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有没有版主在线帮个忙?谁有tensa的电话,帮个忙 (转载)
话题: congress话题: bill话题: small话题: businesses话题: tax
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 842
You may have heard that Congress is considering an Internet sales tax bill
called the "Marketplace Fairness Act" that is anything but "fair" for small
online businesses. If you want to help us protect small businesses and
entrepreneurs from new tax burdens, please
get involved now.
If the Marketplace Fairness Act is allowed to become law, it could require
online sellers like you to collect sales taxes nationwide from the more than
9,600 tax jurisdictions. You could also face the prospect of being audited
by tax collectors from other states. On behalf of our eBay community, we are
pushing Congress to include meaningful protections for small businesses.
Earlier this year, the Senate passed a bill now being considered by the
House of Representatives. The good news is that hundreds of thousands of
consumers and small business owners contacted Capitol Hill to express their
concerns. This public outpouring has resulted in the House taking time to
ask much-needed questions about how this bill will impact e-commerce and
small businesses like yours.
Despite this positive development, the bill's supporters and their
Washington lobbyists still want to get the bill through Congress by
attaching it to important pieces of legislation that Congress must pass,
such as the government funding and debt ceiling bills. Congress must fix the
Senate bill by significantly increasing the small business exemption. That
is why we need your help. If you oppose attempts to force an unfair Internet
sales tax bill into law, raise your voice and let your representatives in
Congress know.
发帖数: 20643
spt, signed
发帖数: 1335


【在 N*******n 的大作中提到】
: 今天ebay发给我的,有兴趣的读一下,不想读的,直接帮忙填个表吧
: http://www.ebaymainstreet.com/campaigns/oppose-efforts-pass-mar
: 如果网络销售真的开始收税,基本大家都要歇菜,也不用搞副业了,而且我们自己买的
: 时候也要交税,多不好
: =======================================================
: You may have heard that Congress is considering an Internet sales tax bill
: called the "Marketplace Fairness Act" that is anything but "fair" for small
: online businesses. If you want to help us protect small businesses and
: entrepreneurs from new tax burdens, please
: get involved now.

1 (共1页)
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有人用buy.com marketplace卖过东西 吗?sold【出售}】Macy's $300 giftcard @0.88
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[出售] Bestbuy Reward Certificate $15 for $14 or best offer[ 出售 ] P. F. Chang Gift Card $100
AT&T Unlimited Data Plan Account with No City Utility Fees[出售] Walmart Gift Card $100
[求购] 100美元买人民币,有空的人帮个忙,谢了[4 sale] Home Depot/Barnes & Noble Gift Card
[急需美元]需要换7300美元急用,老乡好帮个忙【出售】mastercard offer $150 off $300 at Lenovo
话题: congress话题: bill话题: small话题: businesses话题: tax