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Golf版 - 《高尔夫N年》征文
tamingamt 约战 TerraNova 07/16/2012 - -07/31/2012 [open]今年第一次接触GOLF,现在已经彻底迷上了
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话题: golf话题: n年话题: seen话题: shot话题: 高尔夫
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1917
发帖数: 1917

【在 C******s 的大作中提到】
: 前几天看到不少《来美N年》的文章,大家有空也可以写些《高尔夫N年》文章,怎么样
: ?

发帖数: 276
哈哈, 一定写一个支持。就是太忙, 好久没有摸杆了, 保证年底前写完 。 能不能
赶上deadline? :)。
发帖数: 715
这个不用晒w2。 晒几张scorecard 好了 :)

【在 C******s 的大作中提到】
: 前几天看到不少《来美N年》的文章,大家有空也可以写些《高尔夫N年》文章,怎么样
: ?

发帖数: 1917

【在 c**********e 的大作中提到】
: 哈哈, 一定写一个支持。就是太忙, 好久没有摸杆了, 保证年底前写完 。 能不能
: 赶上deadline? :)。

发帖数: 2057
发帖数: 233
这是几年前在toastmaster 的一个作业, 今天看见征文,来骗包子:-)
The topic I’m going to speak about today is, “Why do I play golf?”
When people ask me about my hobby, I say it’s GOLF. Mark Twain once said,
“Golf is a good walk spoiled.”
So why do I play?
Before I began playing golf about 10 years ago, like many others, I thought
golf was a slow, boring sport about as fun as watching paint dry. In
college, I worked at a restaurant which had the golf channel on the TV all
the time. Every golf scene looked the same to us as if we were watching a
picture frame. It was so boring, that one day, my restaurant manager offered
$100 dollars to anybody who could watch it for a year. nobody got the $100
My first encounter with golf was during the years I worked for Genpass. A
few colleagues began going to the driving range after work, so I went along.
But I didn’t go to play golf, I went for the margarita. The rest is
Since then, I managed to find time to play golf weekly for the last 10 years
. The reasons bringing me back each week are:
1) The freedom of being in the great outdoors
Over the years I’ve been playing, I’ve seen some of the most breathtaking
sights and things in my life. Any time you show up to the course you may
see something you have never seen before. I have seen the sun dropping into
the ocean causing the most breathtaking sunset I have ever seen, I have seen
a baby fox run up the cart path toward the tee box we were standing on,
jump into the woods and come out with a chip monk in its mouth and trot back
down the cart path. It's during these moments that I really take a step
back and truly appreciate this great game.
2) The sound
Ever stop and just listen to the sounds of the golf course? The pinging of
a ball hit crisply off a driver, the whoosh of a nicely struck iron shot or
the sweet sound of a ball when it drops into bottom of the cup. Not to
mention the sounds of joy and frustration from other golfers on the course.
3) The perfect golf shot
It seems to happen at least once a round, usually on the 18th hole for me,
but there is nothing like connecting perfectly with a ball. When everything
aligns just right and you step up and hit the perfect golf shot. Whether it'
s a 200 yard iron shot, leaving a short iron 2 feet from the pin or crushing
a 300 yard drive, there is nothing like it when everything clicks. It just
keeps you coming back for more.
Although golf seemed at first boring, pointless, and played by the
physically challenged, I soon realized it was not so. Golf gives me the
opportunity to soak in the beauty of nature and the great outdoors. The
sound and feel of the perfect golf shot allows me to, for an exhilarating
moment, soar with the ball through the sky towards victory at the green. I
hope to continue to enjoy this rewarding game for the rest of my life.
发帖数: 1917
您转给 hurstian,现金(伪币):100,收取手续费:1
同时附加了如下留言给 hurstian.


【在 h******n 的大作中提到】
: 这是几年前在toastmaster 的一个作业, 今天看见征文,来骗包子:-)
: The topic I’m going to speak about today is, “Why do I play golf?”
: When people ask me about my hobby, I say it’s GOLF. Mark Twain once said,
: “Golf is a good walk spoiled.”
: So why do I play?
: Before I began playing golf about 10 years ago, like many others, I thought
: golf was a slow, boring sport about as fun as watching paint dry. In
: college, I worked at a restaurant which had the golf channel on the TV all
: the time. Every golf scene looked the same to us as if we were watching a
: picture frame. It was so boring, that one day, my restaurant manager offered

发帖数: 233

【在 C******s 的大作中提到】
: 包子已骗,望查收。:)
: CTSports,您好:
: 您转给 hurstian,现金(伪币):100,收取手续费:1
: 同时附加了如下留言给 hurstian.
: 《高尔夫N年》征文奖励
: 站务
: thought
: offered

发帖数: 3067


【在 h******n 的大作中提到】
: 这是几年前在toastmaster 的一个作业, 今天看见征文,来骗包子:-)
: The topic I’m going to speak about today is, “Why do I play golf?”
: When people ask me about my hobby, I say it’s GOLF. Mark Twain once said,
: “Golf is a good walk spoiled.”
: So why do I play?
: Before I began playing golf about 10 years ago, like many others, I thought
: golf was a slow, boring sport about as fun as watching paint dry. In
: college, I worked at a restaurant which had the golf channel on the TV all
: the time. Every golf scene looked the same to us as if we were watching a
: picture frame. It was so boring, that one day, my restaurant manager offered

1 (共1页)
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tamingamt 约战 TerraNova 07/16/2012 - -07/31/2012 [open]今年第一次接触GOLF,现在已经彻底迷上了
CTSports, 你也去申请下版主吧?都说很多喜欢高尔夫的也喜欢滑雪
网球肘, 也是高尔夫球肘泰格.伍兹: 我是如何打高尔夫的 -写在前面的话
祝贺ctsports任版主中国高尔夫巡回赛(China Golf Tour)
话题: golf话题: n年话题: seen话题: shot话题: 高尔夫