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plutus 快去![HOMMK]DragonLegacy世界的不活动号们
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[HOMMK]FAQ[大家贡献]决定卖掉M3 Stuart了
风阳你再试一次Dragon Legacy发现一个很不错的deal!
话题: account话题: so话题: legacy话题: my话题: dragon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 32405
ChemZero on Friday, August 13th 2010
Having more than one account is prohibited. Your additional account will be removed.
Thank you.
HK Support
Last answer:
大猩猩 on Friday, August 13th 2010
Please delete all my accounts. Thanks.
发帖数: 11078
看起来是大猩猩让GM删号的罗 - -#
那request他们让你自己的帐号在旧世界有个城嘛 试试看
发帖数: 32405
大家说说, 如果我一口咬定现在是我在玩, 不是大猩猩了, 求他们恢复数据, 如果不成,
那么退而求其次把我自己的号移到一服, 这策略何如?

【在 r*********g 的大作中提到】
: 看起来是大猩猩让GM删号的罗 - -#
: 那request他们让你自己的帐号在旧世界有个城嘛 试试看

发帖数: 27573
发帖数: 11078
嗯 首先必须咬定说,是大猩猩把号送给你了 因为1服朋友多 你想进一服玩(但是他忘
了删号这一岔)然后说你已经花了很多心血了 他们删掉很残忍 求他们恢复为退而求其
at least allow me to start a new account in that server with my own account,
if that's more appropriate, since I've been devoting so many time and heart
into that server with my friends. blahblahblah ...


【在 p****s 的大作中提到】
: 大家说说, 如果我一口咬定现在是我在玩, 不是大猩猩了, 求他们恢复数据, 如果不成,
: 那么退而求其次把我自己的号移到一服, 这策略何如?

发帖数: 32405
甚好, 我就把这段贴过去了

【在 r*********g 的大作中提到】
: 嗯 首先必须咬定说,是大猩猩把号送给你了 因为1服朋友多 你想进一服玩(但是他忘
: 了删号这一岔)然后说你已经花了很多心血了 他们删掉很残忍 求他们恢复为退而求其
: 次让你在一服开个新号铺垫
: at least allow me to start a new account in that server with my own account,
: if that's more appropriate, since I've been devoting so many time and heart
: into that server with my friends. blahblahblah ...
: 成,

发帖数: 11078

要晓之以理 动之以情 绳之以法 呵呵 :)

【在 M******k 的大作中提到】
: 说不好啊....你也知道这些GM轴起来是什么样子
发帖数: 32405
看这个, 够董卿了不:
Your Mighty,
My lord ChemZero, let me clarify this. It is me who took over this account from my friend. Since that day 大猩猩 is under my control only.
You can trace back the IP flow to verify this fact, what I asked is not obligatory but a pardon gesture. Could you consider this as a solution:
1. If the account can be restored, that's much appreciated.
2. And if that is impossible then at least allow

【在 r*********g 的大作中提到】
: 所以不能硬来啊。。。。
: 要晓之以理 动之以情 绳之以法 呵呵 :)

发帖数: 11078
赞 :)
发帖数: 32405
别在这赞, 作为联盟话事人, 你到tech issue的论坛支持一把啊

【在 r*********g 的大作中提到】
: 赞 :)
[HOMMK]FAQ[大家贡献]有人进dragon legacy了!
风阳你再试一次Dragon Legacyhommk在哪儿注册?
发帖数: 3972
good idea,一定要搞过来啊


【在 r*********g 的大作中提到】
: 嗯 首先必须咬定说,是大猩猩把号送给你了 因为1服朋友多 你想进一服玩(但是他忘
: 了删号这一岔)然后说你已经花了很多心血了 他们删掉很残忍 求他们恢复为退而求其
: 次让你在一服开个新号铺垫
: at least allow me to start a new account in that server with my own account,
: if that's more appropriate, since I've been devoting so many time and heart
: into that server with my friends. blahblahblah ...
: 成,

发帖数: 1237
nnd, 毕竟是文化人,太会写了。

from my friend. Since that day 大猩猩 is under my control only.
obligatory but a pardon gesture. Could you consider this as a solution:
new account in Draon's legacy server with my own account (Yes, the toon I'm
speaking now)
to Dragon's legacy, at that time you said every slot is spoken for, hereby I
make this request, if 大猩猩 is removed or cant be restored, may I take his
slot and continue.
. In short, it's not account, but friendship counts --- I've been d

【在 p****s 的大作中提到】
: 看这个, 够董卿了不:
: http://forums-mightandmagicheroeskingdoms.ubi.com/us/read.php?71,12761,13351#msg-13351
: Your Mighty,
: My lord ChemZero, let me clarify this. It is me who took over this account from my friend. Since that day 大猩猩 is under my control only.
: You can trace back the IP flow to verify this fact, what I asked is not obligatory but a pardon gesture. Could you consider this as a solution:
: 1. If the account can be restored, that's much appreciated.
: 2. And if that is impossible then at least allow

发帖数: 11078
哦 这样有积极作用? 那我去支持一把

【在 p****s 的大作中提到】
: 别在这赞, 作为联盟话事人, 你到tech issue的论坛支持一把啊
发帖数: 32405
当然, 快来, 快来, 这个GM啥意思这段话?
My dear subject, I would love to have you roll on Dragon Legacy on your current account. Do so immediately before a slot falls out. Currently there are 20 or so slots available. So hurry.
Inasmuch as I have been a benevolent lord and dictator, this is one case wherein I am unable to restore to you that which was lost. You must stay the course, Windsun, and attempt to find your own place in Dragon Legacy.
I'll entirely remove the account (chinese characters) from

【在 r*********g 的大作中提到】
: 哦 这样有积极作用? 那我去支持一把
发帖数: 27573

current account. Do so immediately before a slot falls out. Currently there
are 20 or so slots available. So hurry.
wherein I am unable to restore to you that which was lost. You must stay the
course, Windsun, and attempt to find your own place in Dragon Legacy.
'll stand a chance of getting the same space, even.

【在 p****s 的大作中提到】
: 当然, 快来, 快来, 这个GM啥意思这段话?
: Windsun,
: My dear subject, I would love to have you roll on Dragon Legacy on your current account. Do so immediately before a slot falls out. Currently there are 20 or so slots available. So hurry.
: Inasmuch as I have been a benevolent lord and dictator, this is one case wherein I am unable to restore to you that which was lost. You must stay the course, Windsun, and attempt to find your own place in Dragon Legacy.
: I'll entirely remove the account (chinese characters) from

发帖数: 3972

current account. Do so immediately before a slot falls out. Currently there
are 20 or so slots available. So hurry.
wherein I am unable to restore to you that which was lost. You must stay the
course, Windsun, and attempt to find your own place in Dragon Legacy.
'll stand a chance of getting the same space, even.

【在 p****s 的大作中提到】
: 当然, 快来, 快来, 这个GM啥意思这段话?
: Windsun,
: My dear subject, I would love to have you roll on Dragon Legacy on your current account. Do so immediately before a slot falls out. Currently there are 20 or so slots available. So hurry.
: Inasmuch as I have been a benevolent lord and dictator, this is one case wherein I am unable to restore to you that which was lost. You must stay the course, Windsun, and attempt to find your own place in Dragon Legacy.
: I'll entirely remove the account (chinese characters) from

发帖数: 11078
其他人也赶紧去注册 Xxiner!之类


【在 d*******g 的大作中提到】
: 赶紧去注册一个号
: current account. Do so immediately before a slot falls out. Currently there
: are 20 or so slots available. So hurry.
: wherein I am unable to restore to you that which was lost. You must stay the
: course, Windsun, and attempt to find your own place in Dragon Legacy.
: 'll stand a chance of getting the same space, even.

发帖数: 2784
或者重新用refer link注册一个,不过注意别再让系统认为同ip多帐号了

current account. Do so immediately before a slot falls out. Currently there
are 20 or so slots available. So hurry.
wherein I am unable to restore to you that which was lost. You must stay the
course, Windsun, and attempt to find your own place in Dragon Legacy.
'll stand a chance of getting the same space, even.

【在 p****s 的大作中提到】
: 当然, 快来, 快来, 这个GM啥意思这段话?
: Windsun,
: My dear subject, I would love to have you roll on Dragon Legacy on your current account. Do so immediately before a slot falls out. Currently there are 20 or so slots available. So hurry.
: Inasmuch as I have been a benevolent lord and dictator, this is one case wherein I am unable to restore to you that which was lost. You must stay the course, Windsun, and attempt to find your own place in Dragon Legacy.
: I'll entirely remove the account (chinese characters) from

发帖数: 32405
快快快, refer link, 现在用谁的?

【在 o***g 的大作中提到】
: 让你现在就来,让你用你的帐号,借机不知道能否换到我们这边来
: 或者重新用refer link注册一个,不过注意别再让系统认为同ip多帐号了
: current account. Do so immediately before a slot falls out. Currently there
: are 20 or so slots available. So hurry.
: wherein I am unable to restore to you that which was lost. You must stay the
: course, Windsun, and attempt to find your own place in Dragon Legacy.
: 'll stand a chance of getting the same space, even.

发帖数: 11078
1 (共1页)
发现一个很不错的deal!est gearslots问题
[WOT] May Gift Shop Offers: Deal~~~~~推荐一个最近在玩的MMORPG
靠,D3 太多让人无语,随时取消拍卖[HOMMK]FAQ[大家贡献]
很鸡冻风阳你再试一次Dragon Legacy
plutus 快去![HOMMK]DragonLegacy世界的不活动号们
1m gold $0.25, 通货大膨胀啊有人进dragon legacy了!
Plutus Now!hommk在哪儿注册?
est给推荐2个赚钱的地方(WOT)clan needs you
话题: account话题: so话题: legacy话题: my话题: dragon