“好看”,“有气场”,“气质好”
: ,但是为什么好看,却说不出道理。
: "Mystery is one of the most important qualities a woman can possess. A woman
: who is an open book is boring."
: -Carolina Herrera
: So, how do you create mystery? Elegance and glamor. Yes, these are two big
: words, but if one is willing to put in the work, she can eventually master
: this art. I don't think I need to talk about glamor -- this is discussed
: everyday on this board. Let's talk about elegance.
: Elegance is a very abstract concept -- it's not a particular design, but

发帖数: 942

【在 A*********R 的大作中提到】
: Elegance 对许多人来说都是水中月,至少有50% 以上来自气质,内涵啥的,不是几件
: 衣服,搭配装装X就出得来的。
: 当然仅在T 台上走走的职业麻豆除外。
: woman
: big
: master

发帖数: 5546
发帖数: 609
Normally I don't like animal prints or fur. But I like the bonnie_chen_for_bazaar.jpg and de_la_renta_fw11.jpg you posted. I think the new designs approaches this in a fetish way, what's much more exciting.
And I love the last season of Mcqueen prints.
Well, I also like full body tattoos of scale or animal pattern, so don't
take my opinion too seriously.
It's definitely nothing classy, but it excites my cells.


【在 y**s 的大作中提到】
: Yeah I like exotic leather, too. although I know most men hold qualms toward
: python and anaconda looool
: but really what I was asking was animal prints, among which the most popular
: one is probably leopard. and then you also have cheetah, zebra, snow
: leopard, bangal, et cetera. I saw this editorial shot for BAZAAR CHINA June
: issue. and I really want to know what men think of it because I don't feel
: anything despite all the raves flooding the internet...Is it just me or this
: whole trend is just a hype?
: I also attached three different prints off the fall/winter runway
: collections. Personally i love the de la renta look for its fluidity.

最近开始由黑色开始变成喜欢嫩粉色这件Alexander McQueen dress很有点旗袍的味道
韩国人就是好看 你不承认也没有用Alexander McQueen 的COUPON
艺术与时尚的完美结合 来自我钟爱的那些大牌时尚杂志啥东西又时尚又保值的?
发帖数: 609
and I think Meret Oppenheim is great.
发帖数: 6809
well i guess i'm not that sensitive to prints... what that collection
fascinated me was the way that he carefully arranged the prints on the
actual dresses. for instance he put the moth's mouth apparatus on the chest
and its abdomonial scales on the belly. the wings were extended to the
shoulders and skirts that structually flared out from the model's body.
major angles were solidified by hexagonal honeycomb patterns. In this way
the animal (or animals) lives on the body. and this kind of construction and
sculpting, the fitting and unfitting of human body, was what consistently
draws my attention in his work..

_bazaar.jpg and de_la_renta_fw11.jpg you posted. I think the new designs
approaches this in a fetish way, what's much more exciting.

【在 T**********h 的大作中提到】
: Normally I don't like animal prints or fur. But I like the bonnie_chen_for_bazaar.jpg and de_la_renta_fw11.jpg you posted. I think the new designs approaches this in a fetish way, what's much more exciting.
: And I love the last season of Mcqueen prints.
: Well, I also like full body tattoos of scale or animal pattern, so don't
: take my opinion too seriously.
: It's definitely nothing classy, but it excites my cells.
: toward
: popular
: June
: this

发帖数: 6809
reed krakoff has some boar hair cuffed sandals this season that remind me
immediately of her..

【在 T**********h 的大作中提到】
: and I think Meret Oppenheim is great.
发帖数: 6809
true. well I just bought a purple leopard cashmere stole from YSL and all i
wish now is the sun will never rise!

【在 p*********l 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得,小面积的animal print容易handle,比如包 鞋 帽子
: 围巾,大面积的穿有点太张扬了,特别是对比鲜明的颜色,十来岁的小姑娘可以用无敌
: 青春来对付,显得活泼热情,再大一点年纪,就容易显得俗艳惊人,有点trying
: too hard,不够淡定

发帖数: 6809
haha totally understandable! but for some people the fun is right where the
danger is.


【在 f****f 的大作中提到】
: To be honest, these pics look very scary to me.:( I remembered I ordered a
: zebra print jacket and I was totally scared because it looked too real even
: though it was faux fur.
: I guess I cannot handle animal print unless its just small accessories. But
: Im very country la...
: toward
: popular
: June
: this

发帖数: 2622
发帖数: 306
I know, so Im very country! Another reason is Zebra is my fav animal in the
zoo (so beautiful and fit!). I prefer it to be alive and scream from far
away, haha!
You should post your pic with your new purple leopard cashmere stole!


【在 y**s 的大作中提到】
: haha totally understandable! but for some people the fun is right where the
: danger is.
: even
: But

发帖数: 6809
oops...i just wore it out and got caught up in a storm...


【在 f****f 的大作中提到】
: I know, so Im very country! Another reason is Zebra is my fav animal in the
: zoo (so beautiful and fit!). I prefer it to be alive and scream from far
: away, haha!
: You should post your pic with your new purple leopard cashmere stole!
: the

发帖数: 455
气质,内涵 aside, at least the art of dressing oneself elegantly can be
acquired, as long as one is willing to learn.
It can't be more difficult than getting a PhD or finding a job on the Wall
St., can it?

【在 A*********R 的大作中提到】
: Elegance 对许多人来说都是水中月,至少有50% 以上来自气质,内涵啥的,不是几件
: 衣服,搭配装装X就出得来的。
: 当然仅在T 台上走走的职业麻豆除外。
: woman
: big
: master

发帖数: 214
really good post!
Lady Gaga's dramatic headdress hit VMA yesterday!Valentino for Gap Collection
今天和美女谈话中想到的两个概念误区:fashion taste和beauty in arts李宇春 ELLE 10月刊 幽默专访 ( 时尚Bazzar 裙装)
发帖数: 55
The willingness to learn and the ability to be open-minded are highly
correlated with the ability required for Phd actually.
I didnt assume any causality here. People not pursuing phd please dont read
too much into it...

【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: 气质,内涵 aside, at least the art of dressing oneself elegantly can be
: acquired, as long as one is willing to learn.
: It can't be more difficult than getting a PhD or finding a job on the Wall
: St., can it?

发帖数: 942
昂~昂~昂昂~~ 逮~~

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: really good post!
发帖数: 5203
Nice post. Makes me want to find out other posts by LZ.
Would u talk bout how to dress in a sense of humor?
发帖数: 455
You mean dressing with a fashion sense of a Japanese school girl?

【在 c*****l 的大作中提到】
: Nice post. Makes me want to find out other posts by LZ.
: Would u talk bout how to dress in a sense of humor?

发帖数: 445
getting a PhD or a job on WS is certainly being overrated by you. For me
these things are more tangible than being elegant...

【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: 气质,内涵 aside, at least the art of dressing oneself elegantly can be
: acquired, as long as one is willing to learn.
: It can't be more difficult than getting a PhD or finding a job on the Wall
: St., can it?

发帖数: 5211
This one is absolutely gorgeous

【在 y**s 的大作中提到】
: two more pictures
: toward
: popular
: June
: this

发帖数: 5211
Hahah this reminds me of David Bowie in "dancing in the street" back in
the 80s.

to me
it's a
never wear something that has a higher contrast than the

【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: I haven't really paid much attention to animal prints, partly because to me
: it's something that comes and goes with trend. My gut wants to say it's a
: hype created by the "fashion" industry.
: Animal prints have existed for a long time. They were very popular in the
: 70's glam rock era.
: Regardless of its popularity, there is a fundamental problem of animal
: prints -- they wear you, instead of you wear them.
: Animal prints are essentially patterns. A rule of thumb of wearing patterns
: is that you should never wear something that has a higher contrast than the
: natural contrast of your complexion and hair. Most of the animal skin

发帖数: 27294

two big

【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: 大部分人看到一个好的搭配,第一个反应一般都是“好看”,“有气场”,“气质好”
: ,但是为什么好看,却说不出道理。
: "Mystery is one of the most important qualities a woman can possess. A woman
: who is an open book is boring."
: -Carolina Herrera
: So, how do you create mystery? Elegance and glamor. Yes, these are two big
: words, but if one is willing to put in the work, she can eventually master
: this art. I don't think I need to talk about glamor -- this is discussed
: everyday on this board. Let's talk about elegance.
: Elegance is a very abstract concept -- it's not a particular design, but

发帖数: 609

【在 y**s 的大作中提到】
: oops...i just wore it out and got caught up in a storm...
: the

发帖数: 609
设计者和使用者的出发点是不一样的.很多设计者关注的并不是衣服(in its original
Good designer won't give a shit if you look good in their clothes or not. Their focus is the cloth, not you. You are the accessary to their clothes, not the other way around.


【在 y**s 的大作中提到】
: well i guess i'm not that sensitive to prints... what that collection
: fascinated me was the way that he carefully arranged the prints on the
: actual dresses. for instance he put the moth's mouth apparatus on the chest
: and its abdomonial scales on the belly. the wings were extended to the
: shoulders and skirts that structually flared out from the model's body.
: major angles were solidified by hexagonal honeycomb patterns. In this way
: the animal (or animals) lives on the body. and this kind of construction and
: sculpting, the fitting and unfitting of human body, was what consistently
: draws my attention in his work..

Wedding Dresses发现这家店,大爱啊,推荐
发帖数: 5418
yep, i'm with you on this one.

【在 G***a 的大作中提到】
: 才看到帖子,觉得你写的非常好,我每个字都认真读了,给个大包子
: 唯一不同意的是关于亚洲人肤色。就是你提到的配色对亚洲人不成问题。其实我觉得恰
: 恰相反,配色
: 对亚洲人最是问题。比黑人其实还难,我脚得。
: woman
: two big
: master
: discussed

发帖数: 6809
yeah that's what i mean by sculpting. the body is just a prototype. some of
the curves were fitted. some were remolded to serve the designer's own
purposes. Now apart from such conceptualists as mcqueen who express ideas,
there are also designers who center their collections around a theme instead
of a concept. their goal is more of a aesthetic one in the classical sense.
both are explorations, which the capital F'ed fashion should be, and are
absolutely different from what's being discuessed here in the original
thread. I shall stop digressing haha.

Their focus is the cloth, not you. You are the accessary to their clothes,
not the other way around.

【在 T**********h 的大作中提到】
: 他不是在设计衣服,他是在设计皮,他的一些早期的东西里面已经把衣服当皮了.但当时是从FORM,不是同PATTERN着手.
: 设计者和使用者的出发点是不一样的.很多设计者关注的并不是衣服(in its original
: sense).比如三宅一生关注的就是用布包围的身体表面的那些空间.
: 一个普通的误解:很多人都认为设计师关心使用者穿了衣服好看不好看.这绝对不是真的.当然不排除有人为了MARKETING而说谎.
: Good designer won't give a shit if you look good in their clothes or not. Their focus is the cloth, not you. You are the accessary to their clothes, not the other way around.
: chest
: and

发帖数: 455
Why would anyone pay to be worn by a piece of design? For the ultimate snob
If the designer doesn't give a shit about how I look, why should I give a
shit about them?
Not picking a fight, just saying.
发帖数: 281
well said
btw, simplicity often is equal to elegance, or an ingredient of elegance, is
there any exception?


【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: 大部分人看到一个好的搭配,第一个反应一般都是“好看”,“有气场”,“气质好”
: ,但是为什么好看,却说不出道理。
: "Mystery is one of the most important qualities a woman can possess. A woman
: who is an open book is boring."
: -Carolina Herrera
: So, how do you create mystery? Elegance and glamor. Yes, these are two big
: words, but if one is willing to put in the work, she can eventually master
: this art. I don't think I need to talk about glamor -- this is discussed
: everyday on this board. Let's talk about elegance.
: Elegance is a very abstract concept -- it's not a particular design, but

发帖数: 609
I certainly will not fight with you. Fashion is just one of the many sources
of my inspiration and pleasure. I don't take it too seriously.
Here’s what I think:
Sometimes it is hard to say if one person is wearing a piece of design or
worn by a piece of design. Clothes have their own personalities, especially
high fashion. Some are pickier than the others on who wears them.
You choose them and they choose you. But certainly, in the designer’s mind
, the person wearing it is just a manikin.
A beautiful person with nice figure and enough confidence can bring out the
essence of a well designed dress, just like a good pianist bringing out the
best of Mozart. Lang Lang got all the praises, but it is the music that
touches the soul of the listeners.
I am not saying that Lang Lang is unimportant. There’s no music without a
musician to play it, and a good musician does make a difference. All what I
am saying is that the composer created that piece of music without the
musicians in mind. Please look at the attachment, and tell me that Mcqueen
created that great piece of work with any particular consumer in mind.
Designers just don’t work that way now. Traditionally a fashion designer
and a tailor is the same person, and s/he works with their clients in mind,
for the purpose of creating something to flatter their clients. Artists too,
were hired to make beautiful portraits of their clients, but that purpose
has been gone for long in their mind, and that’s not their job function
I know you appreciate good craftsmanship. I do too. I just want to point out
that fashion designers and tailors are in two different fields now in the
modern society. They think with different parts of the brain.
I wouldn't pay a penny to a tailor for his work not flattering me. But I
would pay for a good piece of design that doesn't fit me to hang on my wall,
because it simply gives me pleasure staring at it.
Definitely you don't need to give a shit about the designers if all you care
is something that can make you look good. 钱钟书不是说吃了个好吃的鸡蛋不见


【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: Why would anyone pay to be worn by a piece of design? For the ultimate snob
: appeal?
: If the designer doesn't give a shit about how I look, why should I give a
: shit about them?
: Not picking a fight, just saying.

发帖数: 609
发帖数: 306
"But I would pay for a good piece of design that doesn't fit me to hang on
my wall, because it simply gives me pleasure staring at it."
Are you serious? Maybe you are, but Im too pratical and rational to think
that way. It may be true that designers didnt bear the consumers in mind
when they were designing, but Im sure they all assume the consumers are as
pratical as me when they are trying to sell their masterpiece. If one just
enjoys "staring at it" for its own sake, why not go pay for the pure art?
For me, designers are just like businessman, not artists. Businessman should
care about consumers' demand. Yet, they dont. In the meanwhile, they
charged a insanley high price just by creating "hype" or the brand effect.
Are they rip off?
PS, you were assuming you can get happiness from "a good piece of design",
while I was arguing for people who are as pratical as me. Im sure Im the
majority tho!


【在 T**********h 的大作中提到】
: I certainly will not fight with you. Fashion is just one of the many sources
: of my inspiration and pleasure. I don't take it too seriously.
: Here’s what I think:
: Sometimes it is hard to say if one person is wearing a piece of design or
: worn by a piece of design. Clothes have their own personalities, especially
: high fashion. Some are pickier than the others on who wears them.
: You choose them and they choose you. But certainly, in the designer’s mind
: , the person wearing it is just a manikin.
: A beautiful person with nice figure and enough confidence can bring out the
: essence of a well designed dress, just like a good pianist bringing out the

发帖数: 27294

out the
out the

【在 T**********h 的大作中提到】
: I certainly will not fight with you. Fashion is just one of the many sources
: of my inspiration and pleasure. I don't take it too seriously.
: Here’s what I think:
: Sometimes it is hard to say if one person is wearing a piece of design or
: worn by a piece of design. Clothes have their own personalities, especially
: high fashion. Some are pickier than the others on who wears them.
: You choose them and they choose you. But certainly, in the designer’s mind
: , the person wearing it is just a manikin.
: A beautiful person with nice figure and enough confidence can bring out the
: essence of a well designed dress, just like a good pianist bringing out the

发帖数: 15123
帅锅,r u serious to get into this debate?


【在 T**********h 的大作中提到】
: I certainly will not fight with you. Fashion is just one of the many sources
: of my inspiration and pleasure. I don't take it too seriously.
: Here’s what I think:
: Sometimes it is hard to say if one person is wearing a piece of design or
: worn by a piece of design. Clothes have their own personalities, especially
: high fashion. Some are pickier than the others on who wears them.
: You choose them and they choose you. But certainly, in the designer’s mind
: , the person wearing it is just a manikin.
: A beautiful person with nice figure and enough confidence can bring out the
: essence of a well designed dress, just like a good pianist bringing out the

发帖数: 306
Some low-end fashion does consider the consumer I think.


【在 T**********h 的大作中提到】
: I certainly will not fight with you. Fashion is just one of the many sources
: of my inspiration and pleasure. I don't take it too seriously.
: Here’s what I think:
: Sometimes it is hard to say if one person is wearing a piece of design or
: worn by a piece of design. Clothes have their own personalities, especially
: high fashion. Some are pickier than the others on who wears them.
: You choose them and they choose you. But certainly, in the designer’s mind
: , the person wearing it is just a manikin.
: A beautiful person with nice figure and enough confidence can bring out the
: essence of a well designed dress, just like a good pianist bringing out the

受不了这个女人韩国人就是好看 你不承认也没有用
无聊贴艺术与时尚的完美结合 来自我钟爱的那些大牌时尚杂志
最近开始由黑色开始变成喜欢嫩粉色这件Alexander McQueen dress很有点旗袍的味道
发帖数: 609
还在加班看不了 :(

【在 G***a 的大作中提到】
: 童鞋们,别辩论啦!
: 7点insider讲史瓦辛格小三事件8挂
: 看完8挂再辩论:)
: sources
: or
: especially
: mind
: out the
: out the

发帖数: 27294

【在 I*****e 的大作中提到】
: 帅锅,r u serious to get into this debate?
: sources
: especially
: mind
: the
: the

发帖数: 15123

【在 G***a 的大作中提到】
: 男人就这样,啥事情牟上劲了,就一定得竞技一把。
: 看这俩帅锅叫着劲写GRE作文,我就感觉,这次精彩了:)
: 两帅哥,别介意,我年纪大了,所以胡说八道。先去看八卦了。
: 看完八卦,关于designer心里是否有muse,我也有话说

发帖数: 609
The design I would pay to hang on the wall may not necessarily mean fashion
design. I do, however, own a piece of snake pattern Mcqueen scarf for years
that I never wear.
We are looking at clothes from different angles. I seek inspiration for my
brain and pleasure for my eyes, so I care more about the ideas than how nice
it makes me look.
There are different levels of designers. it's a pyramid, the lower ones copy
the upper ones.
Ideas and concepts are the driving force that moves the world of design and
art. If there's no new concepts, then that world is dead.
The top 1% designers/artists create new concepts, which trigger the next
tier of designers to produce something practical to cater the general public
. By doing so, the concept is compromised, it may not be as powerful as it
should be.
The top 1% designer would rather keep the purity of the concept than to
satisfy the utilitarian uses of the product. The next tier designers,
however, would pay more attention to the utilitarian uses.
That's why there are non-wearable design shows and wearable ones.
The top 1% designers/artists may not be all famous. Some of them are famous
when they are alive, like Picasso and Mcqueen, some may get famous after
death, like Van Gogh and Kafka, but a lot more of them died unknown.


【在 f****f 的大作中提到】
: "But I would pay for a good piece of design that doesn't fit me to hang on
: my wall, because it simply gives me pleasure staring at it."
: Are you serious? Maybe you are, but Im too pratical and rational to think
: that way. It may be true that designers didnt bear the consumers in mind
: when they were designing, but Im sure they all assume the consumers are as
: pratical as me when they are trying to sell their masterpiece. If one just
: enjoys "staring at it" for its own sake, why not go pay for the pure art?
: For me, designers are just like businessman, not artists. Businessman should
: care about consumers' demand. Yet, they dont. In the meanwhile, they
: charged a insanley high price just by creating "hype" or the brand effect.

发帖数: 609

【在 G***a 的大作中提到】
: 男人就这样,啥事情牟上劲了,就一定得竞技一把。
: 看这俩帅锅叫着劲写GRE作文,我就感觉,这次精彩了:)
: 两帅哥,别介意,我年纪大了,所以胡说八道。先去看八卦了。
: 看完八卦,关于designer心里是否有muse,我也有话说

发帖数: 15123

【在 T**********h 的大作中提到】
: 冏了......
发帖数: 27294
他们就像samuel ullman说的那样:“u may die young at 80" .

【在 I*****e 的大作中提到】
: 显摆没成功吧。。hiahiahia。还是公主深刻
发帖数: 15123

【在 G***a 的大作中提到】
: 女人的老,是皮老,心也老。
: 男人的老,是皮老,心不老。
: 所以常常看见一个拥有60岁皮的男人,怀着一颗20岁般火热不靠谱的赤子之心,去
: 雄才大略,去追求姑娘。
: 他们就像samuel ullman说的那样:“u may die young at 80" .

发帖数: 15123

【在 G***a 的大作中提到】
: 女人的老,是皮老,心也老。
: 男人的老,是皮老,心不老。
: 所以常常看见一个拥有60岁皮的男人,怀着一颗20岁般火热不靠谱的赤子之心,去
: 雄才大略,去追求姑娘。
: 他们就像samuel ullman说的那样:“u may die young at 80" .

发帖数: 306
The top 1% designer would rather keep the purity of the concept than to
satisfy the utilitarian uses of the product.
If thats true, then I really respect them. Its an unfortunate thing that the
most original idea, the most brilliant intellectual thoughts most of time
didnt really get best rewarded.
I dont mean to offend you, but I think seeking for inspiration from clothes
is an interesting thing. There are so many varieties of art out there


【在 T**********h 的大作中提到】
: The design I would pay to hang on the wall may not necessarily mean fashion
: design. I do, however, own a piece of snake pattern Mcqueen scarf for years
: that I never wear.
: We are looking at clothes from different angles. I seek inspiration for my
: brain and pleasure for my eyes, so I care more about the ideas than how nice
: it makes me look.
: There are different levels of designers. it's a pyramid, the lower ones copy
: the upper ones.
: Ideas and concepts are the driving force that moves the world of design and
: art. If there's no new concepts, then that world is dead.

Alexander McQueen 的COUPON今天和美女谈话中想到的两个概念误区:fashion taste和beauty in arts
Lady Gaga's dramatic headdress hit VMA yesterday!Valentino for Gap Collection
发帖数: 306
Thats a bit mean......
I think different people just stand from different points of view, not
really a debate, no winner or loser.

【在 I*****e 的大作中提到】
: 那个帅锅躲起来了,大气都不敢出。。。
发帖数: 15123
man. I was kidding. don't be so serious. you guys' debate makes the whole
thing so serious.. relax......

【在 f****f 的大作中提到】
: Thats a bit mean......
: I think different people just stand from different points of view, not
: really a debate, no winner or loser.

发帖数: 455
Sorry, guys. I was just throwing my personal opinion out there, not
debating. This is really a personal choice -- "high fashion" is just not my
thing. To me it falls in the same category as "modern painting." I don't
care how many people rave about Picaso, if it doesn't click with me, it
doesn't click with me. (I think his life is way more interesting than his
paintings.) And there is more than plenty of classic, time-proven designs,
clothing, art, music to enjoy.
I'll stick to my tailors. :)
发帖数: 306
Sorry! I knew you were kidding.
I didnt know it looked so serious. I thought it was just for fun!


【在 I*****e 的大作中提到】
: man. I was kidding. don't be so serious. you guys' debate makes the whole
: thing so serious.. relax......

1 (共1页)
Alexander McQueen 的COUPON多图贴,看看时尚主编怎么穿衣
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Lady Gaga's dramatic headdress hit VMA yesterday!看中一款prada钱包,请熟悉prada钱包的jms帮忙看看
今天和美女谈话中想到的两个概念误区:fashion taste和beauty in arts奔新钱包+美手,发包子
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