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Florida版 - A GRA (Ms or Ph. D) is wanted at UF (转载)
Staples Black Friday 2008 upcoming offers, Nov 13paper help(nature review microbiology)
Ph.D student wanted at UF (转载)求审稿机会(microbiology, metabolic engineering, metabolic modeling)
UF 一实验室招聘技术员 (biological scientist)Graduate assistant positions at multiple universities avail
A GRA (Ms or Ph. D) is wanted at UF (转载)有metabolic disease pathways 的筒子们一起回国的嘛?
A GRA (Ms or Ph. D) is wanted at UFguest editor,感兴趣的请发站内邮箱(nutrition,metabolism)
版上有做biofuel方向的吗?求推荐工作FYI: 5 Ways to Keep Your Metabolism Up: #5Drink water
paper 求助Ph.D Positions in Civil Eng. at Missouri University of Science and Technology
话题: ms话题: phd话题: gra话题: ph话题: uf
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1139
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: mountin2010 (我很丑但是我很温柔), 信区: Biology
标 题: A GRA (Ms or Ph. D) is wanted at UF
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Apr 28 20:47:11 2013, 美东)
A Microbiology lab in the University of Florida is looking for an MS or PhD
student for the upcoming Fall or Spring semester 2013. The focus of the lab
is on energy metabolism of rumen microbes and related areas.
For MS student, undergraduate research experience is preferred but not
required. For PhD student, publications are preferred but again not
If interested, please send your CV to: s******[email protected]
1 (共1页)
Ph.D Positions in Civil Eng. at Missouri University of Science and TechnologyA GRA (Ms or Ph. D) is wanted at UF
寻女室友-5th beneficial microbe meeting关于Spotlight
求审稿机会:cancer metabolism, cancer cell biology, metabolic disorders, mitochondrial biology版上有做biofuel方向的吗?求推荐工作
Graduate assistant positions at multiple universities avail (转载)paper 求助
Staples Black Friday 2008 upcoming offers, Nov 13paper help(nature review microbiology)
Ph.D student wanted at UF (转载)求审稿机会(microbiology, metabolic engineering, metabolic modeling)
UF 一实验室招聘技术员 (biological scientist)Graduate assistant positions at multiple universities avail
A GRA (Ms or Ph. D) is wanted at UF (转载)有metabolic disease pathways 的筒子们一起回国的嘛?
话题: ms话题: phd话题: gra话题: ph话题: uf