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FleaMarket版 - [转让] 12/23,24 Vegas Boulder Station 房间两个
【出售】Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel nights Dec 24, 25【出售】2 Hilton Free Night Certificates (cat 1-7)
Anaheim Hilton 便宜转让 9/16 to 9/19 3 nights[出售] SPG suite nights 10 nights, $30 per night
拉斯维加斯新年夜 Las Vegas New Year Eve 酒店2晚 转让$200 Or Best Offer(价值$537.59)12/31/2011 and 1/1/2012[求购]2天hyatt free nights @ 220 each
【出售】Las Vegas Rio Hotel & Casino 2 nights free[求购]2天hyatt free nights @ 200 each OBO
$50 转让 SPRINT SERO PLAN[出售]Hyatt free 4 nights standard room at any Hyatt hotel $290/night
hotel.com reward free night 7折转让[出售]Hotels.com Welcome Rewards $50 per night
[出售]SPG free nights for $120/night Starwood[出售]two nights at any hyatt hotel
Marriott Hotels - stay 2 get free night promotion - May 15 to September 2, 2013- "Unexpected Bonus"[出售]IHG free night for $178.
话题: boulder话题: vegas话题: station
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13455
【 以下文字转载自 Travel 讨论区 】
发信人: bison (九尖山下仙, 石象湖边客), 信区: Travel
标 题: [转让] 12/23,24 Vegas Boulder Station 房间两个
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 22 14:35:15 2010, 美东)
$50 for all 2x2 = 4 room/nights, or 站内联系for other options
1 (共1页)
[出售]IHG free night for $178.$50 转让 SPRINT SERO PLAN
[出售]IHG free night for $180hotel.com reward free night 7折转让
four nights at any hyatt hotel[出售]SPG free nights for $120/night Starwood
[出售]One Night at Category 1-4 Hyatt HotelMarriott Hotels - stay 2 get free night promotion - May 15 to September 2, 2013- "Unexpected Bonus"
【出售】Renaissance Las Vegas Hotel nights Dec 24, 25【出售】2 Hilton Free Night Certificates (cat 1-7)
Anaheim Hilton 便宜转让 9/16 to 9/19 3 nights[出售] SPG suite nights 10 nights, $30 per night
拉斯维加斯新年夜 Las Vegas New Year Eve 酒店2晚 转让$200 Or Best Offer(价值$537.59)12/31/2011 and 1/1/2012[求购]2天hyatt free nights @ 220 each
【出售】Las Vegas Rio Hotel & Casino 2 nights free[求购]2天hyatt free nights @ 200 each OBO
话题: boulder话题: vegas话题: station