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Golf版 - How to practice to eliminate 3-putts ?
14 greens, stillSean O'Hair won RBC, just like weekend golfers' skin game
tamingamt,我们可以交换长短game的心得。pta test 结果
after back from vacation,win some money today
大家谈谈明年的目标吧。7 feet or 2 米,你能100%,90% or80% 推进??
4 clubs for +2Tiger: you need make the DAMN cut!
Puttingcamilo villagas won
anyone want to play at callippe today at 5pmtilden park, 7am, tuesday, 6/22
话题: putt话题: putts话题: practice话题: feet话题: eliminate
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 165
Do not use more than 3 balls.
Drop the balls at 20, 30, and 40 feet on aproximately the same line.
Start with the 40ft putt.
Here is the most important mental key:
TRY TO MAKE EACH PUTT !! (meaning read your lines carefully.)
Repeat from different sides of the hole.
发帖数: 4031
I usually use two balls to practice on a putting green. Putt nine holes and
count how many three putts on the session, and how many first putts not to
within four feet of the cup. It works for me, sort of.
发帖数: 3067
The thing is that on the practice green, i always putt good for long putts.
But on the course, with all other factors, i always end up messing the
distance or break of my first putt, and leave myself around 4-5 feet to
Seems that i can not remember how hard to putt for the first putt, ie,
problem with distance control, sometimes long, way long, sometimes short.
It is a shame that my long game now is at my prime, as good as guys in 70s
or low 80s, but my score wind up with high 8/90s, and seems that the more I
play the worse i got. Funny thing is that I have been devoting all my
practice time for my short game. I dont even remember the other time I hit
bucket of balls with my driver and long clubs, (other than the last time, i
was trying to test my carry distance after we discuss about carry vs roll
One the course, when you face a long putt, how do you remember how hard to
putt the ball? I had a friend told me that he just see the distance, and he
know how hard to putt. That works for him but seems not helpful to me at all.

【在 t***w 的大作中提到】
: Do not use more than 3 balls.
: Drop the balls at 20, 30, and 40 feet on aproximately the same line.
: Start with the 40ft putt.
: Here is the most important mental key:
: TRY TO MAKE EACH PUTT !! (meaning read your lines carefully.)
: Repeat from different sides of the hole.

发帖数: 4031
Putting tips to share:
1. Worrying about three putts adds tension.
2. Speed is almost everything. Don’t spend too much time trying to
determine the perfect line. Remember, two putts is your goal.
3. Prepare on necessary speed, read how the green with the right speed, you
can badly misread the break and still have a two feet for birdie.
4. A perfect read does you no good if your putt rolls 10 feet past the hole.


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: The thing is that on the practice green, i always putt good for long putts.
: But on the course, with all other factors, i always end up messing the
: distance or break of my first putt, and leave myself around 4-5 feet to
: recover.
: Seems that i can not remember how hard to putt for the first putt, ie,
: problem with distance control, sometimes long, way long, sometimes short.
: It is a shame that my long game now is at my prime, as good as guys in 70s
: or low 80s, but my score wind up with high 8/90s, and seems that the more I
: play the worse i got. Funny thing is that I have been devoting all my
: practice time for my short game. I dont even remember the other time I hit

发帖数: 10701
1. 把长距离的推球想想成和短距离没啥区别。


【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: Putting tips to share:
: 1. Worrying about three putts adds tension.
: 2. Speed is almost everything. Don’t spend too much time trying to
: determine the perfect line. Remember, two putts is your goal.
: 3. Prepare on necessary speed, read how the green with the right speed, you
: can badly misread the break and still have a two feet for birdie.
: 4. A perfect read does you no good if your putt rolls 10 feet past the hole.
: I

发帖数: 165
Aff, In this case, may be you should use a systematic approach for long
putts vs. the "feel" approach. Meaning when you practice long putts,
actually walk-off the distance and match it with the length of your take-
away and follow through.
I hope this help and you comeback with a scorecard of 79. hahaha ; )


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: The thing is that on the practice green, i always putt good for long putts.
: But on the course, with all other factors, i always end up messing the
: distance or break of my first putt, and leave myself around 4-5 feet to
: recover.
: Seems that i can not remember how hard to putt for the first putt, ie,
: problem with distance control, sometimes long, way long, sometimes short.
: It is a shame that my long game now is at my prime, as good as guys in 70s
: or low 80s, but my score wind up with high 8/90s, and seems that the more I
: play the worse i got. Funny thing is that I have been devoting all my
: practice time for my short game. I dont even remember the other time I hit

发帖数: 3067
if i break 80, i will give everyone a baozi, triple baozi for you //kaka

【在 t***w 的大作中提到】
: Aff, In this case, may be you should use a systematic approach for long
: putts vs. the "feel" approach. Meaning when you practice long putts,
: actually walk-off the distance and match it with the length of your take-
: away and follow through.
: I hope this help and you comeback with a scorecard of 79. hahaha ; )
: I

发帖数: 398
my putting exercise routine to share:
1. short putt within 5 feet.
2. long putt,no matter the distance, stoke the ball within 5 feet.
now, I can get around 80% to the hole within 5 feet. for long putt,60%
chance put ball within 5 feet.
This strategy works for me very well upto now, 50%chance I can avoid 3 putts
发帖数: 769
1。 先掷币决定由某人先推球。 这人可根据情况做出对自己最有利的选择,或对对方
2。 根据两球离洞的距离,推球离洞远的人先推第二杆,近的后推第二杆。
3。 分数的计算:第一杆离洞近的,如果第二杆能进洞,得一分;没进洞,不得分。
第一杆离洞远的,如果第二杆能进洞,不得分;没进洞,丢一分。 先推者,第一杆进
洞,得二分。 后推者,如在先推第一杆者的球进洞的情况下,也能第一杆将球推进,
4。 下一洞的先推者,由上一洞第一杆推球离洞近者获得。
5。 整个GAME的分数,可根据时间,选择五或十分,先得满分者获胜。
这个GAME没有第三次推杆,其设计的含意,可自己想想。 奖惩包含了心理因素。

【在 t***w 的大作中提到】
: Do not use more than 3 balls.
: Drop the balls at 20, 30, and 40 feet on aproximately the same line.
: Start with the 40ft putt.
: Here is the most important mental key:
: TRY TO MAKE EACH PUTT !! (meaning read your lines carefully.)
: Repeat from different sides of the hole.

发帖数: 4031
You just had 38 for a 9 holes in the weekend, so we all need baozi from you. LOL.

【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: haha
: if i break 80, i will give everyone a baozi, triple baozi for you //kaka

发帖数: 3067
I wish I could be that good. but that 18 holes totally beat me down.
if i have a round (18 holes) break 80, i will give baozi automaticly.

you. LOL.

【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: You just had 38 for a 9 holes in the weekend, so we all need baozi from you. LOL.
发帖数: 276
相对而言, 这个在高球中比较容易达到。 但是, 再降低到平均1.8杆/洞, 就比较
不容易, 必需要比较好的short games。 以下仅个人经验,
1 练扎实的直推功, 练习到5 yards. 到 lowes 买几根小铁棒棒,1.99/根, 忘记
名字,同样东西, golfgalaxy卖8刀/根. 摆成tunnel, 苦练。 好消息是每天连 1 小
时, 几天就可能见效:)
2. 对于长距离,力求第一杆推到离洞1-2尺范围 (握竿一定不要紧)。
3. 准备时, 一定要做 practice stroke, 一定要慢慢想象, 用眼睛, “看”, 球
4. 3 结束后, 移杆到球后,再用眼睛, 想象球如何动目前位置, 沿何轨迹入洞
5. 以上结束后, 眼睛从洞位置, 慢慢审视球的轨迹到球目前位置;
6。 5 结束后, putt
我刚接触高球时, 未对 3,4,5,重视, 后来发现对我很有用 (1) 增加信心 (2
至于1, 属于基本功, 没有什么可说的; 2: 刚开始联系, 我用距离决定挥杆, 被
教练批一顿, 后通过 practice stroke 反馈, 基本可以达到目的。

【在 t***w 的大作中提到】
: Do not use more than 3 balls.
: Drop the balls at 20, 30, and 40 feet on aproximately the same line.
: Start with the 40ft putt.
: Here is the most important mental key:
: TRY TO MAKE EACH PUTT !! (meaning read your lines carefully.)
: Repeat from different sides of the hole.

1 (共1页)
tilden park, 7am, tuesday, 6/22大家谈谈明年的目标吧。
no improvment yah~~4 clubs for +2
ET, how to improve putting?Putting
奇怪anyone want to play at callippe today at 5pm
14 greens, stillSean O'Hair won RBC, just like weekend golfers' skin game
tamingamt,我们可以交换长短game的心得。pta test 结果
after back from vacation,win some money today
话题: putt话题: putts话题: practice话题: feet话题: eliminate