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Gowest版 - Ph.D. Fellowship at CS@Wayne State University
Ph.D. Student Position with Full Scholarship at WSU弱弱地问最近的Tofel真题去哪里买呀?
how to communicate with my advisor?问一下新东方的tofel真题20套的听力哪儿有下载?
求助:cs offer选择如何申请西北大学的市场学?
Re: TOFEL申请西北大学的市场学博士学位
Re: 电话送TOFEL成绩How did you prep for GRE in US?
Re: 请问大家Wayne State University怎么样?在美国考toefl是不是难很多?
申请TESOL遇到的问题, 急!!!在线等!!!RA position available
wayne state这个学校怎麽样?转学要重新考tofel么
话题: state话题: wayne话题: university话题: fellowship话题: cs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13
Ph.D. Fellowship at CS@Wayne State University
The Graphics and Imaging Lab, headed by Prof. Jing Hua, in the Department of Computer Science at Wayne State University is seeking one more new Ph.D. student (with the support of fellowship) work on research projects related to computer graphics, visualization, computer vision, image analysis and geometric processing. In the past 8 years, the lab has been awarded with over 6 million US dollar funding, produced many premier journal and conference papers, and graduated 9 Ph.Ds. and Masters who are now working in academia or leading industrial companies.
The successful applicant must have a strong mathematical background and have some experience in one or more of the aforementioned areas. Moreover, good communication, technical writing, and software development skills are essential. Note that, students in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics major are encouraged to apply as well.
If you are interested, please send your curriculum vita, transcripts and TOFEL/GRE scores to Prof. Jing Hua at j*****[email protected] as soon as possible.
1 (共1页)
转学要重新考tofel么Re: 电话送TOFEL成绩
请问现在北美考tofel要求口语吗?3xRe: 请问大家Wayne State University怎么样?
选校求助:Wayne State U vs U of Central Florida申请TESOL遇到的问题, 急!!!在线等!!!
忙转学,没干活,老板火了,不理我了,有关系没?wayne state这个学校怎麽样?
Ph.D. Student Position with Full Scholarship at WSU弱弱地问最近的Tofel真题去哪里买呀?
how to communicate with my advisor?问一下新东方的tofel真题20套的听力哪儿有下载?
求助:cs offer选择如何申请西北大学的市场学?
Re: TOFEL申请西北大学的市场学博士学位
话题: state话题: wayne话题: university话题: fellowship话题: cs