那谁,那谁谁,回来看看哈 =P
On the occasion of the Third Anniversary, we would like to announce the
following features on this day:
1. Free restoration drink in the tavern.
2. All characters of combat level 3 and above may choose one of three
gift options:
-Faction skill points;
-Tradeable personalized memorial artifact;
-Master Hunter license for the standard period.
The durability of the memorial artifact will directly depend on the amount
of days on which the Lord had participated in combats.
3. Quick group combat option. The player settles his or her troops and
chooses tactical presets (sword - offensive; shield - defensive. All combat
turns occur automatically).
4. 4x4 group combat type option for quick combats;
5. Festive potion of oblivion in the shop for as low a cost as 10 gold!