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Game版 - [HOMMK] 1 week free subscription compensation!
[HOMMK] Siege 和防守的最佳英雄是什么?[HOMMK]4服:西南战争第一炮,居然是darksider先挑起来的。
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话题: gmt话题: game话题: our话题: tuesday
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1813
one week free subscription now! lol... Please find the news below in
the main page.
Aftermath of the server shutdown on Tuesday 1st of February.
By Sawinaya on 02/02 09:06
The situation returned to normal.
As you have probably noticed, we have this Tuesday from 9:00 am (GMT)
suffered a long maintenance preventing the access to the website and
therefore to the game.
This interruption of our services was not planned so we could not inform
Totally beyond our control, it followed an update from our server host
that was not set to have impacted the access to the game.
The website was unavailable all day and a part of the night, blocking
even our access to keep you informed of the situation.
The forums were back around 3.30am (GMT) this night.
A long interruption of this magnitude during the day has its
consequences and quite some impact on the game worlds, with its sieges
and the current attacks.
The actions are based on finishing dates, not on duration, so the losses
would have been too great.
We preferred to postpone all actions by 24H. Thus, all actions that had
to be completed after 10.47am (GMT) on Tuesday, have been postponed for
one day, so today 10.47am.
This operation is very difficult (changing millions of entries in the
database), but luckily went well. The servers have been restarted
shortly before noon (at 10.47am GMT) , so players could resume their
lives in game normally.
Our development team keeps monitoring the situation on the servers,
especially the calculations of influence and all actions related to the
night in game, theoretically invisible (or almost) for you.
The situation was unusual and unpredictable, but the impact has been
minimized so that life on the different worlds can go on as usual.
Furthermore we offer a weekly subscription, in compensation for the
forced wait and trouble experienced.
For this, a code has been generated, usable once per account before the
16th of February, 2011.
Code: Feb02
Use on the web page :
You will see the extension of your subscription (or the appearance of a
subscription period) in your profile in game.
We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding,
The M&M HK Team.
1 (共1页)
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[HOMMK] Siege 和防守的最佳英雄是什么?[HOMMK]4服:西南战争第一炮,居然是darksider先挑起来的。
话题: gmt话题: game话题: our话题: tuesday