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Game版 - 【WoT】今晚午夜开始更新7.1
用free xp直接升级到VK3601 (H)想充钱买type 59了...
7.0 重要更新T29省级炮塔有啥用?
今晚的打野鸭活动2801 就是坦克里的特种部队
2683xp 84k t32铁头十一杀!法国10级重坦AMX 50B
[wot] Version 7.3 Public Test #17.1 法系车评估 (转)
[WoT] 坦克世界 All Star #8: PzKpfw II Luchs and M-22 Locust.[WOT]法系坦克测试感受
[WoT] 坦克世界 Battle of the Bulge Special 3x XP etct-25真是一代神车啊~
话题: fixed话题: increased话题: shell话题: added
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 656
finally coming...
发帖数: 11078

啊啊啊啊 IS-4和-3的装甲修补了?更强大了?!哈哈哈哈

【在 W*********s 的大作中提到】
: finally coming...
发帖数: 1813
Yeah! Cocoon, See! It Meets my estimation exactly! lol...

【在 r*********g 的大作中提到】
: 啊啊啊啊 IS-4和-3的装甲修补了?更强大了?!哈哈哈哈

发帖数: 21367
yeah :) but i don't like french tanks...

【在 S******r 的大作中提到】
: Yeah! Cocoon, See! It Meets my estimation exactly! lol...
发帖数: 1813
Cocoon, there are other changes. Here you go. lol
Version 7.1 Update Notes
Added a preliminary French Tech Tree (18 vehicles): Renault FT, D1, D2, B1,
BDR G1B, Arl 44, AMX M4(1945), AMX 50 100, AMX 50 120, AMX 50 68t, Hotchkiss
H35, AMX 38, AMX 40, AMX12t, AMX 13 75, AMX 13 90, Lorraine 40t, Bat
Chatillon 25t
Automatic and semiautomatic guns transferred into a new system of auto-
loading multi-round mechanisms
Maximum battle level for Type 59 increased by 1
Type 59 battle profitability increased by 5%
Maximum battle level for Tier 4 and Tier 5 SPGs decreased by 1
Fixed tank armor: IS-3 (top turret front), IS-4 (hull side and 122mm BL-9
gun mantlet), T95 (hull side armor increased)
Fixed or reworked tank damage models: StuG III, Pz II Luchs, Pz B2 740 (f),
BT-SV, T95, M5 Stuart, M4 Sherman, Maus (inconsistent front hull penetration
by HE rounds)
TD ISU-152 moved to anew armor system with 16 groups and sided armor
Churchill moved to anew armor system with 16 groups and sided armor
Fixed tank camouflage: VK 4502A, KV-220, Pz II, M26 Pershing, M3 Lee
Fixed bugs in tank models: T1 Cunningham, T34, Maus, Pz III, T-46, Churchill
, KV-1S, Object 212,Pz VI Tiger, T32, Grille, Pz II Luchs, VK3001P, Lowe
Fixed incorrect gunshot effects: JagdPz IV 7,5 cm StuK 42 L/70 gun, PzVI
Tiger 8,8 cm KwK 43L/71 gun, PzIV Ausf G 7,5 cm KwK 42 L/70 gun
Fixed the same gun models 7.5cm L/70 and 8.8cm L/56 for JagdPanther
Fixed bugs in burning effects of destroyed tanks
Fixed some errors on maps: Fjords, Marsh, Steppe, Malinovka
Fixed "Fjords" mini map
Fixed client-to-server synchronization upon tank destruction by ramming
Fixed ammunition resupply as a default setting
Fixed impossible-to-close windows of private chat channels
Added name of tank model (short) after the player's name in parentheses in
battle screen for all communications (chat, information about damage and
destruction, etc.)
Fixed cluster indicator in login queuing notification (now visible)
Fixed bugs in the mechanism for automatic cluster selection on login
Reduced ‘end of session’ interval when switching from cluster to cluster
Fixed some bugs with battle replays
Fixed a client crash after a long loading of battle replays
Contact list removed from player’s battle log
Added an interface visibility toggle during battle replays ("v" key)
Fixed the red "Texture not found" square instead of a clan logo when
changing settings
Added an alternate color scheme for a reload progress-bar and a gun marker
Fixed bug with not displayed new invitations for an open invite channel
Fixed blinking of an invite channel in the absence of active invitations
Fixed a Commander modifier disappearance while hovering a cursor over a crew
Fixed bug of loading pre-battle room for ready but un-distributed company
Fixed a system message while adding /purchasing an already existing player's
Fixed garage freezing at the game entry with a pressed "Enter" key on the
login screen
Fixed reload indicator ‘freeze’
Fixed a tank tier indicator displacement in team lists
Fixed voice chat malfunction
Fixed voice chat animation for terminated chat connections
Restored ‘tank in company battle’ indicator for company battles
Fixed a bug within ability to press "Ready" once a tank company is in battle
Fixed a rare bug in random switching to “Not ready” in company interface
Fixed incorrect message when mounting an ‘already in depot’ consumable
Fixed a rare bug within ability to close a pop-up modal message when
changing graphics settings
Fixed a display of 'Attention to sector' message in chat from an ‘ignore’
Reworked battle menu popping up on pressing "Esc" key
Added a “background” image for a number of remaining rounds
Fixed incorrect display of available resolutions when switching from a full
screen to window mode
Fixed a sharp change in transparency of trees when moving in sniper mode
Fixed short hand names for E-series tanks
Fixed non-functional interface when switching between tanks in service
Fixed client crash when selling modules from depot
Added a message notifying that a gold camouflage will be destroyed if
Vehicle Changes
8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 gun reload time increased from 4.8 to 5.3 sec
8.8cm PaK 43 L/71 gun reload time increased from 4.8 to 5.3 sec
Suspension traverse speed increased by 2 deg/sec
Dispersion from movement and suspension traversing decreased by 5%
I turret traverse speed increased by 10 deg/sec
II turret traverse speed increased by 5 deg/sec
I turret view range increased to 300 m
II turret view range increased to 350 m
PzKpfw 35 (t):
I turret view range increased to 330 m
II turret view range increased to 370 m
Ammo rack sizes changed for 3.cm KwK 34t L/40 and 3.7cm KwK 38t L/47 guns
PzKpfw 38 (t):
Ammo rack sizes changed for the 3.7cm KwK 38t L/47 gun
Aim time for the II turret 4.7cm PaK 38t L/43 gun set at 1.5 sec
PzKpfw III:
I turret view range increased to 380 m
2.0cm KwK 30:
Added a multi-roundreload system with 10 shells per clip and rate of fire
280 rounds/min
Changed parameters for tanks: PzKpfw 35 (t), PzKpfw II
Penetration with standard AP shells increased to 46 mm
2.0cm Breda:
Added a multi-round reload system with 12 shells per clip and rate of fire
240 rounds/min
Changed basic characteristics: reload time, aim time, gun dispersion
Changed parameters for Leichttraktor
Penetration with standard AP shells increased to 30 mm
2.0cm Flak 38 L/112:
Added a multi-round reload system with 10 shells per clip and rate of fire
450 rounds/min
Re-adjusted the vehicle gun parameters: PzKpfw 35 (t), PzKpfw 38 nA, PzKpfw
II, PzKpfw 38 (t),PzKpfw III, PzKpfw III Ausf. A, PzKpfw II Luchs, VK 1602
2.0cm KwK 38 L/55:
Added a multi-round reload system with 10 shells per clip and rate of fire
450 rounds/min
Re-adjusted the vehicle gun parameters: Leichttraktor, PzKpfw II, PzKpfw III
Ausf. A, PzKpfw II Luchs
Penetration with a standard AP shell increased to 46 mm
3.7cm KwK 34t L/40:
Penetration with a standard AP shell increased up to 40 mm
Penetration with an APCR shell increased to 69 mm
3.7cm KwK 38t L/47 and 3.7cm PaK 38t L/47:
Penetration with a standard AP shell increased to 41 mm
Penetration with an APCR shell increased to 74 mm
3.7cm KwK L/46:
Penetration with a standard AP shell increased to 40 mm
Penetration with an APCR shell increased to 74 mm
4.7cm PaK 38t L/43:
Penetration with a standard AP shell increased to 62 mm
Penetration with an APCR shell increased to 115 mm
Shell damage of 3.7cm Pzgr36 increased to 36
Shell damage of 3.7cm Pzgr40 decreased to 36
Shell damage of 4.7cm Pzgr39t increased to 60
Shell damage of 4.7cm Pzgr40t increased to 60
Shell damage of 4.7cm Sprg18t increased to 75
II turret view range increased to 320 meters
Changed reload and aim time: 37mm Hotchkiss and 37mm B-3 guns
Traverse speed of both suspensions reduced by 5 deg/sec
Changed reload time, aim time, ammo rack size: 37mm Hotchkiss and 37mm B-3
I suspension traverse speed reduced to 52 deg/sec
I turret view range increased to 320 meters
II turret view range increased to 350 meters
20mm TNSh:
Added a multi-round reload system with 20 shells per clip and rate of fire
600 rounds/min
Changed gun parameters: MS-1, BT-2
Penetration with a standard AP shell increased to 28 mm
23mm VYa:
Added a multi-round reload system with 9 shells per clip with with rate of
fire 300 rounds/min
Changed gun parameters: T-26M, MS-1, BT-7, BT-2
Penetration with a standard AP shell reduced to 30 mm
37mm Sh-37:
Added a multi-round reload system with 5 shells per clip and rate of fire
170 rounds/min
Changed gun parameters: Т-46, Т-50, Т-52, А-20
37mm B-3: penetration with an APCR shell increased to 40 mm
37mm Hotchkiss: penetration with an APCR shell increased to 34 mm
45mm 20K: penetration with an APCR shell increased to 88 mm
45mm (1932):
Penetration with a standard AP shell increased to 51 mm
Penetration with an APCR shell increased to 88 mm
M2 Light Tank: I turret view range reduced to 300 meters
M5 Stuart: I turret view range increased to 380 meters
12.7mm MG HB M2:
Added a multi-round reload system with 40 shells per clip and rate of fire
450 rounds/min
Changed gun parameters: M2 Light Tank
20mm Hispano Suiza Birgikt gun:
Added a multi-round reload system with 15 shells per clip and rate of fire
600 rounds/min
Changed gun parameters: T1 Cunningham, T2 Light Tank, T2 Medium Tank, M5
Stuart, M3 Stuart, M2 Light Tank
37mm Gun M1916:
Changed basic gun parameters: reload time, aim time, dispersion
Penetration with a standard AP shell reduced to 28 mm
Penetration with an APCR shell reduced to 45 mm
37mm semiautomatic gun M1924:
Added a multi-round reload system with 5 shells per clip and rate of fire
120 rounds/min
Changed gun parameters: T2 Medium Tank, T1 Cunningham
Penetration with a standard AP shell reduced to 33 mm
37mm Browning semiautomatic gun:
Added a multi-round reload system with 5 shells per clip and rate of fire
120 rounds/min
Changed gun parameters: T2 Medium Tank, T1 Cunningham
Penetration with a standard AP shell reduced to 39 mm
37mm M-6 L/53 M2:
Dispersion reduced to 0.36
37mm M-5:
Changed reload and aim time: M3 Stuart, T2 Medium Tank

【在 c****n 的大作中提到】
: yeah :) but i don't like french tanks...
发帖数: 1829

【在 W*********s 的大作中提到】
: finally coming...
发帖数: 21367
T95的罩门是顶盖啊。。。 用Obj.261远远的瞄准那两个圆环中的一个
然后看着运气好的一发炮弹扎进去... 感觉真是无与伦比...

【在 k*x 的大作中提到】
: 难道是冥冥之中自有天意吗?昨晚倾家荡产买了T34,最后不得不靠火炮赚弹药费
: T95v5,现在只剩菊花一个罩门了

发帖数: 656
7.1出来以后除了clan war,大家就组队练法系吧,同一个起点练,会很欢乐的。那时
发帖数: 1829

【在 c****n 的大作中提到】
: T95的罩门是顶盖啊。。。 用Obj.261远远的瞄准那两个圆环中的一个
: 然后看着运气好的一发炮弹扎进去... 感觉真是无与伦比...

发帖数: 21367

【在 k*x 的大作中提到】
: 会不会发生零伤害?
发帖数: 293
Fixed or reworked tank damage models: StuG III, Pz II Luchs, Pz B2 740
1 (共1页)
t-25真是一代神车啊~2683xp 84k t32铁头十一杀!
一个穿深问题[wot] Version 7.3 Public Test #1
真TM成maus世界了[WoT] 坦克世界 All Star #8: PzKpfw II Luchs and M-22 Locust.
T32怎么搞南哥?[WoT] 坦克世界 Battle of the Bulge Special 3x XP etc
用free xp直接升级到VK3601 (H)想充钱买type 59了...
7.0 重要更新T29省级炮塔有啥用?
今晚的打野鸭活动2801 就是坦克里的特种部队
话题: fixed话题: increased话题: shell话题: added