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Gowest版 - admission of phd students
[转载] UIUC太妖怪了[转载] How to take toefl in USA
Re: TOFEL[转载] How to take toefl in USA.(3)-- Scoring
加菲签证记--签前准备[转载] How to take toefl in USA--(4) FAQs
Re: computer based TOEFL再谈有戏没戏
Re: 谁能提供几个可以下载历年TOEFL题目的免费站?Re: 考美国的研究生GPA是不是很重要?
GRE study Tips - by Lydia一点申请(转学)体会-运气?(2)
去www.tigtag.com看看。 Re: 哪里有TOEFL,GRE的computer based试题呀,精华区没写?材料遭check,请知情的大虾帮忙回一下
Re: TOEFL-----!![转载] Re: TOEFL writing 之 偶 见
话题: phd话题: dynamics话题: mechanics话题: admission话题: molecular
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
A PhD scholarship will be offered (late this year) to study the following topic.
Title: Investigation of nanoparticle kinetic behavior using molecular dynamics tools.
Pre-requisite subjects: thermophysics (or thermodynamics), nano-material, material science,
computational mechanics, contact mechanics, finite element analysis.
GRE above 2150, TOEFL above 600. With Master degree.
Knowledge of molecular dynamics simulation and aerosol science will be advantage.
If you are interested, please send
1 (共1页)
[转载] Re: TOEFL writing 之 偶 见Re: 谁能提供几个可以下载历年TOEFL题目的免费站?
Re: 请问:哪里有TOEFL机考的机经吗?GRE study Tips - by Lydia
Re: 请问怎么替人问托福成绩?去www.tigtag.com看看。 Re: 哪里有TOEFL,GRE的computer based试题呀,精华区没写?
No problem! Just apply!You may get full scholarship. Re: 这么差的成绩能申请吗?Re: TOEFL-----!!
[转载] UIUC太妖怪了[转载] How to take toefl in USA
Re: TOFEL[转载] How to take toefl in USA.(3)-- Scoring
加菲签证记--签前准备[转载] How to take toefl in USA--(4) FAQs
Re: computer based TOEFL再谈有戏没戏
话题: phd话题: dynamics话题: mechanics话题: admission话题: molecular