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Golf版 - ET约战 CTSports 09/17/2012 - 10/01/2012
ET约战CTSports 07/15/2012 - 07/29/2012[closed CTSports Won]75 for today's Skin Game
tamingamt 约战 TerraNova 07/16/2012 - -07/31/2012 [open]today's skins game
shot 84 for the first round of Men's City ChampionshipSkin Game
yesterday's skin gamedarn.. can't believe I am still able to shoot under 80
skin gameToday's Game
What is your favorite format? Stroke play or Match play大家打球的小彩头如何设计?
holy.. another roundYesterday's skins game..
talk my friend, Mark's swing今年的kizer/clay skins game 排名
话题: ctsports话题: 2012话题: played话题: 约战话题: et
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10701
约战者: ET
官方差点? : 不是
同时约战其他球员: 是
被约者: CTSports
比赛形式: 18洞 比杆赛
基于差点: 是
比赛赌注: 200 伪币
比赛开始日期: 09/17/2012
比赛必须完成日期: 10/01/2012
发帖数: 1917
应战者: CTSports
官方差点? : 是
同时约战其他球员: 是
被约者: CTSports
比赛形式: 18洞 比杆赛
基于差点: 是
比赛赌注: I don't have much, whatever I have in my war chest :)
比赛开始日期: 09/17/2012
比赛必须完成日期: 10/01/2012

【在 ET 的大作中提到】
: 约战者: ET
: 差点:8
: 官方差点? : 不是
: 同时约战其他球员: 是
: 被约者: CTSports
: 比赛形式: 18洞 比杆赛
: 基于差点: 是
: 比赛赌注: 200 伪币
: 比赛开始日期: 09/17/2012
: 比赛必须完成日期: 10/01/2012

发帖数: 1917
Here's the recap of my round, maybe we all use similar format when reporting
scores (for no handicap adjustment, the score to compare is the score in
relation to par/course rating, a.k.a.相对杆数).
球场:Hudson Hills http://www.hudsonhillsgolf.com/index.php
相对杆数(Gross Score - Course Rating): 84-73.7 = +10.3

【在 ET 的大作中提到】
: 约战者: ET
: 差点:8
: 官方差点? : 不是
: 同时约战其他球员: 是
: 被约者: CTSports
: 比赛形式: 18洞 比杆赛
: 基于差点: 是
: 比赛赌注: 200 伪币
: 比赛开始日期: 09/17/2012
: 比赛必须完成日期: 10/01/2012

发帖数: 10701
Sorry it's late for me to post my score I played last Tuesday Skins Game.
I still played at the same court: Roy Kizer, a par 71, tournament-setup
course, 72.2/125, measured at 6819 yards. I shot 80 - unfortunately, 3-
putted for the last hole.
+5 for back 9, and +4 for front 9. had two birdies, had one tripple.
Played with 4 ex-college players. One of those hit 18 green-in-regulation.
I had 3 3-putts which probably was the symptom I have not played for two
I can use the 相对杆数: 80 - 72.2 = 7.8
So I declare I won this challenge.
If you are not object, I will close this challenge.


【在 C******s 的大作中提到】
: Here's the recap of my round, maybe we all use similar format when reporting
: scores (for no handicap adjustment, the score to compare is the score in
: relation to par/course rating, a.k.a.相对杆数).
: 球员:CTSports
: 日期:09/16/2012
: 球场:Hudson Hills http://www.hudsonhillsgolf.com/index.php
: 球场长度及难度系数:6935码,73.7/139
: 总杆数:84
: 相对杆数(Gross Score - Course Rating): 84-73.7 = +10.3

发帖数: 1917
Great round! you won! Congrats!
I will send you the BBS Coins.

【在 ET 的大作中提到】
: Sorry it's late for me to post my score I played last Tuesday Skins Game.
: I still played at the same court: Roy Kizer, a par 71, tournament-setup
: course, 72.2/125, measured at 6819 yards. I shot 80 - unfortunately, 3-
: putted for the last hole.
: +5 for back 9, and +4 for front 9. had two birdies, had one tripple.
: Played with 4 ex-college players. One of those hit 18 green-in-regulation.
: I had 3 3-putts which probably was the symptom I have not played for two
: months.
: I can use the 相对杆数: 80 - 72.2 = 7.8
: So I declare I won this challenge.

发帖数: 10701
Recieved. Thanks.
I do think I have a big mental advantage when playing at Roy Kizer.
Even it's played from the back tee, and some holes looked quite challenge
from over there, I just don't be scared from it.
it's the same story when playing at jimmy clay.

【在 C******s 的大作中提到】
: Great round! you won! Congrats!
: I will send you the BBS Coins.

发帖数: 3067
yeah. that was a great round.
shot 80 on at rating 72.2 course is very very impressive.

【在 ET 的大作中提到】
: Recieved. Thanks.
: I do think I have a big mental advantage when playing at Roy Kizer.
: Even it's played from the back tee, and some holes looked quite challenge
: from over there, I just don't be scared from it.
: it's the same story when playing at jimmy clay.

1 (共1页)
今年的kizer/clay skins game 排名skin game
前天的skins gameWhat is your favorite format? Stroke play or Match play
今天赢了许多 skins.holy.. another round
昨天的Skinstalk my friend, Mark's swing
ET约战CTSports 07/15/2012 - 07/29/2012[closed CTSports Won]75 for today's Skin Game
tamingamt 约战 TerraNova 07/16/2012 - -07/31/2012 [open]today's skins game
shot 84 for the first round of Men's City ChampionshipSkin Game
yesterday's skin gamedarn.. can't believe I am still able to shoot under 80
话题: ctsports话题: 2012话题: played话题: 约战话题: et