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Bill Vinovich confirmed as referee for SB XLIXsaints大麻烦来了
一早醒来收到Goodell的群发邮件呵呵呵Perfect sports weekend
For NFL, Does a Blown Call by Referees Really Matter?如果明年nfl lockout
breaking news: NFL and NFLRA have a deal蛋糕为什么把VJ给扔了?
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Breaking News: NFL, referees' union reach agreement看来lockout是要来了
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Referee Bill Leavy to retire after 20 seasons如果lockout,球员是否可以为所欲为
话题: referees话题: walker话题: nfl话题: scott话题: packers
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4978
或者说代理裁判们实在太烂了,连反Union的先锋Scott Walker都妥协了。
As NFL Referees Lockout Continues, Gov. Scott Walker Calls For Return Of
Unionized Refs
Once NFL owners have lost Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R), perhaps it's safe
to say they've lost the nation.
After Walker's Green Bay Packers suffered a devastating loss on a
controversial last-second play Monday night, the governor whom labor
activists consider the most anti-union in the nation took to Twitter on
Tuesday morning to call for an end to the lockout of the league's unionized
Walker's brief plea echoed the tweets of thousands of other exasperated fans
over the preceding weeks. "After catching a few hours of sleep, the #
Packers game is still just as painful," he wrote. The governor, who last
year championed a law that stripped most public-sector workers of their
collective-bargaining rights, ended his tweet with the hashtag "#
With time expiring in the Monday night matchup, Seattle Seahawks quarterback
Russell Wilson hurled a "Hail Mary" that dropped into a scrum in the corner
of the endzone; the officiating crew ruled it a catch by receiver Golden
Tate, even though Tate was wrestling for the ball with the Packers' M.D.
Jennings, who arguably had control. After roughly ten excruciating minutes
of review, officials affirmed the call on the field. (This GIF captures the
on-filed confusion.)
"Don't ask me a question about the officials," Green Bay coach Mike McCarthy
said after the game. "I've never seen anything like that in all my years in
The referees have been locked out since early June, when negotiations over a
new contract between the National Football League Referees Association and
the NFL broke down. Although there are many issues at play, the referees'
union has said the main sticking point is pensions: The league wants to
freeze the defined-benefit pension plans they've had since the 1970s and
switch them to less-attractive 401k's.
A lockout is different from a strike -- the referees did not choose to stop
working, they were forced to do so by management as a bargaining tactic.
"The key is the pension issue," Scott Green, the head of the referees' union
, recently told HuffPost. "A lot of our guys have made life-career decisions
based on assuming that pension would be there."
The NFL is an extremely profitable enterprise, raking in about $9 billion
per year. The average team is valued at about $1.1 billion, according to
Forbes. Still, league commissioner Roger Goodell recently told HuffPost that
pensions are disappearing for American workers in general, and that most
people don't enjoy what the referees have.
"About ten percent of the country has that," Goodell said of defined-benefit
pensions. "Yours truly doesn't have that. It's something that doesn’t
really exist anymore and that I think is going away steadily."
The referees' strongest bargaining chip is perhaps the weak officiating by
the replacement referees. Even though the league has argued that game-
calling would improve with each passing week, Monday night's debacle clearly
calls that logic into question. As officials have managed to lose control
of a number of games in past weeks, the players and their union have argued
that the refereeing presents a clear workplace safety issue.
In addition to the unlikely support of Walker, the referees have had an ally
in the NFL Player Association, which sent a letter to the league on Sunday
urging the return of the unionized referees.
"As players, we see this game as more than the ‘product’ you reference at
times," the players union wrote. "You cannot simply switch to a group of
cheaper officials and fulfill your legal, moral, and duty obligations to us
and our fans. You need to end the lockout and bring back the officials
发帖数: 16949
发帖数: 7425
u got the piont, it's hard to believe any wisconsin guy is not a Packers fan
, including Paul Ryan, Scot Walker

【在 l*****8 的大作中提到】
: 那是因为吃亏的是GB.他要不出来反对NFL的话,那就是政治自杀。
1 (共1页)
如果lockout,球员是否可以为所欲为The deal has been made
lockout以后team store也会关门么Breaking News: NFL, referees' union reach agreement
谈崩了?没球了?Two NFL referees retire
没人报道这个?Referee Bill Leavy to retire after 20 seasons
Bill Vinovich confirmed as referee for SB XLIXsaints大麻烦来了
一早醒来收到Goodell的群发邮件呵呵呵Perfect sports weekend
For NFL, Does a Blown Call by Referees Really Matter?如果明年nfl lockout
breaking news: NFL and NFLRA have a deal蛋糕为什么把VJ给扔了?
话题: referees话题: walker话题: nfl话题: scott话题: packers