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Football版 - Harbaugh sounds like he’s pleading for forgiveness
Throw the Patriots out of the Super Bowl
Harbaugh Bowl or rematch of Super Bowl XLII
Harbaugh vs. Ravens fan
Terrell Suggs to Patriots: 'Have fun at the Pro Bowl' zz
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话题: harbaugh话题: patriots话题: belichick话题: he话题: nfl
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发帖数: 1365
PHOENIX — Ravens coach John Harbaugh has been out here all week for the Pro
Bowl, and apparently the desert heat has warmed his heart.
Appearing Friday on NFL Network, Harbaugh was downright reverential of Bill
Belichick when asked about his professional rival.
“He’s been a great mentor, a great friend,” Harbaugh gushed. “I have the
utmost respect for him. Bill Belichick is the greatest coach of our
generation, without question.
“He’s the toughest guy we have to go against every single year, game plan-
wise, and trying to beat his team. They have a great team, they’re where
they deserve to be, they’re where they belong and I just consider him my
It’s a nice gesture to defend Belichick’s honor and try to minimize the
impact of the Deflategate incident. And Harbaugh sure knows how to butter
him up.
But there’s a second message, here — of a man pleading for forgiveness.
In the public sphere, the Patriots have been the only team involved in the
Deflategate controversy that tarnished their bye week as they prepare to
face the Seahawks in Super Bowl XLIX. The Colts were an ancillary
But inside the walls of Gillette Stadium and across the league, Harbaugh is
viewed as the one responsible for starting this whole mess — casting a dark
cloud above the league’s signature event, staining the reputations of
Belichick and Tom Brady, and blowing the lid off another of the league’s
dirty secrets about football doctoring.
It’s Harbaugh who supposedly concocted this scheme with good buddy Chuck
Pagano, the Colts’ coach who was one of Harbaugh’s top defensive
lieutenants for four years in Baltimore, after the Patriots pulled some
trickery on the Ravens in the playoffs two weeks ago. Fox Sports’ Jay
Glazer reported as much last week, and while there’s no concrete proof of
this yet, that’s what the Patriots and many others across the league
believe. Glazer also reported that the Ravens suspected something wrong with
their kicking balls, although those stay in the officials’ possession from
Saturday until literally right at kickoff.
This little tit-for-tat between the Ravens and Patriots escalated quickly.
It began with Harbaugh accusing the Patriots of “deception” with their
eligible-ineligible tactics in New England’s dramatic 35-31 comeback win in
the divisional round Jan. 10.
A few feet down the hall at Gillette Stadium, Brady shot right back.
“Maybe those guys got to study the rule book and figure it out?” Brady
said. “We obviously knew what we were doing.”
Harbaugh, supposedly, got his revenge a week later with his buddy Pagano. “
Oh, so you want to talk about the rule book? Let’s check those footballs.”
The NFL’s lengthy press release on Friday didn’t mention how it became
aware of the underinflated footballs. Colts linebacker D’Qwell Jackson
admitted last week that he didn’t notice a thing when he intercepted Brady
late in the second quarter. But, as reported first by Newsday, did a Colts
equipment manager notice an underinflated ball and set off a chain of events
leading to the referees’ discovery of 12 improper footballs? Did the Colts
have a pressure gauge at the ready, for just the situation?
After the scandal exploded on the Patriots and brought Belichick and Brady
to their knees with lengthy press conferences, Harbaugh then piled on later
last week, seemingly taking the moral high ground in an interview with ESPN.
“They’re going to make sure the game is played with integrity, it’s
played the right way, it’s fair and there are no unfair advantages for
either side in any game,” Harbaugh said. “That’s what sport’s all about.”
And would underinflating footballs be an unfair advantage?
“I think there’s an obvious answer to that: Yes, it would be an unfair
You can imagine the Patriots’ reaction — let’s just say it was a word
that starts with the letter “P” and rhymes with “missed.” Never mind
that the Patriots may have been deliberately skirting the rules (although
the NFL has not determined anything at this point). In NFL circles, ratting
out the Patriots was the far bigger crime.
And Harbaugh, whose team hasn’t exactly been a beacon of morality and truth
since Ray Rice punched his fiancé in February, has the gall to act smugly
about the Patriots?
Which leads us to Harbaugh’s quote from Friday. He sounded like a man
desperate to get back in the good graces of the Patriots and much of the NFL
. After all, in 2008 Belichick went out of his way to help a little-known
special teams coach named John Harbaugh, a man he didn’t know well, get his
first head coaching job with the Ravens.
“It meant everything,” Harbaugh said earlier this month of getting
Belichick’s recommendation. “The fact that he was willing to do that at
the time, I was stunned when I heard the story much later. I would describe
the relationship as very good. [I have] great admiration for Coach and
consider him . . . I’ve never worked with him, specifically, but for
whatever reason he has been always willing to kind of take me under his wing
in a way and give me time and insight and things like that.”
But Harbaugh and Pagano just may have nuked their relationship with the
Patriots. Ask Eric Mangini what happens when you cross Belichick. He was
kicked out of the family and is no longer on speaking terms. He couldn’t
get an NFL coaching job for two years, and is slowly working his way back in
San Francisco, on the other side of the country.
Belichick and the Patriots always will respect Harbaugh as an X’s and O’s
coach. But now he’s also seen, fairly or not, as the guy who ignited
Deflategate and tainted this Super Bowl run.
发帖数: 5101
发帖数: 52743

【在 i*********r 的大作中提到】
: 不想步满精灵的后尘。行内的名声受损啊。
发帖数: 5101
发帖数: 942
看来就是哈宝搞的鬼了, 不出所料。


【在 d*****y 的大作中提到】
: PHOENIX — Ravens coach John Harbaugh has been out here all week for the Pro
: Bowl, and apparently the desert heat has warmed his heart.
: Appearing Friday on NFL Network, Harbaugh was downright reverential of Bill
: Belichick when asked about his professional rival.
: “He’s been a great mentor, a great friend,” Harbaugh gushed. “I have the
: utmost respect for him. Bill Belichick is the greatest coach of our
: generation, without question.
: “He’s the toughest guy we have to go against every single year, game plan-
: wise, and trying to beat his team. They have a great team, they’re where
: they deserve to be, they’re where they belong and I just consider him my

发帖数: 5101
screw you, screw me

【在 l****o 的大作中提到】
: 看来就是哈宝搞的鬼了, 不出所料。
: Pro
: Bill
: the
: plan-

发帖数: 1365
言下之意就是说扣子完全是有备而来,矛头直指john harbaugh


【在 d*****y 的大作中提到】
: PHOENIX — Ravens coach John Harbaugh has been out here all week for the Pro
: Bowl, and apparently the desert heat has warmed his heart.
: Appearing Friday on NFL Network, Harbaugh was downright reverential of Bill
: Belichick when asked about his professional rival.
: “He’s been a great mentor, a great friend,” Harbaugh gushed. “I have the
: utmost respect for him. Bill Belichick is the greatest coach of our
: generation, without question.
: “He’s the toughest guy we have to go against every single year, game plan-
: wise, and trying to beat his team. They have a great team, they’re where
: they deserve to be, they’re where they belong and I just consider him my

发帖数: 113

【在 i*********r 的大作中提到】
: 满精灵已经不只一次在电视上说他最后悔的事就是没处理好spategate
发帖数: 516
现代西方版: 农夫和蛇!


【在 d*****y 的大作中提到】
: PHOENIX — Ravens coach John Harbaugh has been out here all week for the Pro
: Bowl, and apparently the desert heat has warmed his heart.
: Appearing Friday on NFL Network, Harbaugh was downright reverential of Bill
: Belichick when asked about his professional rival.
: “He’s been a great mentor, a great friend,” Harbaugh gushed. “I have the
: utmost respect for him. Bill Belichick is the greatest coach of our
: generation, without question.
: “He’s the toughest guy we have to go against every single year, game plan-
: wise, and trying to beat his team. They have a great team, they’re where
: they deserve to be, they’re where they belong and I just consider him my

发帖数: 8992
发帖数: 2504
Typical Pats' writer spreading rumors and hates around, nothing more.
And what does this mean? "In NFL circles, ratting out the Patriots was the
far bigger crime."
发帖数: 1365

【在 H**p 的大作中提到】
: Typical Pats' writer spreading rumors and hates around, nothing more.
: And what does this mean? "In NFL circles, ratting out the Patriots was the
: far bigger crime."

发帖数: 2504
哈哈,跟Peter King开个玩笑而已。

【在 d*****y 的大作中提到】
: 大哈宝这个人比较小肚鸡肠,SI的一个记者在steeler赛前预测steeler赢,居然能让哈
: 宝念念不忘

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话题: harbaugh话题: patriots话题: belichick话题: he话题: nfl