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Golf版 - 新年新器材 - 大家都准备上什么新东东?
推荐一款新putter - Scotty Cameron Detour by TitleistMy new putter Scotty 2012 California Monterery
给国内爱好golf的好友的礼物Costco Callaway
山寨Scotty Cameron Newport 2What is the cheapest way to buy an R9?
超A Titleist SCOTTY CAMERON 推杆 高尔夫推杆 惊爆价买高尔夫球杆要买Taylor Made or Calla Way,这两个牌子的
I've decided to go with Scotty Cameron大出卖
Scotty cameron Newport Studio vs Circa 62golf展示日体会(2)
有用过scotty cameron putter的吗?我曾拥用过的球杆
change putter? Odyssey Black Series Tour Designs #9 Putters近期shopping list
话题: my话题: mb话题: 新年新话题: scotty话题: cameron
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 210
铁杆,看好了taylormade rac mb tp,看了不少reviews,赞扬声一片。唯一不太确定
的是off center hits是否结果会很惨。
推杆,仍然在犹豫,有几个选择,scotty cameron red x2, scotty cameron futura
phantom, heavy putter b1, never compromise gm2-hm, 现在仍举棋不定,喜欢程度
发帖数: 10701
My friend -Chris, who works for the local golf course, also a school golf
team member of local community college, bought this one one month ago.He
likes it and used a combo set, p-5 of rac mb tp, and 4-3 of tm lh( I think.)
I hit once and hit two balls, I hit all balls good, actually, better than
Chris. hehe..
I read the lastest golfdigest. It said less and less Tour players use pure
muscle back clubs now. I am not so sure if you really have to go for the
muscle back. Does the model have cb mode

【在 s*******w 的大作中提到】
: 先说俺现在想上的:
: 铁杆,看好了taylormade rac mb tp,看了不少reviews,赞扬声一片。唯一不太确定
: 的是off center hits是否结果会很惨。
: 推杆,仍然在犹豫,有几个选择,scotty cameron red x2, scotty cameron futura
: phantom, heavy putter b1, never compromise gm2-hm, 现在仍举棋不定,喜欢程度
: 基本上是按以上排列,不过那一个都有点爱不释手。
: 各位有什么建议?

发帖数: 210
x2 is a mallet, center shafted. i tried for a few minutes in the shop and i
really like the feel, but has yet to borrow it to the course.
i've never owned a mb set. maybe now it's time to do it since i am give my
current set to someone else. i don't want to replace it with the same thing,
just want to try something new.
i'd like to improve my ball striking with my irons. with cb there's not
enough feed back on off center hits, i thought by practicing with mb i
should be able to increase my consi

【在 ET 的大作中提到】
: My friend -Chris, who works for the local golf course, also a school golf
: team member of local community college, bought this one one month ago.He
: likes it and used a combo set, p-5 of rac mb tp, and 4-3 of tm lh( I think.)
: I hit once and hit two balls, I hit all balls good, actually, better than
: Chris. hehe..
: I read the lastest golfdigest. It said less and less Tour players use pure
: muscle back clubs now. I am not so sure if you really have to go for the
: muscle back. Does the model have cb mode

1 (共1页)
近期shopping listI've decided to go with Scotty Cameron
新手上路,请ET赐教Scotty cameron Newport Studio vs Circa 62
给推荐几根推杆吧有用过scotty cameron putter的吗?
Taylormade TOUR Burner 169.99$ +SHchange putter? Odyssey Black Series Tour Designs #9 Putters
推荐一款新putter - Scotty Cameron Detour by TitleistMy new putter Scotty 2012 California Monterery
给国内爱好golf的好友的礼物Costco Callaway
山寨Scotty Cameron Newport 2What is the cheapest way to buy an R9?
超A Titleist SCOTTY CAMERON 推杆 高尔夫推杆 惊爆价买高尔夫球杆要买Taylor Made or Calla Way,这两个牌子的
话题: my话题: mb话题: 新年新话题: scotty话题: cameron