罗马: 古罗马那一部分很宏伟,整个城市象是一个博物馆,所到所见皆为景,感觉无限
的历史沧桑感。更不用说博物馆中的很多名画和雕塑。highly recommend Roma for
sightseeing. Although you have to prepare for a creppy modern Roma.现代罗马很
落后,我在那里最深的感受就是发达国家与发展中国家的line 其实是blur的。我们国家
很多城市都要比罗马建设的好多了。xian现代罗马用两个词形容,便是“Shabby" and
"Lazy".They just don't have the dynamism of making money. Weekend is the best
time for tourists, yet all the shops and most of the museums were closed.
Public servants p(politicians) put their stupid he