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Fashion版 - Paraben會致癌,据说很多化妆品,洗发水,沐浴液都有这个
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话题: underarm话题: breast话题: cancer话题: estrogen话题: 致癌
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3042
我用的一款leave in condition也是有这个。似乎很多东西都有。如果致癌,可以这么
发帖数: 36950
发帖数: 5477
发帖数: 42
It has a similar chemical strcuture to estrogen, a group of female sex
hormone. Therefore, it can behavior like and act like estrogen. here is some
information about estrogen:
About 80% of breast cancers, once established, rely on supplies of the
hormone estrogen to grow: they are known as hormone-sensitive or hormone-
receptor-positive cancers. Suppression of production of estrogen in the body
is a treatment for these cancers.
You can always read more in wiki.
发帖数: 516
Paraben structure is not SIMILAR to estrogen. If you read WIKI, your
conclusion is so far no conclusive experiment could demonstrate the
correlation between cancer and paraben.
Please read more carefully.
here is good reference. Parabens, oestrogenicity, underarm cosmetics and
breast cancer: a perspective on a hypothesis
Journal of Applied Toxicology
Volume 23, Issue 5, pages 285–288, September/October 2003
A recent review by Darbre (2003) published in this journal (J. Appi. Toxicol
. 23: 89–95) has attracted public and scientific interest that
requires perspective, particularly on the use of esters of p-hydroxybenzoic
acid (parabens) as preservatives in underarm cosmetics. Although parabens
are generally regarded as safe, recent reports suggest that they are
oestrogenic in a variety of in vitro (including MCF7 and ZR-75-1 human
breast cancer cell lines) and in vivo tests for oestrogenicity (uterotrophic
assays in both rat and mouse). There are also recent reports of adverse
reproductive and developmental outcomes in rodent toxicity studies. Of
interest is the lack of activity by the oral route but clear activity by the
subcutaneous and topical routes, which is of some relevance to the use of
underarm cosmetics. There would seem to be a case now to supplement these
emerging toxicity data with longer term regulatory standard tests examining
other oestrogenic endpoints and at least to consider these findings in
more up-to-date risk assessments specific for cosmetic use. Further,
there are few data on the use of underarm cosmetics and the risk of breast
cancer, and although one recent retrospective interview-based study found no
association there is a need for more thorough investigation taking into
account the type of chemicals used. Darbre has forwarded a hypothesis and
called for further work to establish whether or not the use of underarm
cosmetics (particularly containing oestrogenic formulants) contributes to
the rising incidence of breast cancer. It would seem prudent to conduct this
work because the current database is sparse and the effects of long-term
low-level exposures to weakly oestrogenic chemicals on human health,
particularly their application to the underarm and the risks of breast
cancer, are unknown. The role of oestrogens in breast cancer, however, is
undisputed. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


【在 t******a 的大作中提到】
: It has a similar chemical strcuture to estrogen, a group of female sex
: hormone. Therefore, it can behavior like and act like estrogen. here is some
: information about estrogen:
: About 80% of breast cancers, once established, rely on supplies of the
: hormone estrogen to grow: they are known as hormone-sensitive or hormone-
: receptor-positive cancers. Suppression of production of estrogen in the body
: is a treatment for these cancers.
: You can always read more in wiki.

发帖数: 3042
我用的一款leave in condition也是有这个。似乎很多东西都有。如果致癌,可以这么
发帖数: 36950
发帖数: 5477
发帖数: 42
It has a similar chemical strcuture to estrogen, a group of female sex
hormone. Therefore, it can behavior like and act like estrogen. here is some
information about estrogen:
About 80% of breast cancers, once established, rely on supplies of the
hormone estrogen to grow: they are known as hormone-sensitive or hormone-
receptor-positive cancers. Suppression of production of estrogen in the body
is a treatment for these cancers.
You can always read more in wiki.
发帖数: 516
Paraben structure is not SIMILAR to estrogen. If you read WIKI, your
conclusion is so far no conclusive experiment could demonstrate the
correlation between cancer and paraben.
Please read more carefully.
here is good reference. Parabens, oestrogenicity, underarm cosmetics and
breast cancer: a perspective on a hypothesis
Journal of Applied Toxicology
Volume 23, Issue 5, pages 285–288, September/October 2003
A recent review by Darbre (2003) published in this journal (J. Appi. Toxicol
. 23: 89–95) has attracted public and scientific interest that
requires perspective, particularly on the use of esters of p-hydroxybenzoic
acid (parabens) as preservatives in underarm cosmetics. Although parabens
are generally regarded as safe, recent reports suggest that they are
oestrogenic in a variety of in vitro (including MCF7 and ZR-75-1 human
breast cancer cell lines) and in vivo tests for oestrogenicity (uterotrophic
assays in both rat and mouse). There are also recent reports of adverse
reproductive and developmental outcomes in rodent toxicity studies. Of
interest is the lack of activity by the oral route but clear activity by the
subcutaneous and topical routes, which is of some relevance to the use of
underarm cosmetics. There would seem to be a case now to supplement these
emerging toxicity data with longer term regulatory standard tests examining
other oestrogenic endpoints and at least to consider these findings in
more up-to-date risk assessments specific for cosmetic use. Further,
there are few data on the use of underarm cosmetics and the risk of breast
cancer, and although one recent retrospective interview-based study found no
association there is a need for more thorough investigation taking into
account the type of chemicals used. Darbre has forwarded a hypothesis and
called for further work to establish whether or not the use of underarm
cosmetics (particularly containing oestrogenic formulants) contributes to
the rising incidence of breast cancer. It would seem prudent to conduct this
work because the current database is sparse and the effects of long-term
low-level exposures to weakly oestrogenic chemicals on human health,
particularly their application to the underarm and the risks of breast
cancer, are unknown. The role of oestrogens in breast cancer, however, is
undisputed. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


【在 t******a 的大作中提到】
: It has a similar chemical strcuture to estrogen, a group of female sex
: hormone. Therefore, it can behavior like and act like estrogen. here is some
: information about estrogen:
: About 80% of breast cancers, once established, rely on supplies of the
: hormone estrogen to grow: they are known as hormone-sensitive or hormone-
: receptor-positive cancers. Suppression of production of estrogen in the body
: is a treatment for these cancers.
: You can always read more in wiki.

发帖数: 34

【在 y****g 的大作中提到】
: 据说手机也致癌,笔记本据说也致癌,微波炉也致癌,晒太阳也致癌在家做饭油烟也致
: 癌,走马路上的废气也致癌,麦当劳致癌,肯德基致癌,方便面致癌,吃肉致癌,喝酒
: 致癌,抽烟致癌

1 (共1页)
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cetaphil cleanser有致癌物质?请教如何无痛又方便的除毛,underarm and bikini line
什么品牌护肤品不含有paraben or phthalates ?Re: 请教如何无痛又方便的除毛,underarm and bikini line (转(转载)
再跟大家分享一个便宜又好用的面霜,GNC VC 面霜laser hair removal 3次够么?刚好有个deal
话题: underarm话题: breast话题: cancer话题: estrogen话题: 致癌