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Football版 - Brandon Jacobs on Jim Harbaugh
Brandon Jacobs对降级极为不满我的预测:Bengals,Chiefs,49ers和Eagles胜
可怜 Brandon Jacobs 连勾栏的机会都没了Golden Tate after TD
Marion Barber换Brandon Jacobs?The Harbaughs - Brother Against Brother
Brandon Jacobs RB or Kevin Boss TE ?前两天听的一个四九人和圣人之间的八卦
好奇怪,DFL里没有人要brandon jacobs3 Harbaughs competing in Conference Championship round
PM的address很感人Giants' 2014 chedule leaked
一个6岁Giants fan给Brandon Jacobs的信。Jerry Reese: Giants had Watkins ahead of Beckham
市面上还有能打主力得rb么Harbaugh vs. Ravens fan
话题: jacobs话题: harbaugh话题: jim话题: he话题: brandon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6388
When discussing 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh on the Boomer and Carton show on
WFAN, the former Giants running back said Thursday, "He is a bitch, and that
's why he's never won anything.
"I have one regret in my career, and that's going to the 49ers when I
could have stayed in New York," Jacobs said. "I just wanted to see what
stuff was like with another team and it didn't work out."
Jacobs said he "wasn't liked" and it felt as if he was being "held
hostage" in San Francisco.
"It is what it is," he said. "I've got two rings. Harbaugh, though, he's
a bitch. So it doesn't matter."
发帖数: 13310
Jim must be yelling at John :"It's all your fault!"


【在 d*********o 的大作中提到】
: http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/eye-on-football/24417851/rb-brando
: When discussing 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh on the Boomer and Carton show on
: WFAN, the former Giants running back said Thursday, "He is a bitch, and that
: 's why he's never won anything.
: "I have one regret in my career, and that's going to the 49ers when I
: could have stayed in New York," Jacobs said. "I just wanted to see what
: stuff was like with another team and it didn't work out."
: Jacobs said he "wasn't liked" and it felt as if he was being "held
: hostage" in San Francisco.
: "It is what it is," he said. "I've got two rings. Harbaugh, though, he's

1 (共1页)
Harbaugh vs. Ravens fan好奇怪,DFL里没有人要brandon jacobs
乌鸦说flacco no longer a young QBPM的address很感人
Harbaugh续约要拿4M了一个6岁Giants fan给Brandon Jacobs的信。
Brandon Jacobs对降级极为不满我的预测:Bengals,Chiefs,49ers和Eagles胜
可怜 Brandon Jacobs 连勾栏的机会都没了Golden Tate after TD
Marion Barber换Brandon Jacobs?The Harbaughs - Brother Against Brother
Brandon Jacobs RB or Kevin Boss TE ?前两天听的一个四九人和圣人之间的八卦
话题: jacobs话题: harbaugh话题: jim话题: he话题: brandon